Skynet Architect

Chapter 80 Lai Lai

Humans always have dreams. The dreams of teenagers are varied. When they grow up, their dreams are to be rich and have a beautiful wife. When they grow up, they want to have their own children, a better career, money and career. Always dreamed of a standard.

But when they were very old, they used to have a lot of money, they used to have a very high status, and even some authority. When their love flowers have come to an end, they actually have dreams.

This dream will not even be attracted by the farce at the airport, only occasionally a few people pay attention to the news at any time, and just want to see the security of this city, they went straight to the Sea God's Gift Hot Spring with a tacit understanding.

Even though it is really not suitable for taking a bath in summer, they still flock to it, and they have copies of materials in their phones. These materials are obtained from their own special channels, which are very valuable.

The car is moving forward, and there is an old man sitting in the car on it. This man is different from others. He is not here to travel. The old man is lying down and looking at his mobile phone, and... is updating own twitter.

"Siddink, you old guy is an expert, don't talk about it, this hot spring really has such a magical effect?"

That's right, this old man is Siddink. He is wearing baggy clothes, and he looks like he came out of his own home, looking at the old man on the lawn at the door in home clothes.

It's so easy it's incomprehensible.

As for the old man, he is hale and hearty, with piercing eyes, brown and white hair mixed with each other, and the clothes on his body are meticulously dressed. Those who don't know the serious expression may think that he has a deep hatred with you.

Siddink yawned at a discount: "Don't worry about it, just relax a little bit, you see that you are not as old as me. You look like you are in your eighties, don't worry, the things I introduced to you It must be really useful, we two are old friends, but don't always act like you are a barrister, this is not a place where the laws you are familiar with can be governed, and you are not here to litigate, relax."

This old guy is living more and more evil now, the age spots on his body have even begun to degenerate, his eyes seem to be sleepy at any time, but if you look closely, you can find that many old men have difficulty falling asleep.

That's right, when you get older, it's a blessing to be able to fall asleep. Only young guys love to sleep. If the older ones often sleep, it's usually because of a physical problem.

But Siddink is completely healthy.

The old man next to him snorted and ignored Siddink's endless chatter.

But his eyes can't lie, what was Siddink like a while ago? Just like myself, I don’t have enough energy. It’s very difficult to concentrate every day, and I suffer from long-term insomnia. I can go to the zoo with two dark circles to become brothers with pandas. Now look at this old guy who is getting more and more active, and he has started to gain muscles. The complexion is also much ruddy, and the wrinkles on the hands are even less.

At their age, the collagen in the skin has become less and less, and the skin on the hands will not recover when pinched.

Looking at this guy now, the old man pinched Siddink's hand vigorously while Siddink was dozing off.

"Hiss!~~" The sleeping Siddink took a deep breath and woke up immediately. He really didn't want to sleep anymore, and stared at the dead old man in front of him.

"Are you going crazy or something, can you get a good night's sleep, or is it because you are such an old man, and you have acquired some hobbies that you shouldn't have." Siddink deliberately moved away from the old man.

Immediately, the old man became depressed, and he glared at Siddink: "Don't talk nonsense, I just test whether what you said is true or not. I can confirm for the time being that it should not be false."

At this time, if Siddink looked at the old man, he could find that the old man's right hand was pinching his hand, and the hand that was not calloused was trembling slightly due to the huge force, but he didn't feel any pain.

he doesn't hurt

But Siddink is in pain, and it is very painful. What does this mean? There is a huge difference in the nerve response ability and skin activity of two people.

He looked at Siddink in surprise, and then he found the statistical report he got, feeling hot in his heart.

How often is this the case?

That is inevitable. How many of the old men who have arrived in Atlantis have been immersed in intrigue all year round. Mutual suspicion and commercial hype are even more fleeting, and even some world-famous cases are their masterpieces.

But there is something amazing in this world, that is, I know that I may be cheated in front of me, but the price is not high and the credibility is quite high, so I have to try it, even if I spend some money, when this Things are related to prolonging life and health. When these old people have plenty of money in their pockets, sometimes they trick themselves into trying it even if it is fake.

It's normal to have such thoughts. Of course, most people can tell the truth from the fake. These once wise people are at least somewhat sensible.

It’s just that for the hot springs in Atlantis, it’s not bad for them to spend some money to soak in the hot springs and recuperate. flower.

This is to come with the feeling that you are spending money anyway, and you can prolong your life here, so you might as well spend it here.

They sat in the bus and wandered around the city slowly, passing by areas one by one. Of course, they were not the only travelers in the bus. When they got off the plane, they were free to do whatever they wanted, and no one was there. Say one more nonsense, no one introduces them.

People get off the car in one area, and the app on the car will remind them where they are, what things are there, and the nearby ranking list.

Each store is introduced in detail, so that they can find restaurants purposefully.

The old people in Huaxia were very leisurely, but when they saw the name of a restaurant, they suddenly lost their composure. They were torn between getting out of the car and soaking in the hot spring first... Soon they didn't have to worry about it, because the car had already left .

These old people gradually approached the Sea God's Gift Hot Spring, and gradually walked into this hot spring resort with a special charm.

When they entered, 30% of their expectations had been raised to 70%, and 30% of them were doubts about the effect.

Only after they really experience it and feel it clearly, will they know the effect.

Obviously, they will know the effect,'s not so good for Si Fan.

Just a week later, he answered the phone and asked incredulously.

"Ah? We have old Lai in Atlantis? Impossible?"

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