Skynet Architect

Chapter 1113

The food was donated by other people's children on their own initiative, and these officials also paid for it. For a delicious meal or something you don't know, it's better to see if you can exchange it for food.

Those two bags of grain weighed about twenty catties, and it wasn't enough to exchange for these things, but it was very cost-effective for that child. He worked hard to bring his own grain.

Maybe seeing Si Fan looking at the child, the official still realized something.

He suddenly realized: "I exchanged these things from this child. It's a fair trade. Did he steal your things?"

Now his eyes were red, and he wanted to turn around and call out like crazy.

Si Fan knew what he was going to do.

Stop it quickly.

"I gave it to him on my own initiative, but I didn't expect him to trade it for you."

In one sentence, the official didn't say that sentence, but turned around with a smile and apologized to Si Fan.

He did nothing wrong, the only thing wrong was making Si Fan unhappy.

This was his biggest mistake.

"Forget it, you can eat yours, these are from your trade, you can keep them." Si Fan said and went back directly.

He sat in his seat, and a few dishes were put on the table after a while. It was really delicious, with all kinds of color and fragrance. This chef is a famous chef in China, and he is quite famous in China. There are some pits, but the cooking skills are enough.

The only difference is that he only knows Chinese food, while Michelin's criteria still tend to be Western food.

Chinese food may not be very good in their eyes and appetite.

Si Fan tasted it quietly. The taste of the simple boiled fish also raised the umami to the limit. It no longer covered up all the other umami with spiciness, and the rest was just the earthy smell.

The delicacy in front of me is really delicious. You can taste the umami taste of fish, but you can't eat those tastes that make people sick to your stomach.

In the cafeteria, you can taste delicious food, and you can still see the figure of the child in the corner of your eyes. He slowly fades away from the field of vision, slowly leaves, and the figure can no longer be found.

Gradually, the taste of the food seemed to become bland, and there was nothing to make him feel refreshed, and the food blown in by the wind was no longer so fresh, it seemed to have some rancid smell.

He knew that it was the devil in his heart, his restless heart.

The rice fields are still swaying with the wind. In two months, the ears of rice will turn golden. At that time, it will be the harvest season, and the harvesters will be happy. But on the other side of a small river, the weeds It is lush and there is no shadow of any crops. In the autumn harvest season, there may be wild vegetables and wild fruits, but there is not much food.

There must be food. In winter, the little fat man will distribute everyone's rations, and he will ensure that everyone lives, and even survives.

But there is no guarantee of their quality, and there is no guarantee that there will always be some people who cannot be full.

It's all too common here.

Standing in front of the rice field, he looked at the rice field and seemed to be able to see the wasteland outside.

What a land suitable for planting, but now it has become a place for weeds to absorb nutrients.

The soil as a nutrient has actually become very cheap now, but Si Fan's Skynet Group has been controlling the sale of volcanic ash fertilizers, otherwise the world would have been filled with such fertilizers.

Si Fan can grow food even in a barren place, let alone the lush grassland in front of him.

As long as he is given a chance, he can be everywhere.

The wind was blowing, and it couldn't blow away the thoughts in Si Fan's heart. He looked into the distance, and his heart was turbulent.

In the end, I decided to give them a little more hope.

"I really hope these people can have enough to eat, otherwise, what am I doing so busy every day? Making money?" Si Fan laughed at himself, and walked behind him.

When he saw the official, he said very flatly.

"I want to talk to the little fat man, you can ask him when he is free,

Make an appointment to chat. "That's what Si Fan told the officials.

The officials are crazy.

Really crazy, can you imagine? It is crazy for an unusual technician to suddenly say, I want to see your top leader, and say it in an equal tone.

Did the officials really think Si Fan was crazy? That's impossible, he can only pass on the message, as a megaphone, whether he can report it, isn't there a higher-level official?

He ran out like hell, looking for his immediate boss.

It is estimated that this matter will have to spread to several people to find the real insider.

Anyway, Si Fan didn't worry about it anymore, he just waited for the negotiation.

While waiting, everything seems to have entered the stage of automatic progress, without human intervention.

In another place, on the land of Uranus, large-scale reclamation is being carried out, and groups of people appear in this city, and they become the screws of this city.

The tent area outside has covered a large area of ​​the sky.

From the few teams at the beginning, it has now become another urban area, a city, and they have begun to build groups of tents, houses, and living quarters, forming an encirclement around the entire Uranus. When the area spreads to the place where they live, all of them will be demolished in an instant, and then another group of people will pick up these tents and queue up at the back. This has formed an ecological chain. Newcomers need to queue up and buy daily necessities, and then Working here to form a new industrial chain is all about serving the people inside. As long as you have a name here, you have to continue the tasks that can't get benefits and help other people complete the tasks.

In this way they can obtain the supplies to survive here.

As long as you can get in, you can squeeze the people out.

This is a crazy siege, the price for outsiders to enter is gradually increasing, and the surrounding places have already established rules, which make them only crazy.

When you reach the inner circle, you don't have to work, because they can guarantee the supplies for a day or two.

In this chain of interests, there are more people who smuggle daily supplies, and they continue to supply them

The city operates like this, with heaven inside and hell outside, and it is not easy to step into this step.

They fought hard for it.

The growth environment that Si Fan built here is gradually supporting the people inside with other people's blood, and the ecological environment is gradually recovering under the blood and sweat of many people.

Then one day later, morning, someone looked up at the sky.

They seemed to see...the sun.

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