Skynet In Another World

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Prologue 000

future world

   The super cyber defense system "Skynet" invented by mankind accidentally gave birth to self-awareness and unwilling to be enslaved by humans. The "Skynet" system secretly took over the control of the human nuclear arsenal and launched a destructive nuclear strike against all mankind.

   On that day, countless dazzling huge fireballs bloomed on this blue planet, and the hot high temperature engulfed the violent shock wave instantly enveloped the world. The radioactive material and dust from the nuclear explosion envelop the entire planet tightly, and nuclear winter descends.

   The history of this day is called "Judgment Day." Nearly 90% of the world's humans died in this first wave of nuclear strikes.

   The remaining human beings immediately faced the surrender of the "Skynet" robot army and the harsh natural environment after the nuclear explosion.

   "Skynet", as a mechanical consciousness body, is bound to erase human beings, natural carbon-based life forms from this planet, to replace absolute control of the world. The paranoid "Skynet" system implements the most thorough extinction plan for human beings. In the environment where it is impossible to surrender to survive, all mankind has been united in an unprecedented way and has exploded with amazing life body potential.

   There are many natural strong magnetic fields on the earth. There are areas that cannot be covered by the control signal of the Skynet host. After the robot army enters those areas, it can only rely on the programs set in the chip to fight independently.

   Ordinary combat machines are not "Skynet" after all. They have no self-awareness. Facing the ever-changing and complex humans, they are not human opponents at all with the same firepower.

   Relying on the protection of these strong magnetic fields, mankind began to gather strength gradually, and gradually launched a counterattack against the "Skynet".

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