Skynet Architect

Chapter 53 Unexpected harvest

I drive my own yacht to gallop in the depths of the sea recklessly, with tunas, watching sharks prey, there is no fish that wants to attack this iron bump, not to mention the products produced by the system must be high-quality products, I am afraid they will eat them. I lost my teeth if I didn't go in.

The boat whizzed away, and Si Fan was also in a good mood. Looking at his boat in the cockpit, he was in a good mood.

This is a very luxurious undersea mansion. Although the area may only be 70 to 80 square meters, this area is considered large in a ship. Ships in seawater pay attention to streamlined shapes, but this ship is different. It is a monster with a big belly and energy The problem is not a problem at all, the water is flowing, flowing near the ship, and the power generated by cutting the magnetic field can drive the ship.

What? Can't water flow generate electricity? You must not have reached the highest level of scientific research, question all truths, and then you can develop higher science.

Si Fan, this is the high technology of the system, can it be the same? And the oxygen inside is even more exaggerated, it is stripped from the oxygen in the decomposed water. As long as there is enough food, the ship can continue indefinitely.

In the cabin, there is a huge panoramic sea view wall in front of you, you can see the outside environment, watch the swimming fish passing by, and there are lush plants under the glass under your feet.

Don't think that these are flowers and plants, then you are wrong, all vegetables are grown here, and they are all vegetables rich in vitamin C, which ensures a person's normal vitamin intake.

If this is not enough, there are fish everywhere outside, you can catch them casually, there is an induction cooker inside the boat that can be used, it is easy, fast and convenient, everything you need for life is always available, and the refrigerated warehouse in the storage room below Load tons of meat.

This ensures long-term battery life.

Just looking at these, you can know how advanced the ship is, so Si Fan is very relaxed on the bottom of the sea, he can stay until he gets tired of it, he can relax to his heart's content, enjoy the comfort of the sea, enjoy the fun of the bottom of the sea, the warm indoor Ambient and soft Artush woven blankets look extravagant on the sofa cushions.

A scarf costs hundreds of thousands or millions. How much is a blanket made of now?

No one cares about his price, the system gives it away, it's just so capricious, and it's just sitting on the sofa now.

Si Fan lay on it, covered his legs with a blanket, and slept quietly. The yacht was set in silent sailing mode, with random targets, imitating swimming fish mode.

Everything was so easy, and the boat was aimlessly moving forward with the wind and waves in the ocean.

Not knowing where is ahead, Si Fan just wants to enjoy this kind of aimless relaxation.

Just like some backpackers carry travel bags without knowing their destination, their destination may be the next station, or buy a ticket for the nearest train at the station, and then just move on.

It's just that wayward, Si Fan is also in the same state of mind now, in the ocean, how could he know where he is.

I don't know how long, maybe a few hours, spent slowly in the ocean. Si Fan didn't know where they were. When he woke up from the haze, he saw the scene in front of him. Let him wake up suddenly, and then look into the distance.

It was at the bottom of the sea, and a few snorkelers descended slowly with their equipment. They carried some very professional equipment in their hands, including metal probes and professional underwater detection equipment, which is ultrasonic detection.

Si Fan was shocked when he saw these devices.

"Couldn't it be the engineering team working underwater. It would be ridiculous if I did. Wouldn't I be discovered by others?" Si Fan muttered in a low voice.

"Use the satellite monitoring system to see who the other party is." Si Fan ordered.

This is the benefit of being rich. Si Fan’s Skynet Group needs information and a lot of things, so he rents the country’s satellites. There is a satellite in the sky that can be used for a long time every day.

Several satellites are used indirectly.

This has resulted in the truly modern Skynet system of the Skynet Group. The use of satellites means that any corner of the world is easily observed, and now the pictures taken by this satellite represent everything.

On Si Fan's computer, there is a very special-looking ship in front of him. There are many large-scale machinery on this ship, and Si Fan can't recognize the names of these things.

However, according to Si Fanyao's group support, instructions and judgment, this ship is a salvage ship named Adomaru, which belongs to Keiichi Honda of the Japan Bend Salvage Association, and is a very famous salvage ship.

They once salvaged a lot of Chinese porcelain in the sea. In some special periods, following the footsteps of history, they fished a whole circle around the periphery of China. As long as they were in the high seas, they could not escape their clutches.

So when Si Fan checked the information, there were many stories that were not good for China.

Si Fan took a look, and the veins came out.

Keiichi Honda, this product is a complete scam. He packaged and sold a large amount of Shuilao porcelain, and sold a large amount of it to China. The price of some porcelain was extremely expensive.

This is not so important as sin. Most importantly, he took back all the best things and exhibited them everywhere, declaring that these treasures should belong to Ri Ben.

He is also a loyal supporter of the six-level class theory.

In their eyes, of course Laomei is the most senior, they are next, and then those big powers, after that are Ah San and the others, and the latter is Huaxia.

Of course, at the bottom of the list is Kimchi Nation.

This guy is a loyal supporter of this theory. He spreads it everywhere, and focuses on finding the treasures in the sea in China.

These things have already driven the guys in the domestic diving and salvage association crazy. They spent huge sums of money on salvage, and finally made this guy unwilling to touch the ocean of China.

After all, everything that is easy to salvage is gone, and the rest is very difficult to salvage, and it is not worth looking for.

But this guy offended the Huaxia people badly.

In recent years, this guy has been silent. It is said that he is looking for a very hidden treasure of a large shipwreck.

Si Fan can imagine that this guy's goal is definitely not some small treasures. What he can spend years looking for must be very important things, and he still has a goal in his search.

On the yacht, Si Fan looked at these guys carefully, but he could tell that these guys were constantly searching near the bottom of the sea.

"These scammers probably found a clue."

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