Skynet Architect

Chapter 34 Open Permissions

When he had this idea, the system in his mind actually moved, and this action was extraordinary, which shocked him for a few seconds.

Fortunately, the people present had already visited the Sea God Temple, otherwise they would have seen a strange scene, Si Fan stood there motionless as if he had turned into a robot.

People were scattered in the Sea God Temple, looking at the result of the hard work of the famous designers of the Skynet Group. The result is so wonderful that the ding-dong of the spring water carried by the fountain seems to be a piece of music, and the characters of the music make people intoxicated.

You can see different scenery at every step, and what is even more exaggerated is the magnificence of the entire building.

All of them are made of large-scale stone construction, and such a building is a great innovation.

In such a big environment, many people couldn't bear to demolish it.

"Such a beautiful Sea God Temple, if it can go to other places, it will definitely be a landmark."

"Yes!" People said loudly.

However, there are people who have a different point of view. This person is Ke Ke, the former local tyrant who likes to tell the truth, but this time he is talking about something else.

"It seems to me that this building is not suitable for placing in a comfortable place. If it is placed in the real sea and allowed to be eroded by time, it may become a more beautiful spectacle after hundreds of years."

A few words were heard by Si Fan who happened to be next to him, and it was really overwhelming.

Sometimes someone else's casual words are a great inspiration to him. Now Si Fan looks at the building that is about to be demolished. If it really gets into the sea, it must be very crazy.

He wants to do this, but there is no way now.

"Hold the grass!" Si Fan's heart was about to explode.

If there is a way, he must do it.

The system gave an affirmative answer.

"Ding dong, congratulations to the host for being inspired and officially opening the Terminator assembly system. The host can develop and assemble the Terminator by itself, and get templates and support from the system. When any independent Terminator is developed, additional rewards will be obtained!"

Just such a reminder is not a task given to the new Terminator, nor is it something that allows him to produce a lot more in an instant.

Just give a template and give an affirmative answer, Si Fan is the most excited like this.

Because his idea was answered in the affirmative.

"It turns out that the system is really not something miraculous. It still has limitations, and it still has its expansion functions. If I really find someone to make a Terminator, is it equivalent to adding content to the system? Others More system users or next-generation users will have this Terminator." Si Fan thought about it for a long time, always feeling weird.

He pondered for a long time, and finally decided, let it matter so much, the existence of the system is pseudoscience, as long as it can be used anyway, with a pragmatist attitude, Si Fan is going to find someone to see if he can complete the production of this Terminator.

As for the appearance of a new Terminator, he was somewhat curious. More importantly, he can use the special materials and chips of the Terminator, among which these things are the most precious, and all he needs is a mad scientist.

He had already made up his mind, and then went to find a lunatic to develop a new generation of terminators for himself.

And now the visitors started the final carnival. They took out their cameras or mobile phones and started taking pictures of each other. The current photos may be the eternity of the future.

And as they took pictures, they also got a lot of news in the game, most of which were about the disaster of Atlantis, which was about the Temple of Poseidon.

That is the virtual world, and there are many more things that can be accomplished and will be seen soon.

In other words, the Atlantis there is a mythical version of Atlantis, but the process of this world is the same.

Everything seemed to be on the right track, and the local tyrants rushed to take pictures and post them on their social software.

They are real local tyrants, and their circle is very wide,

As the saying goes, Fu has distant relatives in the mountains, and they are the type with a lot of "distant relatives". So when their news about Atlantis was posted on their social software, it gradually sparked quite a controversy around the world.

Now countless people have discovered this magical island, and the super glass outside this magical island has attracted countless people, even some countries.

They themselves know that there is such a thing, but they have not been able to measure it, and what they use to take pictures with satellites is a top view, and they cannot see the panorama.

Now they could really see the panorama, and what they got was a shock, a deep shock.

The huge wall in front of me is purely made of glass, like a modern Great Wall.

In the eyes of scientists, this thing is even more exaggerated.

"The force that this wall is now bearing will be immeasurable. I hope to get the experimental data from the Skynet Group to see the performance of this glass material. Maybe we will find a suitable material for our next-generation aircraft carrier." The leaders of the scientific research department are almost salivating.

All countries have set their sights here.

They already knew about it, but they didn't take it too seriously. After all, the sinking speed of this island was very slow.

But it is different now, the sea water gradually began to submerge Atlantis, and the glass of this island resisted such a huge pressure of sea water.

This is the seawater pressure of the entire ocean. Moreover, it is not ordinary relatively still water. It is subjected to the impact of the sea water of the entire Southern Ocean. The walls are still not damaged at all.

More importantly, the sea salt component of seawater is highly corrosive, and it can continuously erode the wall. In this way, the material must have strong corrosion resistance and sufficient strength and toughness.

Such material is enough to attract some people's attention.

How could Si Fan not know about these things? He just doesn't have more energy to pay attention to these things now, and his attention is still more focused on the new Terminator. And those citizens who visit Atlantis are constantly visiting. They seem to be the most ordinary tourists, recording everything and posting it to social networking sites.

Gradually, Atlantis, a place without any reputation, suddenly became popular. It is a very ordinary island without any civil aviation planes, because the photos of these first citizens quickly became popular. It even became a hot spot all over the world.

But Si Fan's thoughts have always been on the person who can help him complete the Terminator.

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