Skynet Architect

Chapter 97 People who want to leave their hometown

Coming from afar was a not-so-small convoy, and in front of them were two snowplow vehicles opening the way.

Perhaps the ice and snow layers on the ground are really deep, and the sound of snow removal can be heard from a long distance away, and there are more vehicles behind, because I have contacted the radio just now, and I have been informed that there are a large number of vehicles. The materials need to be unloaded, and the loading and unloading equipment at the dock needs to be activated by professionals. With this coldness, all these dock equipment need to be checked, and there are maintenance personnel in such a team.

Looking at it from a distance, it looks a bit mighty. There are more than a dozen trucks behind the snow removal vehicle, followed by two buses, and at the end there are city residents who follow to watch the excitement. This whole team looks like It is a long queue of cars.

Perhaps because of surviving in the whole cold place, these guys look at the large number of SUVs and pickups, as for the sedans that are often seen in the city, there are very few, and the sports car.

No kidding, it's not cool for you to drive a sports car in this place, it's stupid and stupid.

In the distance, a warm roar can be heard, probably with a strong Argentine accent, Spanish that is difficult for Spaniards to understand.

Si Fan listened hard for a long time, finally able to distinguish what they said.

Well, it's just a greeting.

Si Fan even guessed.

The two men beside him must have recovered from the cold, and they walked out of the door to welcome them. The door of the room is closed and they are unwilling to open it easily. It is the boundary between the two worlds. Inside is a warm paradise, and outside is bitter cold hell.

"Sir, they are here to transport goods. The ones on the back of the car are members of our country's charity organization. They are now responsible for helping the funds raised by the charity football match organized by our country's Mr. Ball King to our city."

"In addition, there are several other charitable organization members here, and they are responsible for some other charitable activities here."

Then they introduced these people. Si Fan's name can be said to be very famous in the charity circle. The number of donations exceeds hundreds of billions. How can there be such a wealthy person?

This guy is, and has always been known for his strict management of charitable funds. Every expenditure of the entire charitable fund must be implemented in the most basic place.

As for the expenses required in the operation of this fund, all are supported by the financial system in the process of fund operation.

The fixed share of funds at the level of 100 billion and the stable investment income are all at the level of several billion, which is completely sufficient.

So when they saw Si Fan, the big benefactor, the other party still greeted him very warmly, and everyone got to know each other for a while.

Here, Si Fan saw some familiar people, or some people with a familiar language.

"Mr. Si Fan, hello, I am the person in charge of the Chinese Charity Fund here, and my name is Ning Ping." He shook hands with Si Fan.

Shaking hands at this time is obviously a bit awkward. Everyone is wearing huge gloves. Many people's gloves are a bit like pig's trotters. They can't separate their fingers, so it's just a simple handshake.

"excuse me……"

Si Fan also talked with him a little bit, and asked about the general composition of their charity organization in this country.

What makes Si Fan sigh is that most of the people in this charity organization are men who have worked hard at sea.

That is, the legendary fisherman. In China, it seems that the job of being a fisherman is not very profitable. In my impression, they are just guys who go out to sea in small ugly fishing boats, and the catch of such a boat is half of the oil money.

But this is not the country. The water resources here are very rich, and the ocean can feed the fishermen of this country. For those who do not have much knowledge and have grown up through non-elite cramming education, the profession of fisherman has become a very good profession. .

The fishermen near the Antarctic are all good. This is the fishing area for king crabs. In winter, the wealth they earn from fishing king crabs is worth more than one million in soft sister coins every year.

But they are also living a bloody life, and the number of people who die every year because of fishing king crabs cannot be counted with a single slap.

These guys have rough skin and honest smiles.

Talking about it can piss people off.

When encountering severe cold, others are sad, only they are still talking with a smile.

"Perhaps the fishing season for king crabs can be extended this year. After all, king crabs have already been caught at this temperature in previous years."

This is a typical psychology of a charcoal seller, worrying about the cheapness of charcoal and wishing the weather cold.

After seeing these people, Si Fan also learned about their capital operations. They spend most of their time doing small charitable activities to help Chinese settle down in the local area to learn a skill. It is somewhat like the attitude of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, which is not pure Charity, after this person uses his skills to make money, he will actually pay his own money to support the new generation.

They support each other.

Or someone whose family encounters difficult things to take care of the aftermath. For example, if a sailor dies while fishing for king crab, in addition to their family's insurance compensation, they will also give a helping hand to help their family get back together.

Such an organization moved Si Fan.

This is the wisdom they lived on, although humble, but still great.

To be honest, Si Fan was a little moved. These Chinese living abroad have always lived at the bottom.

There were a lot of charities beside him, but Si Fan still patted the shoulder of the man in front.

"Can you be responsible for distributing our company's donations fairly? You can find one or two charitable organizations with enough operating experience to help. I believe they will do a good job." Si Fan said.

The man was neither in a daze nor suspicious, and agreed on the spot.

Sailors are children of the sea, and they are always generous.

Si Fan smiled broadly and looked back at his transport ship.

He shouted loudly: "You can rent the warehouse and unload the goods at any time."

Then he handed the electronic list to the man in front of him.

"Work hard and leave us Chinese' good reputation." Si Fan patted him on the shoulder.

Although this man is almost forty years old, he is still very excited.

Only Si Fan knows that the social status of the Chinese abroad is not high, and they are not valued in the eyes of others.

Not even as good as black buddies.

After explaining, Si Fan waved his hand.

A whole bunch of people got to work, and there were local dockmasters themselves, who offered a range of warehouse storage on the spot free of charge.

At this time, Si Fan will also be interviewed by the local person in charge.

This is routine. It's just that he didn't expect that the local people were scared and wanted to migrate.

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