Skynet Architect

Chapter 105 People

The meteorological team far away in the United States has not yet completed the research, but another group of people is already very angry. They are sitting in ordinary offices and looking at the documents in hand.

Some people may not know their identities. This is the high-level members of Samantha. They are the super elites of this country. They have the highest training methods and a lot of funds in the world. The members of this organization are all A guy with a super high IQ.

They may not have had much luck, but their brains are very useful.

With the support of members of the organization, everyone can make certain achievements, and IQ is their ladder to a higher level.

Today, here are the senior members of their organization, and they are also funders. They provide funds to other members and improve their capabilities.

They will gather when they have a big problem.

Now, they're assembled.

"Brothers, now that Ami has made the most important news public, everyone will know about it within 24 hours. I want to know, do you have any thoughts?"

The person who spoke was sitting here, speaking very rationally, wearing a pair of glasses, he looked like a very ordinary person.

Sitting next to them are eight people who are also in charge of the entire area.

The woman on the left yawns very bored.

"Anyway, according to our deduction, this era will end sooner or later. Isn't it good to let it end naturally?" The woman was very lazy, like a little ruffian on the street.

The man glared at him.

"You lunatic can shut up, and don't add to the trouble of people who study how to make themselves die more painful every day."

The woman on the left glanced at him boredly, then shut up. The others were silent for a while, and the man in the other direction spoke: "Now our environment is deteriorating rapidly, no matter how we do it, with the development of technology, it is still deteriorating. I want to break through the restrictions and reach another balance in a short time. can not complete."

Another person beside him said: "Now our earth's natural recovery ability is far from reaching the speed of destruction. It is almost impossible to achieve a balance, but in fact, there are still people who acted earlier than us."

His words obviously attracted some people, and the woman on the opposite side interjected: "You should be talking about the Skynet Group, right? Their environmental management company is constantly purifying the environment, and the low purification cost is constantly purifying the environment. But Compared with the consumption of the whole world, it is still a drop in the bucket."

A fat man at the end of the seat said: "I have simulated what the Skynet Group does. In addition to purifying the world, they are more like building a safe haven, or a camp for survivors. Almost everything they have now It is an effort to create a super Eden."

The discussion suddenly became more intense, and some people gradually seemed to realize something.

They provide their own data.

"Our company monitors that all the revenues of Skynet Group's environmental governance companies can even be said to be placed in the entire industrial chain around the environment."

"The annual consumption cost of the environmental management company is an astronomical figure, which should be enough to drain all the working capital of their company. On the contrary, the investment in the construction company is not much. Only their current Atlantis plan allows us to touch it." Out of mind, but now it seems that this should be an undersea safe haven, maybe an attempt for the future."

Gradually, these high IQ talents constructed the framework of the entire Skynet Group in their minds.

From the very beginning, this company has been constantly preparing for the imminent crisis. From the very beginning of the construction industry, it has continued to do some things, such as improving the environment, adjusting the structure of the city, making better materials, and building an overall city. , and finally build a better virtual system for this city, connect various cities, and finally even build the city into the sea.

All these conclusions were obtained after their research. That is, the Skynet Group has long been preparing for this day, trying to make the crisis appear later as much as possible, and try to create a refuge base.

Such an idea quickly reached a consensus and was easily recognized by everyone. Then they come up with the final plan.

"Since someone has come ahead of us, next, all of us have to collect intelligence and see what we can do. If we can't directly affect the result and can't deduce it, then..."

He pondered for a moment.

"Just talk to someone from the Skynet Group."




There are many such conferences in this world, and of course there are those who are lagging behind. They are desperately developing, while some countries with high pollution are brazenly considering whether to increase the pollution index and let others pay for their own. The environment pays.

Even when the whole world is taking advantage of the global crisis and everyone has a sense of protection, they are aggressively soliciting garbage disposal projects all over the world, and asking for a very expensive price.

This price surprised many people, and then a lot of junk contracts came into their hands.

However, some countries have detected that they simply do not have such garbage disposal capabilities.

That is to say, when the garbage reaches them, it is dumped into the ocean or directly into the open dump.

As long as they have money, their top executives don't even spend much time in their own country, even if the whole country becomes a dump, as long as they have money.

When a real disaster strikes, there are all kinds of people, and it is impossible to judge or look directly at them.

People are crazy and struggling in this crisis, and some people are even going crazy, because they can't control their own destiny, they can only wait for death, the final death.

They didn't even know where they were on the day of their death, and they had no room to resist, so they were crazy, destructive, and hysterical.

This is a true portrayal of people all over the world. When the real answer is given to them, they will start to have no order and finally go crazy.

At this time, they seem to have no spiritual support. The cold air crushed not only one life, but also took away the faith of many people, and took away their hope of living.

It seems that life will be counted down in the next second. This feeling is really bad. It even makes many people with weak hearts give up their lives, and they choose to commit suicide. Made a cowardly deserter.

Some people say that suicide requires courage. In fact, it is the greatest cowardice. No matter how wronged you are, you still have the last way to go.

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