There is no chance of getting a new expansion seed, so this must be a protracted war, the central axis of time will continue to advance, and in a blink of an eye, the time of a hundred days will rush away.

In life, there will not be much change in more than three months. People are still busy in three months. It is difficult for you to complete your dreams in three months. It is better to create a dream for yourself. Excellent habits, so that you can be more effective, and you can move towards your goals more quickly.

that is it.

Three months can also change a lot of things. For example, Skynet Group quickly completes the plan at the rate of one super air purification plant per day.

The Yellowstone supervolcano is erupting at an accelerated rate every day.

The environmental index of human beings has dropped significantly.

Winter has already entered, but this winter seems to be extra early and extra scary. The whole world has issued a low temperature warning, and this winter will be extra cold.

People who have already prepared in advance purchase the things they need to avoid the cold in winter, and every household needs various materials.

In this environment, the free electricity provided by Skynet Group is very important, and they can use various electric heating equipment.

In this way, people have the first line of fire against the cold.

The Chinese are preparing, and the Japanese are preparing. Maybe only the Americans are not very prepared. They still have very few cities of their own.

The whole world is in panic, they are preparing for war, and many people feel that there is no hope and start to die.

They lost their lives in panic.

Human beings need good news at this time.

And this good news still belongs to Skynet Group.

Four months ago, that is, one hundred and twenty days ago, the Skynet Group blew the horn of counterattack, and human beings had their own stronghold in the occupied area of ​​the United States, Bozeman.

From this day on, human counterattacks continued to unfold, and at the same time hundreds of super air purification factories appeared to solve the counterattack brought by nature and purify a large amount of air.

There are more and more areas where humans can live every day. Today's Bozeman has been fully restored, and it has even spread a lot more than the previous urban areas. Residents of nearby towns have begun to settle in Bozeman.

Their hometown is nearby, so they are very used to it.

This is especially true in New York. The city has gradually spread to most urban areas. The urban environment has been greatly improved. People no longer have to wear masks to walk on the streets, and they don’t have to worry about lung diseases, as long as they don’t leave safe area.

In the city, there are several lines surrounding the city, which are even marked on the map. The green area is an absolutely safe area, and the pollution index in this area is definitely much lower than the pollution index before the disaster.

This area includes the city's core block and a dozen or so blocks that spread out slightly.

And this green circle is constantly expanding.

This is a place that people envy. Since the disaster, the housing prices in this high-end residential area have risen in a straight line, almost doubling.

People accept this price, and a better life seems so important in a barren world.

People in the core are living their best lives.

The outer circle is the yellow area. This area reaches the suburbs of New York, which means that New York has all been restored and officially expanded outwards.

This is a super metropolis, this is a super densely populated city, and it can accommodate tens of millions of people.

that's enough.

By the time New York was restored, it was time for other news to spread throughout the world. Because it has been more than a hundred days, and various factories in Quanmi have also started work.

People know that the real opportunity to turn defeat into victory has gradually appeared, and the balance of victory has begun to be slightly balanced.

Yellowstone super volcano. The volcano at this time is no longer as violent as it was then. If the volcano was the most active when it just erupted, it has now entered a relatively stable period. The amount of volcanic ash erupted by the volcano in this period is no longer so huge.

Entering this period, human beings have the opportunity to re-compete.

One weakening is an opportunity for human to control.

When ordinary people don't know, when everyone is still sleeping, of course, it may also be when playing games, eating, or doing something, at this second, at this second.

All super air purification plants start at the same time with a more exaggerated speed.

That's right, the efficiency and strength have been improved, which seems a little inexplicable.

But this result is the information that Skynet Group spent nearly two months and invested tens of billions of funds to obtain.

That is Si Fan's confidence after the test.

That is oxytocin.

It can make sea lungs grow rapidly and stably, and it can cover a large area like sea buds.

There is only one way to quickly ripen these two plants and allow them to evolve from juvenile to adult. Then we must find a suitable evolution channel to allow them to grow rapidly.

In this process, sea buds are mainly researched. Be very careful when using sea buds, because this kind of plant is also very rare. After countless experiments, I suddenly discovered a very important plant. The substance, that is a special transferase exclusive to ancient plant species.

It is this substance that can promote the rapid growth of ancient plants, and the main function of the core metal in the center made by Si Fan is to continuously release a small amount of this transferase catalyst.

When botanists, scientists, and even zoologists worked together, people gradually discovered the essence of these things, and gradually began to study this mysterious field.

At this time, botanists discovered that it would be too bad to put ancient plants in plants in a narrow sense. It is based on a special form between plants, animals and other forms, which has not yet been fully understood. definition

Human knowledge is narrow at this time. Fortunately, Si Fan has the core material of the metal rod in advance. After a period of understanding and research, botanists have worked hard to control and adjust the proportion of the ingredients, adding Several other substances, successfully modulated by oxytocin, appear to be available.

The use of this oxytocin will allow the ancient plants to enter the adult body in advance and have stronger power.

However, using such a fast speed has sequelae, and these plants will become fragile deformities.

That is to say, they only temporarily have the ability of adults, but some new things that should be in the future are gone, and they are just a temporary spawning product.

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