Skynet In Another World

Chapter 99: PLAN—B

   Chapter 099-B

   After a brief stunned, Magoro immediately adjusted his emotions.

   "So I'm not thinking about it well, then, as the Malone brothers said, the task of capturing the city gate will be given to the brothers of the Huo Escort."

  Since Malone wanted to act, Magoro simply stayed with him to the end.

   Same solemnity, full of gratitude, that seemingly sincere request, Ma Long felt so ashamed for an instant.

   But fortunately, everyone is an old world, and that trivial sense of shame just disappears in an instant. After all, these years: dead dao friends don’t die poor dao!

  Magoro did not argue with Malone on the assignment of tasks. In fact, Magoro did not try to test the mind of Ma Long's **** in the initial assignment of tasks.

   The result is obvious. Although everyone has the same boat in the same city, they all have their own thoughts.

   Malone and other Huo's escorts aimed to escape the cottage as their ultimate goal, but Magoro clearly had a bigger plan.

   He had already taken a fancy to the formulas for the melting stone agent and stabilizer in the hands of the bandits, and was determined to get them.

"Hmph, how can you group of mountain bandits, Ho De, have such a heaven-defying formula? God gave me Ma Goro the formula! Hmph, Yan, Rikaanna, since you refuse to teach me, then I will grab it , Go steal it! When I get the recipe and escape outside, it will no longer be a dream to award officials and knights!"

   Asagoro’s eyes flashed with extreme greed.

   "And you mountain bandits, privately cast iron armor, privately mine iron ore, everything is the capital crime of ransacking the family, you wait for me to escape!"

  Magoro's psychology is almost morbid. He hates the injustice of fate and thinks that he has given birth to the wrong class. He prides himself on his talents, but he can't reuse it. He thinks that the gift of others is justified, and when his request is not met, he will immediately regard the other party as an enemy. Can't wait to kill and then quickly.


   A loud whip brought Ma Goro out of his world

   "Gather, gather, all Mashan gather! Actions are neat! Did you hear me!"

  The mountain bandits suddenly began to frantically urge the folks to gather. The minhus didn't know exactly what happened, but the body began to gather movements subconsciously.


   "Stand in the queue, shit! How do you usually teach you, align it horizontally and vertically!"

   A leather whip was drew fiercely on the face of a Lumin husband who was standing crookedly. Suddenly, a hideous blood stain appeared on the face of the husband

   "Ah!" The screams made by the Minfu were the best urging. The rest of the Minfu didn't need to urge more, and quickly formed a few square formations.

   And at this time, a civilian husband had discovered that several groups of mountain bandits in iron armor and heavily armed had already surrounded them.

  Different from the mountain bandits of the logistics organization, the elite mountain bandit army is obviously filled with a frightening blood. That was all conceived through fierce battles.

   Dozens of such elite mountain bandit soldiers stopped there, and many of the hundreds of captured civilians had their legs trembling secretly.

   Seeing that the elite mountain bandit army scared down hundreds of civilians in just one face, Ma Goro frowned immediately.

  At this critical time, the bandits suddenly made such a move, and the morale of the prisoners would be greatly damaged. It is hard to say that this will not affect their escape plan tonight.

   Just as Ma Goro was worried, Xi Ling Yankuan walked to the front of the people. Xilin Yan, who has an angel face and a devil figure, is in charge of all the prisoners in the cottage.

Zhu lip lightly opened, and Xi Ling Yan announced with his unique cold voice: "All engineering tasks in the afternoon will be temporarily cancelled. Li He, send them to the cave prison in batches for temporary detention. Without my order, nothing is allowed. A local husband left the cave prison!"

   As soon as Xi Ling Yan said this, Ma Goro, Ma Long and others all changed their colors.

   "What's the joke, put all the civilians in the cave prison? Isn't that the end of the CAO? If this is done, all the plans will go bankrupt directly from the source!"

   It took so long to wait for such a good opportunity, but who would have thought that Xilin Yan’s order would make all the calculations of the folks go to waste!

After hearing this order, the skinny folks got blown up. He looked at Ma Goro for help, wanting to see if Ma Goro could do anything, and whether he should think of a way to make Xi Ling Yan change his decision. .

  Magoro was obviously also entangled in his heart, trying very hard to make Xi Ling Yan change his decision. But after some calculations, he realized that this approach was almost impossible to succeed.

   Xi Ling Hiko, this girl, Asagoro, has a lot of contact, is indifferent, and seldom speaks. The decisions she makes have never been disturbed by the outside world. If this order was given by Likaanna, there might be some discussion, but the person who gave the order was Xiling Yan, so there is no room for discussion.

  Magoro doesn't have any face at all with Xirei Hiko. Don’t look at Magoro’s reputation among the folks, but the last one who relied on a large number of folks brought the public opinion to find the leader of the folks who asked Xilin Yan to improve the treatment of the folks. The body was still hanging high in the cottage. On the flagpole.

   Xi Ling Yan, like Hong Ji, has zero tolerance for disturbed elements who are good at agitating public opinion.

  Facts have proved that the so-called support of public opinion is a joke under the threat of life and death. The death of that person is worthless. After the incident, no civil servant complained against that person. Everyone remained absolutely silent.

   "Although this situation is a bit sudden, we are not unprepared, we still have -B."

  Magoro glanced at Xi Ling Yan with a gloomy look, and quickly lowered his head when he saw Xi Ling Yan's gaze swept toward him.

   There were no twists and turns in the execution of the order to imprison the civilian husband, and everything went smoothly. It's just that although the cave jail was expanded, it was immediately imprisoned by hundreds of civilians, and the limited cell was still a little stretched.

   There is no way, the bandits can only try to pack a few more people into each cell.

   Centralized detention is for better supervision. In view of the turmoil that occurred at the last celebration banquet, this time the copycats have greatly increased their guards. The captured civilians are a factor of instability. For the sake of insurance, even if the construction period is delayed for a long time, they will be kept under strict control.

   Several people in the cave prison belonged to resident guests, such as Xiao Ruyi as a meat ticket, Huo Yunqing as a blood pig, and Peng Xu, a metal virus specimen. All three of them were treated as independent single rooms. The surrounding cells were also deliberately vacant, just to isolate the three, but the situation was special at this time, even Peng Xu's cell at the door was stuffed into the prisoner's husband.

   Even if Hong Ji had instructed no one to approach Peng Xu, the bandits guarding the cave prison would not be able to hold so many people without such arrangements.

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