Skynet Architect

Chapter 47 Project No. 2

Maybe it's because I didn't know that time passed too fast during the research and development, or it might be that when I was immersed in one thing, I found that my time was quietly stolen by someone.

Si Fan in Atlantis quietly disappeared from the world's sight. No one paid close attention to his movements, and the news from the world stage gradually faded away.

The media always loves the new and dislikes the old. Si Fan used to invent and create some special things and do some big things, which attracted a lot of attention. To be honest, he is considered an international Internet celebrity on the Internet, and he is also a big cow .

But in the modern age where information is so developed, it will always be gradually forgotten. In three months, some celebrities divorced, got back together, and then divorced again. Psychological moral bottom line.

Anyway, they rely on the eyeball economy.

In three months, Si Fan has disappeared, and the only thing that can prove that he is still alive is the orders. Hundreds of millions of dollars of funds have quietly become special orders in the world trade market. Materials, in the workshop of the entire Tesla design team, a super robot with a height of more than three meters is being assembled, and there is another machine next to him. The head is even more amazing, with five He is six meters tall, but his shape is not like a robot, but more like a giant hedgehog.

Across from the three-meter robot, Alex is doing his final test.

"Si Fan, our robot is about to conduct the 37th test. After the previous data analysis, it is close to perfection. If it still fails to meet the requirements this time, I'm afraid I really can't do anything." What he showed was deep helplessness. The robot in front of him was already perfect in his eyes. Among the previous robots, he thought there were more than a dozen of them that were already good.

In other words, the last dozen or so generations of products are completely perfect works.

The previous robots are all invalid.

Si Fan stood in front of the huge robot and looked up at the giant. His body was very similar to that of an ordinary simulated robot, like a giant. The only difference was that there was a huge box behind him, and there was a continuous The huge clamping hole where the two cross-steps meet.

"I hope there is no problem with the design this time. The clamping holes on the back of the previous product are in a parallel layout. According to the computer's detection, such a layout will cause the plants to be hit." Si Fan explained.

Alex gritted his teeth and pressed the button.

Ding dong.

"The 37th experiment of the green robot,

Now start, execute the first instruction, start. "Alex himself talked about the details of the operation, while the computer next to him automatically recorded and converted the audio into fonts, and then connected them into fluent sentences.

This is probably the power of modern technology.

After giving the order, the huge robot trembled slightly.

This trembling frightened Si Fan. In his mind, the Terminator starts very smoothly and powerfully. This trembling may mean that the robot is useless.

Thanks to the strength of the robot this time, it only trembled a few times, and then returned to its normal posture.

Displayed on the adjacent computer evaluation and on the instrument under test.

"Initial startup, the balance of the ground on the left side did not meet the test standard, and the D237 hydraulic transmission device has a slight design defect." The computer immediately displayed the data, and Si Fan, who was next to him, looked at the data, deeply doubting whether it was the system I'm tossing myself.

And Alex's face was not very good, because he found a green towel under the robot's feet, which obviously had a lot of traces of lubricating oil.

In the workshop, he is very rigorous, so it is rare for such low-level problems to arise.

His eyes are very unfriendly, it is conceivable that this guy is probably going crazy.

Si Fan beside him also knew this guy, and he patted Alex on the shoulder.

"If I read this towel correctly, it should be hung on the robot responsible for transporting the T-shaped armor plate just now. Let's test the robot quickly. If we want to investigate the responsibility, we must first study the robot." Si Fan said Said vigorously.

It was only then that Alex returned his attention. The reason why the ground was not absolutely stable due to the towel pad just now was one reason, but the bigger reason was that there were design flaws in the device.

This cannot be tolerated, but this defect has been changed dozens of times, and it is a stubborn defect.

He went on to carry out the following test, and the Terminator began to move quickly according to the instructions. The experimental platform of more than 100 square meters was nothing under the feet of this robot. He walked from one side to the other in a few steps, but his work There is absolutely nothing to say about his ability. In a few steps, he has already simulated plant transplantation and used large-scale equipment to replant.

This kind of work is relatively professional, and it is relatively tricky, because Si Fan already knew before that natural green plants are very valuable. Didn’t the joke at the time mean that a real estate company transplanted fifty or sixty green plants? An original ecological plant, the slogan is to let you experience the feeling of walking into the forest and experience the life closest to nature?

To put it bluntly, let alone these plants are called forests, even if they were all cut down, they would not be enough to make a few sets of furniture.

In a good community, there are strict standards for real plant greening, and natural green plants are very popular among modern people. Isn’t there a company that specializes in ecological health and green? A building looks as if it is overwhelmed by vegetation.

But people nowadays just like to pay for nature.

Therefore, the Green Terminator came into being, it can be said that it is Si Fan's first tailor-made terminator.

However, this can be said to be full of twists and turns. Up to now, the Terminator has not met the requirements. Some details always trouble them. Moreover, these people cannot find foreign aid, so they can only think hard on their own.

Si Fan continued to check the report there.

At this time, the crippled uncle in the team controlled his automatic wheelchair to move over. He glanced at the Terminator in front of him and smiled for the last time: "This Terminator is still too bionic. Standing on human legs frees your hands, but the Terminator for the legs The pressure is also multiplied. This is a limit barrier. It is not easy to break through. Why not take a look at this building-transferring robot first. "

He pointed to the giant Terminator beside him.

That's item number two. Construction transfer terminator.


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