Skynet Architect

Chapter 31 Ideas

In the Sea God Temple, there seems to be the whistling of the wind, the beautiful wind blowing like the mermaid's elegy at the bottom of the sea, and the ding-dong spring water is like the mermaid's sad tears.

This is the only place in the city that maintains a very humid environment, and water is flowing everywhere. The water flow was originally very slow, but now it seems to be a bit turbulent.

In the center of the Sea God Temple, Si Fan walked quietly, watching his company's hard-working elites carry out the design, the company's terminators carry out the construction, and finally complete the entire building, a sense of accomplishment spontaneously arises, but At this time, he also felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

"Why! Why can't we really make a breakthrough, we can't achieve that miraculous effect, the design and construction given by the Skynet system is completely Terminator in construction, and it is completely Terminator in terms of details labor, but what is built in the end is different. Materials may be scarce, but most of them are available on the market.”

"Even the materials provided by the system alone are mostly local materials on the earth." Si Fan muttered softly.

The voice is very small. After using the system for so long, the system's own red queen has been upgraded, and now I can't see it anymore. To be honest, Si Fan really wants it to come out to chat with him, so he used the system For such a long time, he has become more and more familiar with this system, but he is also less and less aware of whether this system shows something out of thin air, or is it just like this in nature, and the system provides a channel to obtain the origin of all this.

This is what he needs to think about most now. If it can be created by humans, why doesn't Si Fan create some miracles himself? It is better to create a better tomorrow by following the footsteps of the system.

"It's too early to say these things. The terminators of the system haven't been assembled yet. Only part of this series has been taken, and many detailed terminators have not been obtained." Si Fan murmured.

These are all things he struggles with. Some ancient buildings with souls are being crazily destroyed by human beings, and all the value they left behind is gradually disappearing.

People just destroy their homes to build new ones, and then regret the memories after they've been lost.

What Si Fan does is architecture. He has the ability and obligation to revive some buildings, but some things cannot stand still.

Today's architectural design has gradually become fixed within one's ability, and it seems that some bold ideas need the struggle of fantasists and novelists.

As an architect, Si Fan didn't know if this was sadness, or if reality blocked his thinking.

He looked at the very beautiful Poseidon Temple, and he was very satisfied with this work. The entire Poseidon Temple left Si Fan speechless from the creativity to the design. This is a perfect design. ;

But up to now, compared with the design of the Sea God Temple given by the system, it is scum, and it has been completely blown up.

Only then did Si Fan discover that there are better evaluations than perfection in this world.

Ordinary things are called craftsmanship, superb things are called technology, things that go beyond cognition are called superstitions, and things that go beyond superstitions are called myths.

And this Sea God Temple has reached the level of mythology, the magnificent scene is still fresh in people's memory, and the dreamy Sea God's expression is burning for a moment, making people think that it is the real Sea God. With such dreamy memories, he has already You can be sure that you are still a little short of the most important thing. Not even a soul, he can extract the soul of an ancient building. But the Sea God Temple is obviously not.

With this preparation, Si Fan is going to personally participate in the construction this time, and discover all the reasons from the most basic point.

On one side of him he was moving, while on the other side, Benwang Keke and Zheng Jinxuan, who were tasting delicious food, had cleaned up a whole plate of steamed anchovies. Each of them had two pieces of steamed shad with chestnut noodles and two pieces of pea yellow. There is no residue left after cleaning.

"How is it? Is the food here delicious? This is a delicacy that could only be tasted by palaces and emperors in the past, and there are not many of them.

"He said proudly.

This aroused Zheng Jinxuan's curiosity. The name of this old man's shop is the kitchen of the old prince's house. The name is domineering, and the name of the boss is added.

Aixinjueluo Bingxiang

Listen, this is the imperial surname back then, no matter how their family got the world, after all, his surname represents a lot of things after sitting in the country for hundreds of years.

Coupled with the name of his restaurant, it is not difficult to imagine that this was a family banquet of a prince's family back then, and it was probably a delicious emperor.

It's a pity that he doesn't have as much understanding as the king Keke.

"This old man is the heir of Prince Yinxiang who loved the world's delicacies the most in the Qing Dynasty. I heard rumors that the old prince and all the chefs who made the Manchu Banquet were close friends. When the emperor was studying the Manchu Banquet, he studied with him. Finally, he mastered it and created it. The grand banquet in the royal palace does not mean the strict requirements of the full feast of the Manchu and Han Dynasties, and collects the delicacies of the world as much as possible."

"This has become the legend of the old prince's kitchen. This delicious character has been passed down for hundreds of years, and now this old guy is also a foodie. He comes out to cook every day not for anything else, but for his mouth. "Ben Wang Keke started to tease.

And at this time, the old man had actually come over, holding a bowl of rice in his hand. From the perspective of today's people, this is a rice bowl, but the dishes on it are messy, and no one can understand.

But the old guy ate deliciously, with a face full of happiness, squatting at the door like an old farmer.

"Hehe, you old man is showing off again, aren't you? Be careful that the young master will steal your food." The king can scare the old man.

The old man hurriedly wrapped his wide sleeves around his rice bowl.

"Stinky boy, if you dare to harm my lord's food, I will spit on everything you eat in the future." He said threateningly.

Now this king is really disgusted.

"Don't! My lord, can't I be wrong? You must not do this."

The old man said happily: "Don't worry, I won't waste my saliva on those slops."

Suddenly, he seemed to feel that he had said the wrong thing, so he shut up quickly.

This Wang Keke is really disgusting, the food I eat is the swill from the old man's mouth.

But think about it, isn't it? The food they eat is definitely no one's old man's heart. The cooking time of the food is very short, but the cooking time of many delicacies in Huaxia is calculated on a daily basis.

Now he was really disgusted.

But he quickly recovered, and he straightened his thoughts and said, "My lord, aren't you doing well in the capital? There is still a courtyard house, so why did you end up in Atlantis?"

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