Skynet Architect

Chapter 1119

With one order, there are thousands of responses, and as long as there is a call, countless people begin to join in this change.

It was a starting point, hundreds of thousands of people, millions of people want to enter the state of work is simply too scary.

A world-class job advertisement, which requires 10,000 junior technical talents, is really eye-catching, and it really makes all the talents in the world excited. A lot of translators are trying their best to translate The user manuals of each country are handed over to Jin Guo for use.

A dilapidated military pickup truck crossed two hills and ran wildly on the pasture. Groups of agricultural machinery have already started harvesting in the distant farm. The wheat field harvested by the super harvester, and the large area of ​​pasture here will be used now. The method of burning land and adding low concentration of herbicides is used for cleaning.

Absolutely pure pastures are obtained after cultivation. This low-dose environmentally friendly herbicide is not the current cheating stuff, but a new product of the Skynet Group. It is completely obtained after decomposing volcanic ash, although it is not the best weed control Si Fan is very satisfied with its pollution-free effect.

Now the harvester in the distance is slowly harvesting. It seems that the efficiency is not very high, but it is slowly moving forward in the wheat field. A group of apprentices are lying on the car and juggling with the third brother. It was the figures of these guys, they were lying on the harvester and watching the master operate it.

Everyone is paying attention.

It is inevitable not to let them operate, and it will take a period of training.

There are too many of these guys, and each one's knowledge base is too old-fashioned to learn modern knowledge, and it's okay to just operate.

However... No one is willing to let them waste food. Even if it is transformed from an oil tiger to a clean energy source, the rice has been planted for half a year, and if it is damaged or the harvest is not enough, they must bear the responsibility. In such an environment, if they want to practice in practice, they have to study hard. It is their dream to become a farmer who can be independent.

The technician who was driving the harvester was also very embarrassed. Whoever had a group of people hanging on his car was also troublesome, not to mention that for safety, these people tied ropes to the cab.

That would be even more disturbing, taking them around is like flying a kite.

On the hillside in the distance, the dilapidated pickup kept bumping, passed by them, and went straight into the distance.

It is no longer a unified large-scale farm, it is another area, in a basin.

There was another scene, a scene that Si Fan was a little envious of.

How many years, once upon a time, Huaxia also had such a cohesive force, and also had such an attractiveness.

In the huge valley in front of his eyes, there are skinny men standing here, each of them has a rice bowl in their hands, which is filled with very thick millet porridge, and each of them sucks it very hard. There is a marinated egg.

That is the delicacy that they have never tasted before, they all cherish it very much, and there is a feeling of worship when eating braised eggs

Don't think that these people are just a bunch of bitter people with no future at all.

It is already very lucky for them to enter this valley, and their future will change 180 degrees in the future.

The tattered pickup truck slowly stopped in front of the group of people, and one person got out of the car.

Wearing a khaki camouflage uniform and holding a microphone in his hand, he walked directly to the rostrum, followed by his interpreter, a man who looked like a bumpkin.

As soon as they walked up, without saying a word, all the people quickly swallowed their marinated eggs, quickly took two mouthfuls of porridge, and then stood solemnly one by one, waiting for the people on the rostrum to speak.

Of course, it was Si Fan who took the stage. His current identity is the assistant of the super expert, and he is also directly responsible for contacting other people.

He walked up and started speaking directly.

Of course, it can also be called chatting.

"I know you are all wondering who I am."

In one sentence, the theme is introduced, and the translation behind it is a simultaneous translation, which is absolutely awesome, and it is translated into golden language in an instant.

"I'm not here to give you more hope, or to make you the people you once dreamed of being."

"I just want to give you a chance to change your life, a chance to eat well, and a chance to serve your country."

At the end of the three sentences, there was a neat applause under the special lead of someone.

"Papa!" The sound of applause was endless, they were almost roaring like a tsunami, excited like children.

Si Fan continued: "It's useless to talk too much, the next thing you have to do is two words, obey."

"Obey orders, obey assignments, obey work, as long as you can do it, you will have something to eat, every day is good food, it must be better than the current one." Si Fan comforted their hearts in the simplest way.

It's not about dreams, ideals, money, or high officials and rich salaries. It's just telling them that as long as you obey me, you will be full and serve the country.

Hungry people have small demands and great ideals.

That service to the country has been instilled since childhood, and their dream may be this.

After all the responses, everyone's face was flushed, maybe it was caused by the millet porridge just now, and the faces of all the guys who didn't have oil in their stomachs were a little bloody.

Those words are nothing to people in any developed country, but in their minds, they are goals that they can die for.

Don't underestimate the power of unity, which once created immortal miracles one by one.

They are just a screw, they may be inconspicuous, but 10,000 screws make up a huge machine.

At a glance, the entire front is full of people, the vastness seems to be a sea of ​​people.

This is a sea of ​​people, a total of 10,000 people are distributed in this valley, and the people behind can no longer see Si Fan, but the speaker can bring Si Fan's voice to them, which is enough.

Crazy is the portrayal of these people, and Si Fan's slow talk is the best encouragement for them.

They know that this person is not a super expert, and they are not qualified to meet a super expert. The assistant of this super expert is enough. It is said that he has completely inherited the mantle of the super expert.

Of course, they didn't know that Si Fanke was much better than those super experts.

The speech must go on and on, and the very easy things will be finished slowly. The madness is continuing, and their excitement is hard to calm down.

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