The warm welcome surprised everyone, but what they saw was more admiration for the super-expert.

I really need to use the word adoration to describe their current mood, the eyes seem to be able to spew fire. ;

The technical team in the back naturally also received a friendly reception.

The officials who received them were just after shaking hands with the super experts. They knew that the super experts were important, but the people behind them were also not simple.

These people know that they are too far away from experts, so it is better to make friends with these assistants who are said to be super agricultural experts. They are one of the people who have the most contact with super experts.

There are really a lot of people with this mentality, they just want to get to know Si Fan and the others, obviously, Si Fan is the most prominent assistant among these assistants, and everyone else is like a star, let Si Fan go ahead.

The big man following behind him is not like an expert, but a bodyguard.

They just lack knowledge and resources, they are not fools, of course they can tell who has a higher status.

Going forward, everyone began to separate gradually, those welcoming people were stopped, they were behind, and all the technical personnel passed through.

There are a large number of technical talents here, and they are actually here to learn technology and how to use these machines.

Most of them are really not that easy to learn.

After being greeted today, all of them will be in a state of learning, learning the knowledge passed on to them by these technicians.

It is impossible for everyone to slack off.

After getting off the train, Si Fan was greeted with a lot of welcome. Si Fan watched the girls winking at him vigorously. They probably knew that it would have no effect on experts, so they put it on Si Fan, a young man. body.

How did they know that Si Fan was the real protagonist.

On the way, the welcome attitude of the people was so warm, they pulled the banners, shouted loudly, and waved the flagpoles.

On the road, the distance was less than 20 centimeters. When walking in this place, he could feel the temperature of the other person's breath.

Well, and the temperature of the palm.

Si Fan felt it with his butt.

Just when he was at the end of the road, he suddenly felt a touch on his buttocks, and then the sense of touch disappeared.

The sudden attack made him almost cry out. Looking back at the crowd, he clearly saw a girl blinking at him.

She was a very sweet and cute girl.

It really makes people unable to see how such a cute girl can be so unrestrained.

He really couldn't laugh or cry, and walked into the farm in front of him.

When entering the main farm, other people cannot enter. When entering it, all Si Fan sees are huge farming machines. These machines should be harvesters for autumn harvest. This head is definitely not an ordinary small one. Tractors are comparable. Rice harvesting and corn harvesting are both oversized machines, and Si Fan can recognize these two machines. Now the whole of the huge harvester in front is here, but the blade is not here, and those other tools are in the box next to it.

When they entered here, the super experts introduced the functions of each machine to them. Those who didn't know thought he was so tall, but Si Fan knew that what he said was no different from a salesman, and it was really not attractive.

At this time, Si Fan really saw that among them the real strength.

It’s not that the Kingdom of Jin doesn’t have technical talents at all, they are also tirelessly cultivating talents. The little men with backpacks they see in front of them are the real technical talents. It’s probably just their looks that are too ordinary, which makes the fake super expert people appear.

When these little guys arrived here, they put down their things first, and then began to check on a cabinet next to them.

These things are soil samples nearby, and they are also used by them. They came here and started working immediately.

Si Fan saw that they were analyzing soil samples,

To determine the quality of the soil here, it will be tested in the laboratory afterwards.

He believes that these talents are the trump card, and they really determine what is suitable for cultivation here, but Si Fan's tools are the real magic weapon. Their current farming technology is too backward, and the labor cost is too high. Now they need to change, and their labor needs to be transformed. To become a real productivity, it requires a particularly large number of redundant population, and also requires a large number of workers to work.

The land is handed over to professional mechanical work, and the factory is used for very tedious manual handicraft processing.

This is one of their development plans. As for high-tech factories, don't think about it. These things are definitely not accessible here.

Wouldn't the companies of those factories take such a big risk to put their factories here and then be confiscated by you?

They dare not, not to mention that what they want is a worker with basic knowledge. If you can't even recognize Arabic numerals, how can they use you.

There are simply too many such things, and they cannot have such a super large high-tech factory.

That's okay, they also have countless jobs that don't require much knowledge, and these jobs are very suitable for them.

Featured factories are everywhere, and some industrial cluster cities are beginning to emerge.

In this regard, Si Fan was in favor. They liberated the labor force, so naturally they had to find a home for the labor force, at least to allow them to have enough to eat.

Everyone else was doing work, and only Si Fan was free, because after coming here, everyone was assigned to work. Si Fan was the number one assistant of the expert and was directly responsible to the expert, so he didn't have to work.

He didn't dare to use him to work. When others were working, he stood outside the door and looked at the wheat fields in the distance. He was really moved.

"A million-acre super farm is really too big. Such a handicraft is hard to see in the whole world." Si Fan looked at the farmland in front of him and admired it. The experts around him waited on him with flattering smiles. Si Fan's side.

When no one is around, he can distinguish the priority from the secondary. He knows that his destiny is determined by the man in front of him. This is a world-renowned man. As for why and where he is famous, he doesn't know, and he still doesn't have enough information channels.

Standing here, Si Fan, who is feeling the wheat field in front of him, is also looking at the road of this country. When they choose to honestly liberate the labor force and land resources, it means that the future road they want to take is to solve food and clothing first.

This problem of food and clothing may not be a big deal in many other places, but in Si Fan's eyes, there is a lack of food and clothing on this land, for example, where he is now, opposite the creek outside the million-acre farm , a child is scratching a small hole in the ground.

If the guess is right, there should be a nest of voles.


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