Skynet In Another World

Chapter 134: Fleeing slave forces

   Chapter 134 Fleeing Slave Forces

   Ruan Dan is not a person who can easily admit defeat. Don't think that his name is Ruan Dan, but he is not at all soft when he does things.

   The tragic casualties of three thousand county soldiers did not scare Ruan Dan, but completely aroused the fierceness in his heart.

   "Blood for blood, tooth for tooth!"

   "I want your entire Red Mountain Fort to pay for the lives of three thousand soldiers in my county!"


   Within one day, three thousand county soldiers were slaughtered, but the Lu State party failed to kill one man and one horse from Red Mountain Fort. The death ratio of 3000:0 is simply a fiasco that Lu Guo has never had before.

   In this battle, the loss of Daijun County soldiers was not limited to the loss of 3,000 net troops. The more serious and far-reaching impact was that Daijun soldiers began to develop a little fear of the Red Mountain Guard Cavalry.

  As a local county soldier of the Lu Kingdom, he originally lacked real battlefield training, and his fighting spirit was generally not high.

Especially after seeing the scorched corpses in the villages slaughtered by the blue sea of ​​fire, and hearing the news that the culprit leader was a stranger in the titled realm, some county soldiers would feel vaguely as long as they mentioned the Red Mountain Guard Cavalry. be terrified.

   The current situation is that Ruan Dan was not scared by Hong Ji's massacre. His military orders were issued frequently, and the army was assembled, planning to launch a large-scale frontal attack on Red Mountain Fort.

  He sighed in his heart. He wanted to retaliate fiercely. He wanted to let the Hong Ji understand that Lu Guo, a powerful country in the Northern Territory, could definitely not be provoked by a group of bandits. Even if that group of bandits has a titled alien to support it.

   Ruan Dan knew that the destruction of the three thousand county soldiers had caused a heavy blow to the morale of the local county soldiers.

   There are already signs of fear and cowardice among the soldiers at the bottom.

   This is a dangerous sign. If this matter is not handled properly, the military spirit of the local county soldiers may collapse.

   Therefore, Ruan Dan strictly ordered the blockade of the news of the destruction of the three thousand county soldiers, and all offenders will be punished by military law as the crime of spreading rumors and disturbing the military.

   Although Ruan Dan’s move is somewhat deceptive, this era is not an information society with a well-developed network in the future. Most of the news of this era still depends on word of mouth.

   Ruan Dan sent people to announce that: the destruction of the three thousand county soldiers was only a rumor released by the thieves, in order to shake the hearts of the people in the county. At the same time, the burning sites in seven villages were quickly wiped out.

   There is no evidence of death anyway. Ruan Dan was not afraid that someone would come to expose him.

   In addition to "refuting rumors" to stabilize the military's mind, Ruan Dan also offered a high reward.

   slashed a bandit soldier, rewarded money with hundreds of ranks, and was promoted to the rank of corps. Under the reward, there must be a brave man. As soon as the local county soldier heard that there was a huge bounty to receive, all blood spurted in an instant!

   "Hundreds of money! Promoted to the rank of army leader!"

   Lu Guohou advocated war. In order to attract Lu people to actively join the army, the treatment of Lu's soldiers is the highest among the surrounding countries.

   The people of the Lv country joined the army for money. At this moment, as soon as I heard that, killing a bandit would give you a hundred rewards. Gearing up one after another.

   The military heart is tentatively determined, and the local county soldiers have also begun to assemble to the county town under the command of Ruan Dan. With the army, there are also rich landlords living in various villages and their wealth and possessions.

   The news of these wealthy landlords is very well informed. Although Ruan Dan has tried his best to block the news, the news of the collapse of the three thousand prefectures did not eventually spread. But there is an indisputable fact: the Red Mountain Guard Cavalry has not yet been wiped out.

Moreover, what’s worse is that the slaves who were previously liberated by the Red Mountain Guards were not completely suppressed and wiped out by the local county soldiers. The remaining slippery fishes merged with each other, forming several large groups of fugitive slaves. Fleeing forces.

   The big waves are scouring the sand, and the remaining fugitives are the most brutal and desperate generation. There are already many villagers in small villages who have been slaughtered by these fugitives because they have not obeyed the advice and moved to villages where the county soldiers are garrisoned.

   Fugitive slaves are more brutal than the Red Mountain Guards. They can't distinguish the rich from the poor at all. They are more thorough locusts than the Red Mountain Guards. Wherever they go, no grass will grow.

   The true faction full version: Kill it all! Burn out! Grab it all!

   What's more terrible is that Ruan Dan obtained information that some of the slaves who fled from the riots actually had strength above the fifth stage of the martial art stage.

   It is precisely because of the leadership of those fugitive slave leaders in the fifth stage of the martial arts realm that the fugitive slave teams have spread wildly and raged. They slaughtered civilians in Dai County, freed their fellow slaves, and strengthened their ranks.

   "Martial Arts Stage 5! Slave! How could it be possible!"

   Ruan Dan, who heard the news for the first time, couldn't help but exclaimed directly.

   Ruan Dan would be so shocked and easy to understand.

   Don't think that the martial artist of the fifth stage of the martial arts stage is a Chinese cabbage. In fact, even if it has sufficient resources and orthodox training guidance, it is limited by the level of your own talent, and not everyone can reach the strength of the fifth stage of the martial arts stage.

   At least five stages in the martial art realm, he is already a second-rate master in the arena.

   As for slaves, there is neither a pile of cultivation resources nor guidance, and they can hold back the strength of the fifth stage of the martial art realm if they are done behind closed doors. This is not an exception!

   This incident is simply incredible.

   "Teacher, more than that, the subordinates also found that every time these fugitives slaughtered a village, all the bodies would be cut off by them. They seemed to"

   "Collect vouchers to kill!"

   Ruan Dan expressed his conjectures for the The various changes that occurred in the escaped slaves made Ruan Dan have to suspect that this incident must be behind the scenes. And the biggest man behind the scenes is Hong Ji.

   "Hmph, I will remember this account for you first, let's take care of it later!"

   "Let the order go on and speed up the assembly of the army."

   Under Ruan Dan's dispatch, all the county troops who were stationed in all parts of Dai County gathered towards the three county towns. At the same time, the wealthy households who were originally scattered in various villages in Dai County also fled to the county for refuge.

Nowadays, there are chaos in the county, slave riots, bandits and soldiers, and dead everywhere. Fortunately, it is winter. Farming is terminated. Most people are in Maodong. If it is the farming season, the impact of Hongji’s sabotage will be affected. Bigger.

   The county seat is protected by towering city walls and a large number of county soldiers. In the impression, the Red Mountain Guard Cavalry has never attacked the county seat. Therefore, in the hearts of those landlords and wealthy households, the county seat is absolutely safe.

   In the life detection radar, Hong Ji has a clear view of the gathering of Daijun soldiers and the migration of Daijun people.

   "Hehe, really silly and stunned."

  I watched the carts of supplies continue to gather towards the three strongholds

   Hong Ji couldn't help but smile. The mood is great for a while.

   After all, I haven't been in vain these days.

   At this moment, Hong Ji can't wait to play in the fire.


   Hong Ji is calculating the critical moment of messing up Daijun.

   Red Mountain Sword Sect and his party finally followed the guidance of the intelligence to come outside the border wall of Red Mountain Fort.

   Marvel at the magnificence of the border wall of the Red Mountain Fort. At this time, the eyes of the three elders of the Red Mountain Jianzong were full of greed and covetousness.

   "to be continued"


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