Skynet Architect

Chapter 29 First Experience

As long as you think about it, you will know that everyone has no shortage of materials, so no one can take advantage of this kind of free.

Everything seems to go with the flow, and people who are not in one world will never understand each other's life.

It's like a breakfast of several hundred yuan, some ordinary people can't understand it, but for the people here, it's a normal thing.

The people in front left the airport quietly, and the people behind began to listen to the young man's words.

They need to understand the city, and after downloading the software with their ID cards, the whole city can communicate.

Zheng Jinxuan walked behind, searching for software with his mobile phone, but the local tyrants in front did not have this habit.

"Brother, you have to respect your own life, it's easy to cause problems while looking at your phone on the road." Ke Ke kindly reminded me.

At this time, Zheng Jinxuan said with a smile: "Brother, there is really no need to worry about car accidents here, and only natural disasters can cause car accidents. I checked the life instructions in this city and found that the way of life here is completely different from that in China. Here As long as you bring your own card, you can pay with credit at any store, which is very convenient, just swipe the card, and everything will be settled, and the money will be automatically deducted from your bank account every month."

All of these seem to be completely similar to credit cards. In fact, credit cards are also a very convenient thing. The promotion of mobile payment in the West is not as good as that of credit cards here, but the breadth of payment is not enough, which also limits their own development.

Now it is different, the identity card of Atlantis is their identity certificate, proving that they are long-term residents of Atlantis and have all the rights of residents of Atlantis.

There is so much information in a small card.

The Skynet Group made this card infinitely useful, because only I can use the card here, and it is useless for others to take it away.

In Atlantis, they began to enjoy an easy life.

After coming here, the king, Ke Ke, wanted to enjoy a different life. When he walked out of the airport, what he saw was a very neat small forest. The forest has a bit of the taste of a virgin forest , but now it is very tidy, only pieces of centuries-old trees are still growing vigorously, but the bugs on the trees have been cleaned up long ago, and there are no more pests to toss these ancient trees.

However, plants in nature survive in an environment of survival of the fittest. In such an environment without competition, I don’t know how long this ancient tree can last.

Stepping on the ground of the newly built road, looking at the crowded solar road, his eyes are really swollen and he is envious.

"Looking at Skynet's own site, it's really too extravagant. This is to build ordinary roads with the level of expressways." He even took a closer look.

You must know that the construction cost of some highways per kilometer is tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, and the price of solar highways has increased exponentially.

How could they know that the cost of building Si Fan's own roads is so high? The cost of building domestic roads is so high, how much is used for roads?

Everyone knows that this road is very beautiful, all of which are of the highest grade, and the underground pipelines are more suitable. People enter it to work, and the completely anti-seepage underground facilities are to prevent the ground from lowering into the deep sea, and the soil and sand on the ground will liquefy.

Every building and island that sinks to the bottom of the sea will face that period, and the soil with moisture higher than the ground will make the soil and sand turn into muddy slurry.

In such an environment, effective measures must be taken to prevent the infiltration of groundwater. In this regard, Si Fan has already made a plan, and now the island of Atlantis is like a closed island.

They looked at the empty road at the gate of the airport, and then at the shops around them. They really looked a little depressed.

"Brother Wang,

Why is there no one here? "Zheng Jinxuan asked Keke, the king beside him.

Ben Wang Keke replied with a smile, those local tyrants behind him have already started to disband freely, and went to find the place they wanted to find. There is precise navigation on this phone, which can let them go to any place they want to go, There can be very detailed guidance and usage, even like a game.

"This is a newly built city. We are the first batch of residents. How could there be many people? Don't worry, many people will come to this city in the future. They won't even be able to obtain the same status as us."

After finishing speaking, Ben Wang Keke also took the phone and clicked on the option next to it.

Sure enough, a map of the entire city has appeared, the interface is very simple, and it can even be controlled by voice.

"Help me find out where the nearby restaurants are? What are the ratings of the nearby restaurants." Ben Wang Keke said.

Immediately, the mobile phone system began to query.

After a little more than one second, the system will give an answer.

"According to the system search, the nearest restaurant is Daddy Mouse Tail Sichuan Restaurant, rated as a two-star restaurant in Atlantis, with an average consumption of 2,700 yuan per person. Chef Miao Liuye is a national first-class chef."

"The restaurant with the highest system rating is

They looked at the empty road at the gate of the airport, and then at the shops around them. They really looked a little depressed.

"Brother Wang, why is there no one here?" Zheng Jinxuan asked Keke, who was beside him.

Ben Wang Keke replied with a smile, those local tyrants behind him have already started to disband freely, and went to find the place they wanted to find. There is precise navigation on this phone, which can let them go to any place they want to go, There can be very detailed guidance and usage, even like a game.

"This is a newly built city. We are the first batch of residents. How could there be many people? Don't worry, many people will come to this city in the future. They won't even be able to obtain the same status as us."

After finishing speaking, Ben Wang Keke also took the phone and clicked on the option next to it.

Sure enough, a map of the entire city has appeared, the interface is very simple, and it can even be controlled by voice.

"Help me find out where the nearby restaurants are? What are the ratings of the nearby restaurants?" Ben Wang Keke said.

Immediately, the mobile phone system began to query.

After a little more than one second, the system will give an answer.

"According to the system search, the nearest restaurant is Daddy Mouse Tail Sichuan Restaurant, rated as a two-star restaurant in Atlantis, with an average consumption of 2,700 yuan per person. Chef Miao Liuye is a national first-class chef."

"The restaurant with the highest system rating is

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