Skynet Architect

Chapter 114: Ten Trillion Losses

Next, Zhao Jianjia introduced the income structure of their family to Si Fan, which was also a very frank thing.

Only in this way can Si Fan know how much investment a huge family has. Electricity energy is a recent new project, and it is not particularly important to them.

Their main body is in terms of raw mineral resources. It can be said that they are the so-called various mine bosses.

And their family-run mines are things you don't usually know about.

Ordinary people may think that coal bosses are local tyrants, but they never know that some precious minerals are more precious than gold, and they specialize in mining various niche minerals.

These accounted for the majority, followed by real estate, with a lot of investment, and then infrastructure and basic industries.

The assets in all aspects are close to 100 billion level.

Si Fan didn't care about this at all before, he just cared about what the other party represented behind.

Now that I know it doesn't matter. Skynet Group has long been a huge gold-swallowing monster, and any country in the world is very greedy.

I don't know when I'm going to come up to take a bite, but everyone is just waiting to see where I can bite down without teething, and I can have the fattest bite.

It's like a school of sharks.

In other words, what Zhao Kaiyuan said was right. From the outside, he didn't seem to be able to cover this company, but his family didn't have the ability to cover Skynet Group.

After listening to Zhao Jianjia's words, Si Fan thought about it for a few minutes, and then said to Zhao Jianjia: "Since your family has suffered such a big loss, if you need financial support, you can ask them to come to me. It can still be supported if it is less than 10 billion. But I don’t want it to be a one-off thing, it’s just money for investment.”

Zhao Jianjia, who was on the opposite side, was in Malaysia at this time, and when he heard Si Fan's words, he couldn't stop crying.

The choking voice can be heard on the phone.

"Don't worry about being moved. I'm an evil slave owner. With such a big change in the world, the environmental management company will definitely enter a period of rapid development. This company still needs you to worry about it. It's only 10 billion. You have to give it to me quickly. Earn it back." Si Fan seemed so contrived when he spoke.

As if how distressed I am.

Only those who are really familiar with Si Fan know that it's just money, and he doesn't care anymore.

Zhao Jianjia agreed with a sob. After the two of them finished their official business, they also exchanged a few words about the trivial matters in daily life. Everything seemed so easy.

After half an hour, the two finally hung up the phone.

Zhao Jianjia obviously knew in his heart that his future man would be Si Fan, but whether he had love in his heart or not. She's confused now too.

Zhao Jianjia was struggling, but Si Fan was already busy.

Just after hanging up the phone, Donna knocked on the door.

When she came in, she took out a report and gave it to Si Fan.

"Boss, according to statistics, the world's power industry is now losing 27 trillion yuan, and this fund is still increasing. From large power plants to small power supply companies, stocks have collapsed across the board, and the power supply of ordinary people has declined. Very fast." Donna put the document in front of Si Fan.

After the report was finished, she waited for Si Fan's next order.

Now the company is walking a tightrope crazily. Nearly 30 trillion yuan is the level of the annual GDP of a big country. It is very scary to just evaporate inexplicably.

Of course, they did not calculate the rise of other industries. If they calculate the rise of other industries around electricity, then this number will drop a lot.

"The company fully supports the manufacture of auxiliary equipment for power consumption around the world, and promotes the equipment that receives power as soon as possible. It will reach the point of basic popularization before the world panics in power consumption. Don't be afraid of technology leakage. Our company has never thought of making a profit in this area. .” Si Fan issued the following basic guidelines.

Donna silently recorded these,

Next, it will be communicated to other company executives. The final result must be very terrifying. All the power of the Skynet Group is put on the promotion of a non-profitable equipment. The technology is not even afraid of leaking, but one of them is the Skynet Group. The advanced equipment absolutely does not allow any quality problems.

this is the key of the problem.

Even some special parts are sold by Skynet Group. As long as you wholesale, it will be sold to you, so the quality of power auxiliary equipment will be greatly improved.

This is what Skynet Group does.

When these things broke out around the world, people's lives changed, but the lack of equipment was inevitable. How could billions of equipment be produced quickly? Only the approximate manufacturing process of the equipment announced by Si Fan , and allow everyone to use the patent for free, manufacture it on the difficult core award and sell it to other companies.

If you want to earn all the money, you will be exhausted sooner or later.

After the order, everything will continue to run, but Si Fan already has something to do.

On the table next to him, there was an invitation letter from the University of Michigan, inviting Si Fan to give a lecture.

This kind of thing is still rare for Si Fan. The other party's invitation is not only this, but also a more important thing, that is, a charity gala. The main thing to raise funds is to manage the environment.

Work hard to protect the environment, and the goal is to be responsible for the real waste management framework that started in the United States, slowly accumulate experience, and then expand to the world.

This activity is very important to Si Fan. As long as this activity is carried out, Skynet's waste treatment plant will be the core link, and multiple activities around this core will generate huge redundant value.

Everyone in the waste treatment plant knows that it is of great value, but the loss of the plant is also kept secret. In their cognition, there is no complete decomposition at all, and there is no such way as cheating.

They have some judgments in their minds. The waste treatment plant is a very profitable business, but it is similar to other waste treatment plants, and the cost is even higher. After all, it must be completely environmentally friendly.

The standard achieved by various materials is also supported by a series of technologies, and there is no patent application for this, because they are afraid of technology leaks.

Many countries have done this kind of thing.

So their eyes are not here either, their eyes are drawn to the impending disaster.

The garbage disposal plant can handle the garbage perfectly, and they are too excited. Some countries even organize some teams to consciously salvage the garbage dumped into the ocean.

Everything is imperceptibly unable to ignore the Skynet Group.

Silently, Skynet Group, a construction company, has become a vanguard in each field of environmental protection.

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