Skynet Architect

Chapter 160 Everyone Has Opportunities

Si Fan shook his head: "No, you can never look at it this way, everything in this world has its origin, no matter how absurd and uninhibited ideas have their special origin, even if it is imagined by people, you should explore it."

His thinking is different from others, here is the evolution of the Skynet system, but how did the Skynet system come about? There has been no news, the little red queen was still very arrogant.

Putting aside these unrealistic ideas, the only thing Si Fan can imagine is that either these plants really existed in this world, or the environment of these plants was evolved by the Skynet system.

The evolution of the Skynet system is well-founded, so Si Fan is curious.

Just when they were curious, the footsteps of "Baji, Baji" gradually came from behind.

It was definitely not the sound of human footsteps.

"Hey, you should be humans, right? The city lord has long said that he wants to open up a channel to trade with humans, and asked you to help defend against the enemies from the darkness. Unexpectedly, you finally came."

The sound is very rough, and there is a buzzing feeling.

The two turned their heads, and what Si Fan saw was a huge belly, which was three times wider than his own, and his tall figure was about three meters tall. Looking at his face again, then Even more shocked.

Because Si Fan has eaten this stuff before.

Tuna, a very delicious and fatty ingredient suitable for making sushi.

It's also his favorite.

Looking at the murloc in front of him from top to bottom, after carefully looking around, Si Fan said: "Of course I am human, and I am here to see if there is any task. After the fish spirit is sent to us , don’t care.”

He is complaining.

The murloc on the opposite side was very simple and honest, and patted his big head.

"Oh! It must be the old man Arowana. His temper is not very good. You just didn't provoke him, otherwise you will definitely be eaten." The tuna man said.

Si Fan was about to give him a few words of praise. This dragon fish murloc is nothing short of a trap. There are actually very aggressive sea anemones in the place where he stayed. , It would be a lie to say that there is no problem here.

But he doesn't care.

"Then what can you do for us, or do you need any help?" Si Fan asked straightforwardly.

In a word, the little brother beside me was about to cry.

"Brother, have you never done a mission? This game has a very high degree of freedom in missions. If you want to receive a mission, you must try your best. You are asking directly now..."

Before he finished speaking, the tuna man on the opposite side nodded: "You can just go to our military chief. All races come to our Atlantis to receive missions from him. Now that the dark forces are stronger, the mission rewards must be raised again."

As he spoke, he pointed in one direction excitedly.

"No, I have to quickly get the task to kill those dark murlocs. Only in this way can I buy good things." He was so excited that he completely forgot that he was still chatting with Si Fan, and rushed over in a daze.

Si Fan was embarrassed, he had no choice, he was chatting just now, but the murloc ran away halfway through the chat, and he actually went to pick up the task.

This intelligence.

I don't even want to complain.

But the little brother had already pulled Si Fan excitedly and ran after him.

"Brother, do you know where this task leader is? If you don't know, follow him quickly. He must be there to receive the task, so we can find the place by following."

Si Fan also nodded, he was right, the two of them had to go to pick up the task, he didn't care but my little brother was in a hurry.

This is an opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Si Fan is in the mood to appreciate the scenery around him. There are rows of huge shell-like buildings with a height of more than ten floors, which look like real shells, but if you look carefully from above, they are all one by one. Small house.

The houses here can also be said to have no roofs. Their roofs are all made of glass, and then the sun shines in, and after it hits the roof, it spreads to the whole family.

This can only be enjoyed by those who live on the top floor.

And each area has a large area of ​​very tall buildings. Such buildings are relatively high-end. They are like piles of precious stones, and the whole thing looks like diamonds.

Looking at the city in a hurry, there is a special feeling of familiarity, which is not much different from the real city. The biggest difference may be that the buildings here seem to be pure natural, a lot of materials are stitched together, the city here looks colorful, and if you look carefully, the streets are full of diamonds, and the houses are all crystals Made of diamonds and diamonds, onyx is used as decorations directly outside the room.

And glass products are even more scary. The whole city seems to be made of glass, many places are transparent, and there are a lot of shops on the street.

When they were running, Si Fan found a shop. It was a shop for roasting small dried fish. It protrudes outward by two meters, forming a slope in front of the store, and above the store is a decoration that looks like a magnifying glass lens that makes people dizzy.

There is sunlight coming in and spreading throughout the store.

It is really obvious that it is relatively warm here, and there are even a few flowers on the ground in the room. In the shop, an uncle fish is cooking small dried sardines. It looks like a human being selling grilled fish on the street. The uncle of skewers and deep-fried skewers is just more high-end here.

The tuna man in front was racing like lightning all the way, he only stopped for a few seconds when passing by, looked at the small dried fish inside, saw the honest and honest face of Uncle Anglerfish, swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, and was again run wildly.

As they were moving forward, Si Fan and his younger brother carefully looked at the shop, looking at the small dried fish inside. There were a few fiercely dressed shark murlocs in the shop who were tasting the dried fish, and they seemed to be enjoying themselves very much.

The colorful decorations are all kinds of shells, and their tables should be polished from the shells of very old tortoises.

What surprised Si Fan the most was a three-meter-high coral tree in this shop.

This coral tree is no longer an ordinary red, but colorful, as if there are countless gems in it.

Si Fan wanted to go in and have a look, but the younger brother was in a hurry.

"Let's go quickly. I just wanted to use the communicator to chat with my former classmates, but I was told that I can't communicate. This must be a special map. I will definitely find my opportunities here!"

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