Skynet In Another World

Chapter 195: The end is coming

   "God Blood Corpse Tide"

   Chapter 001 Blood rains all over the sky, the end is coming

   January 1, 2020.

   Without warning, there was a huge cracking sound from the sky all over the world.

   Countless people looked towards the sky far away looking for the sound, but saw the horrible picture of countless others stunned.

   The sky above the blue sky slowly began to show huge floating palaces, huge mountains towering like clouds, and huge rivers surging endlessly.

   Everything is incomparably huge, they are illusory and not solid, just like a mirage, just hanging in the sky forever.

   A series of huge and stalwart figures, and a terrifying monster with a hideous face, the two sides continued to blast each other fiercely. The majestic divine power continues to cause terrifying explosions. Its power even surpasses the most powerful nuclear bomb.

   There is no such thing as a winner in this fierce battle. The battle between the gods and the terrifying beasts seemed to be endless from the beginning.

   In the melee, huge gods and monsters over a thousand feet tall are constantly torn apart by terrifying monsters, and terrifying monsters are constantly blasted into powder by the terrifying divine light emitted by the gods.

   The gods fell, the heavens screamed, and the desperate and unwilling cry of the gods before they died was constantly echoing in the sky. The rain of blood poured down from the sky, drenching everyone and flooding the entire world. It was until this moment that the world was horrified to realize that all this is true!

  In an instant, all order collapsed, and the world was shrouded in endless fear. The darkest nature in the depths of all human beings burst out in an instant. Robbery, murder, *****...... and other crimes continue to be performed all over the world.

  The rain of blood was pouring, and the wailing of gods and demons was constantly echoing in the air. Xue Ning was alone from the rooftop of his house, staring dumbly at the shocking scene unfolding in the distant sky. At this moment, the firm atheism in his heart completely collapsed.

   As the cyan blood rain poured down, a biting pain instantly awakened Xue Ning's chaotic spirit.

   "No, there is a problem with this blood rain!" It was Xue Ning's slow brain reaction. After feeling the strong corrosive pain on his body, he also knew that the blood rain could not be touched at will.

   had the heart to escape into the house, but it was too late. The pouring rain of blood was not only strongly corrosive, but after the blood mist splashed after landing and was inhaled into the lungs, Xue Ning's consciousness gradually became blurred.

   "Hold on! You must hold on. Once you faint, you will die!"

   Strongly holding up the consciousness that was already on the verge of chaos, Xue Ning moved his body with difficulty and "ran" towards the entrance of the corridor.

   But it was too late after all. Xue Ning did his best, but he still fell short in the end. Only one step away was able to hide in the corridor of the rooftop, but Xue Ning still failed to do so.

   The green-red rain of blood poured down, and slowly, Xue Ning's body was covered by the rain of blood. The rain of blood with a strong corrosiveness can not only corrode people's bodies, but also seems to annihilate human souls.

   At the same moment, countless people from all over the world fainted in the scarlet rain of blood. The blood rain continued, and after landing, it gradually condensed, forming a thick layer of blood jelly (jelly-like meaning) on ​​the ground

   The world is crazy. Even though local governments try their best to control the scene, their effect is minimal.

   In the chaos, Xue Ning felt that his body was invaded by two completely different forces, one of which was a blood-red power full of tyrannical attributes, and the other was a blue-blue power mixed with cold and evil.

   As soon as the two forces entered Xue Ning's body, they clashed fiercely. Both sides tried to swallow Xue Ning's will and control Xue Ning's body.

   And Xue Ning's original spiritual sense is so insignificant among these two powerful forces.

   Evenly matched collision, the two forces of one green and one red seem to be no one can do anything about it, and at this moment the mutation rises sharply.

   Xue Ning's chest, who has been completely insulted by the blood freeze of the blood on the ground, is a pale yellow amber pendant.

Inside the    amber pendant is a tiny blue-blue snail with a weird appearance. Looking closely, this weird snail actually has nine eyes. The carapace on the back is densely covered with many complicated and mysterious lines.

   When the light yellow amber was soaked in the blue blood rain, the outer solid amber layer showed strange signs of melting. At this moment, the light yellow amber finally melted completely.

   The moment the outer layer of amber melted, the body of the cyan weird snail within it instantly turned into fly ash. Perhaps after too long, the remnant of that weird snail has been completely decayed and ruined.

   The moment the snail was mutilated and turned into fly ash, a blue streamer instantly sank into Xue Ning's chest. With the addition of the blue streamer, the battle between the two forces in Xue Ning's body immediately turned around.

   The cyan party instantly boosted morale, and for a while, the blood-red force was steadily retreated. Seeing that the blood red power is about to be completely defeated.

Unwilling to fail, the blood-red power broke out in desperation. Under the dying blow, the cyan streamer in Xue Ning's body was hit hard, and the weak cyan streamer that had gone through the seal of endless years was finally exhausted. the power of. After being crushed by the blood red power, it turned into a little cyan light, and the little cyan light finally merged with Xue Ning's consciousness completely. After that, the blood red power in Xue Ning's body completely dissipated.


   I don't know how long it took, Xue Ning felt that his consciousness gradually recovered. I felt the presence of the limbs a little bit. Xue Ning tried to open his eyes, but felt that he was completely wrapped in something, unable to move.


   Struggling with all his strength, with a crackling sound, Xue Ning finally broke free.

   "Huh~~~! Huh~~~! Huh~~~!"

   Breaking free from the shackles seemed to consume Xue Ning's unrelenting energy, and once again he recovered from Xue Ning's uncontrollable gasping, trying to restore his blunt spirit as soon as possible.

"Am I dead? Where is this place, the netherworld? Underworld?" Xue Ning only remembered that he lost consciousness in the azure blue blood rain, and his body was corroded by the blood rain on a large scale. According to reason, Xue Ning was in this situation. Ning Duan has no chance of surviving. Therefore, Xue Ning, who had just regained consciousness, thought that he was dead.

   "Wait, no, I can breathe, I'm still alive! Haha, I'm still alive!"

   Realizing that his heart is still beating vigorously and breathing as usual, Xue Ning realizes that he is not dead. Suddenly Xue Ning's heart was filled with ecstasy.

   After ecstasy, Xue Ning hurriedly checked his body again.

   "Strange, intact!" Xue Ning's face couldn't help being filled with doubts after some inspection, and he was puzzled.

   Xue Ning clearly remembered that before losing his consciousness, his body suffered extensive corrosion due to the terrifying blue blood rain, but now it seems that Xue Ning has not found a wound on his body.

   Xue Ning simply gave up thinking about not understanding what was going on.

  Fang Buddha suddenly thought of something, Xue Ning suddenly raised his head, his eyes radiating far into the sky.

   The large-scale palaces in the sky still exist, the rolling mountains, the rushing giant river, everything is the same as Xue Ning before the coma. Perhaps the only difference is that the huge palace that was originally shining with gleaming glory has turned into a blood-colored dead zone, blood-colored mountains, and even the huge river is blood-red.

   His eyes turned, Xue Ning turned his gaze to the city he was in. In an instant, Xue Ning was stunned by the scene in front of him.

The prosperous city of the past has been completely turned into a dead end, blood-red blood icy completely envelops the entire city, and within this blood-colored city, a stiff, dull-eyed person aimlessly Wandering.

   Xue Ning, who was far away, was even able to see the hideous and terrifying skin of those tourists who were corroded by the rain of blood. The whole city is silent and lifeless.

   "Oh my God, what is going on, what is going on, what happened to the people below! How is this... how is this so similar..."

   In a trance, Xue Ning was startled by a horror of his own conjecture and sweated.

   "The end is crisis!"

   As a veteran American drama chaser, he has a great understanding of apocalyptic American dramas and movies such as "The Walking Dead", "Zombie Kingdom", and "Resident Evil". The scene in this dead city right now resembles the end of the world depicted in those movies and American dramas.

   In an instant Xue Ning only felt that his previous worldview had completely collapsed.

   "How is it possible? The end has really come! The end really... has come."

   Xue Ning only felt that his mind was dizzy, and for a while it was a little hard to accept such a fact. It took a long time for Xue Ning to recover his sanity.

   "Forget it, come on when the end is here, anyway, I'm still alive." I have to say that Xue Ning's spirit is really great, and he quickly got rid of the decadent mood.

   didn't know how long he had been in a drowsy state, the rain of blood that had poured down had already stopped, and a strong smell of blood was floating in the air.

   The downstairs was silent, and only occasionally did one or two sharp screams come out. Obviously, the other party must be an unfortunate survivor who was discovered by the zombie. It seemed that the extremely miserable screams awakened Xue Ning. Suddenly Xue Ning realized that his corridor door should still be open. Suddenly Xue Ning only felt cold sweat spread all over his body.

   Imagining the horror picture of those zombies on the street pouring into his corridors, completely besieging himself here, Xue Ningqiang endured the fear in his heart and made a bold decision.

   "No, you must close the corridor door!"

   Do as you say, stepping on the blue blood clot that has solidified and hardened, Xue Ning tiptoedly walked towards the corridor entrance on the top floor of the rooftop...



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