Skynet Architect

Chapter 67 The Secret of Longevity

Faced with the punishment, Si Fan decided to honestly pay a fine of 1,000 yuan, which can be paid using the virtual system of Skynet Group's smart city.

It is convenient and fast, and the thousand dollars will be gone. It is really convenient for everyone. Only those who have been fined know what kind of mood they are.

"Finally back to my own territory, I was fined as soon as I came in, it's really a long life, where do I go first!" Si Fan looked up at the sign in front, which is an electronic touch screen sign, and you can choose Where you want to go, you can also search for nearby places to go. Very convenient.

In Atlantis, Si Fan has basically achieved fully intelligent management. Every module is required to be as convenient as possible for people's lives, and the second is to be easy to maintain, because after things come out, they will inevitably be updated. When they are replaced After a few generations, the previous problems are no longer a problem.

Asking questions and solving them is the last word. Walking on the street, you can see a lot of very inappropriate things. It doesn’t matter. The equipment will be updated slowly. Now is the period of experimentation and continuous updating.

It's like the road on the ground, and Si Fan has suffered from embarrassment when he looks at it.

This is a black and white road, there is no extra dust on the ground, as if walking on a black and white keyboard.

Si Fan walked on it. When the soles of the feet rub against the ground, there is a slight sound, which sounds like very beautiful music.

However, this is a pitfall. Everyone walks up to a different position and plays different music. There are always some people whose steps are different from others, and then... embarrassing things happen. The first two seconds are still Ode to Joy , then it becomes Chopin’s Nocturne, and after a few more steps, it may become a happy breakup.

The song was so chaotic that Si Fan was upset, and it was impossible to clean it up quickly, because this thing is not only an electronic system, but most of it is based on physical principles, using natural sounds.

"People want to listen to the sounds of nature now." Si Fan with a smile on his face gradually walked on the road, trying to ensure that his steps would play a nice song, in Chopin's Nocturne , he gradually approached the distance.

The so-called distance is naturally the central location of Atlantis. There was originally a piece of crystal mines, but because these special mines are non-renewable resources, they have been completely collected, and the rest is a patch of uneven The depression has become the current temple of Poseidon, the god of the sea, surrounded by tall temple-style buildings, gradually expanding from the highest position in the middle to the outermost.

Si Fan never thought that one day this place would be built into what it is now.

This is a group of temples. The huge and majestic buildings return to the original, and a lot of them are very desolate shapes from the ancient times, but the shapes are enlarged countless times, and people are very empty inside, as if this is the residence of giants.

Ordinary people stand here and look up at the sky, and they will feel very small.

Following the footsteps in the distance, Si Fan strolled slowly, the quaint and desolate feeling in the city was always a little bit lacking, but it didn't matter, he just walked here to feel the charm of the whole city.

As he was advancing, there was also a car beside him slowly following up like a shadow.

Now Si Fan smiled.

"Come on, the company sent you to receive me, I always want you to complete the work, right?"

A very ordinary middle-aged man got off the following car. He didn't have very hard stubble, and he was not a particularly resolute person. This guy was Li Zhengping, the man who took experts and scholars around. He led those experts for a walk, and his authority was much larger, so now he can have a lot of living space.

Li Zhengping followed in embarrassment and got off the car.

Press a button on the car and the car will move forward by itself.

Now Si Fan is interested.

"You are the current self-driving vehicle? Isn't the technology imperfect?"

Li Zhengping hurriedly explained: "Boss, you may have misunderstood. The so-called imperfect technology is because the machine cannot judge human behavior patterns when encountering artificial factors, so it cannot be practically applied. In our city, there is no such thing. Worry, there are no other people's cars here. As long as our roads have underground traction systems, they are like invisible tracks, just like trams. Coupled with wireless charging technology, in fact, this car can already be completely There is no need to waste energy, and it can be used easily."

Si Fan nodded in agreement with his point of view, slowly closed his eyes and thought for a while, the two of them walked slowly ahead, and there was a new area ahead, the area close to the two factories was getting closer, the most conspicuous A huge building spanning several thousand meters in length, and the huge factory building occupies a huge area. In the small and small Atlantis, there is very little space to accommodate them.

However, there is such a large factory building in such a small place.

This super large workshop is exactly the super workshop of the entire Atlantis.

"This is the hematopoietic center of our city, right? Atlantis always has something of its own. It should have its own brand and business card." Si Fan pointed to the super workshop in front.

"Boss, you have divided the factories here into 100 factories to create 100 brands, but their factories are too small." Li Zhengping said awkwardly.

Si Fan nodded: "I want them to laugh, so they must be excellent, and the competition must be the most intense. The factory here, Skynet Group, provides the most advanced and high-end materials, and provides the largest talent platform and design platform, so that they can have a good job." It’s the starting point, but it’s up to them whether they can build this factory.”

Li Zhengping looked at the factory and suddenly asked in a low voice: "Boss, our Atlantis is not a big city. Do we need cars? I'm not talking about the current trams, but real gasoline-powered cars."

Si Fan fell silent for a moment.

This city does not need polluting energy vehicles, but sometimes cars are necessary, such as very high-end entertainment toys, very high-end sports cars, a car costs tens of millions, such sports cars are electric The car will never sell for this price.

Because electric vehicles have no price difference, almost all of his technology relies on battery technology.

Therefore, Si Fan couldn't give an answer.

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