Si Fan smiled lightly, he knew that Little Pok was joking with himself, he didn't need to do this kind of task, all the houses were built by Si Fan, and he didn't know how many houses of the same level could be built by Skynet Group.

But in Si Fan's heart, such a sentence is still very kind.

"Of course I didn't come to pick up the task, but now I find that your efficiency is too low, and I want to help you a little, and exploit you by the way." He said so.

The group of people on the opposite side suddenly laughed.

"Hahahahaha! Mr. Si Fan, do you want to exploit us? Didn't you give us these tasks for free? We know that this is the bonus of building a city, but without your organization, it would be impossible to be so organized." said one of the crowd.

Immediately, everyone responded, and everyone knew that if there was no Skynet Group to take the lead, this matter would be troublesome. All ordinary people would not be qualified to participate, but one by one company would take over. After that, they would just work and let the stratum manage the stratum Layer upon layer.

It is undeniable that it is easier to supervise, but the most important issue is the intermediate operating cost. One yuan can do ten yuan, but because of their operation, the final profit may only be two yuan.

It's almost a given, and how much do people at the bottom earn? Then I don't know.

In such an environment, Skynet Group endorsed everyone and built this super large mission platform, isn't it just to give them a chance? Give them a platform where they can compete with everyone.

This is a super big opportunity.

For everyone, now that Si Fan says he wants to squeeze them, where can he squeeze them?

Can it be compared to the layers of companies and rules?

Si Fan said with a smile: "Have you seen that shop? I want to open an intermediary company there and plunder your wealth and the fruits of your hard work."

He pointed to a house not far ahead. The place was renovated three days ago, and now it has been renovated, which made them very curious. Now the answer is revealed, it is the shop opened by Si Fan.

"Intermediary company?" Little Pok originally wanted to do the task, but now he doesn't want to. He wants to know what kind of agency company Si Fan opened.

What must be known is that any action of the Skynet Group may be profitable, and Si Fan, the boss himself, opened an intermediary company. With the understanding of the Skynet Group, he would not be able to do sales. There is only one, this intermediary company is beneficial to everyone, and with what Si Fan said just now, they can already guess that it must have something to do with their current task.

In this way, they also thought of new regulations, and the result was ready to come out.

"Uranos Mission Management Information Services."

When Si Fan passed by, a ray of light slowly appeared, and then the signboard was visible to people.

This name is the signboard, Si Fan smiled when he looked at him, and the others also laughed.

The name was pretty much what they had in mind.

"Mr. Si Fan, do you want to introduce the 30% that can be helped to other people? We are not fools. If the quality drops to 70%, I am afraid that most people will not agree!" Little Poker said .

He was the first to quit. He wanted a mansion, a high-quality mansion, and now the decline in quality is almost unbearable.

His questioning gave Si Fan a chance to continue. .

"That's right, our company introduces people to you to complete tasks that you don't want to complete, and also provides screening tasks and task feasibility planning services for everyone, so that everyone can complete tasks more effectively and faster."

Following this, everyone understands.

This is to make plans for everyone and let everyone consult. With the ability of Skynet Group, the order of tasks and planning, and the cost-effectiveness of tasks can be easily known and evaluated.

Although each task has a specified level,

Then when they complete the task, they need to evaluate which one is the best cost-effective under the same level.

That is to say, under the tolerable labor intensity, the most profit can be obtained.

This is what they want to know.

Little Pork was the one who needed such planning the most of these people.

After seeing the signboard, he asked about the details, and immediately said, "How do you charge for this?"

He was really curious about how much Si Fan charged for the things he personally did.

Si Fan smiled. He didn't really care about the fee, but after understanding some things, the fee is inevitable.

"The membership fee is $1,000 a year. If you need intermediary services, you need a 10% commission." Si Fan set out the conditions.

As expected, the price is not very expensive, but it is not very cheap either.

After thinking about it for a while, Pok was still sure.

"Then I'll join the club first, how do I go about it?" he asked.

Si Fan also walked in and handled it for him personally. The handling process is very simple, as long as he goes to the front, all the information is entered in an instant, and then it's over. His mobile phone starts to receive a branch of the task system software, and he can plan his own tasks in it. Set the task type and cost performance you want, and then confirm.

You can also directly hire people to do the work.

But just after getting this thing, Little Pok directly blocked the intermediary function, and directly deleted it.

No way, people are lazy, he can't give himself a little chance to be lazy.

Now that someone has done this, other people have also started to think about it. Many people approached Little Pok to ask about its value. Of course Little Pok said good things in front of Si Fan, not to mention that it is really easy to use.

After his introduction, more people came to the front.

And on the nearby street, an unknown street, this is a place that has just been built, and it is also temporarily open to the public. A young man looked at a shop about a dozen square meters in front of him with satisfaction.

This is where his dream started. He stood calmly at the door, watching a few people decorate, and their renovation was very fast.

The quality of Tianwang Decoration Company is nothing to say.

While he was waiting for the decoration to be completed, and then hung up a plaque to open tomorrow, there was a sudden and noisy sound, and he vaguely heard some news.

"Skynet Group has started the intermediary business."

"Nonsense, it's an information service company."

"It's not an intermediary, but it's for everyone to connect and charge fees."

The news one after another hit the young man like a turbulent wave. His face turned pale, and he walked out of the street in a hurry to see what happened.

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