Skynet In Another World

Vol 2 Chapter 387: Teleportation System

Chapter 387: Teleport

"Different people!"

Hong Ji almost squeezed these two words from between her teeth.

"One hundred secrets!"

Hong Ji couldn't help sighing in her heart.

Originally, she had considered all kinds of emergencies, 24 hours a day, the monitoring of the idea contact device, the continuous Red Mountain Guard patrol, and the strict block isolation system.

But these defensive methods are all used to guard against ordinary people, Hong Ji only missed the factors of foreign people's intervention.

Judging from the image data recorded by the mind contact device, the third figure that suddenly appeared obviously possessed some ability similar to teleportation.

Only by teleporting would it be possible to steal the two big living people out of the Red Mountain Fort silently.

The strangers Hong Ji had encountered in the past, they all appeared on the frontal battlefield. But today, this one is really a **** thief.

At this moment, Hong Ji has a feeling of beating eagles all the year round, but today he was pecked by the swallows.

Hong Ji really didn't like this feeling.

Hong Ji said that she was very angry now, and the consequences would really be serious.

"Hmph, are there people in my Red Mountain Fort that you can steal if you want to steal!"

Hong Ji sneered in her heart.

"Search number: G101, G102 brain core signal source location"

Hong Ji calmly entered the command code in her mind. In an instant, with Hongji as the core, countless search signals quickly spread to the nearby Hongshan Mountain area through the tower base LAN.

Hong Ji was very fortunate that she had implanted brain cores in the brains of key technical workers, so even if she is now likely to face the escape of heavyweight technicians in Hongshan Fort, Hong Ji does not worry about the leakage of her technology. .

Because Hong Ji only needs one command, he can instantly lock all the technical data in the minds of Master Li and Master Park.

In an instant, they changed from a top technical engineer to a technical idiot.

Hong Ji was angry about the betrayal of Master Li and Master Park. Although Hong Ji, Master Li and Master Park are only using each other.

But Hong Ji dared to pat her chest and said that in terms of welfare, she had never treated the two masters Li and Pu.

The treatment Hong Ji gave them was definitely the highest of her contemporaries.

But even those two still chose to betray and flee.

Hong Ji has always had zero tolerance for betrayal, so she was ruthless at the moment, even if she digged three feet, and razed the three counties, she would have to capture the two guys back, and then personally stripped their skins.

The Hongji radar detection signal can be used for large-scale radiation detection through the base LAN.

Now the signal range of the Hongshanbao tower base LAN has grown to an astonishing radius of two hundred kilometers.

The east-west span of the Hongshan Mountain Region is only 300 miles, that is, 150 kilometers, so now the tower base of the Red Mountain Fort has completely covered the southern part of the Red Mountain Region, and part of the antennae has been extended into Lu The border counties of, Zhongshan and Zheng State.

Of course, it is precisely because of this that they dared to mess up the border counties of the three countries so unscrupulously.

With the radar support of the Taki LAN, the Red Mountain Guards can clearly grasp every movement of the troops of the Three Kingdoms.

In this way, the elite troops of Red Hamburg can avoid the edge of the enemy's main force, focus on the opponent's weakness, and only take advantage and not lose!

The army of Red Mountain Fort is like a group of ghosts, always appearing in the most unexpected places of the Three Kingdoms army.

To this day, Zheng's border guards have not yet figured out where they lost, and why the gangsters can accurately avoid the village where they have placed heavy ambushes, and focus on their emptiness.

The Three Kingdoms even thought that there was the eyeliner of bandits in their army, and they were investigating and arresting them.


Hong Ji thought that even if the other party had some kind of teleporting ability, it could not be unlimited in use.

Otherwise, the other party would not be comfortable with the status quo for a long time, and this time just stole two engineer blacksmiths.

Just imagine, if an enemy with teleport ability deliberately destroys Red Mountain Fort, it will cause great chaos in Red Mountain Fort.

But so far, the opponent has not used his teleporting ability to carry out assassination and destruction in Red Mountain Fort.

The other party's failure to do Hong Ji is not naive to think that it is because of the other party's high moral level. Disdain to do that dark thing.

If he really had a high moral level, he would not have gone to the Red Mountain Fort to steal people.

Obviously, the opponent is also afraid of the defensive strength inside Red Mountain Fort. Of course, Hong Ji guessed that the other party was probably most afraid of her.

Hong Ji knew very well that the origin of the alien's talent was all due to supernatural organs. Although the supernatural organs can provide talented supernatural powers to foreigners, it is like Lei He's mutant Thunder kidneys. But the supernatural organs are also exhausted.

Heterogeneous energy will also be exhausted.

As long as the opponent cannot use the teleport ability continuously and unrestrictedly, it is now impossible for them to escape the detection range of the base LAN.

The real situation is as expected by Hong Ji.

Soon, Hong Ji sensed the brain signals in Master Li and Master Park.

"Hmph, I found you!"

A dark smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Hong Ji's mouth.

With the brain-core connection, Hong Ji can flip through the memories of the two of them at will, but Master Li and Master Park didn't realize that the whereabouts of the three of them had now been exposed.

"We must get on the road as soon as possible! This is still too close to Red Mountain Fort. At this time, the Red Mountain Guards must have discovered that I and I are missing, and Red Mountain Fort will send chasing troops soon!"

After leaving the Red Mountain Fort, the spirits of Master Li and Master Park were in a state of extreme tension all the time.

They still vividly remember the cruel punishment of the traitors in the former Red Mountain Fort.

Staying in the Red Mountain Region for a quarter of an hour will make Master Li and Master Park thorns on their backs.

The alien of the teleportation system obviously also took his two worries deeply. It's just that there is no way, the display of his supernatural powers is too costly.

The world is balanced, and the more powerful the ability to perform, the more blood energy is consumed.

This is why people with supernatural powers are often warriors with deep blood and qi realm, because only with the support of their talents, the road to growth of foreigners is not far.

The teleport talent originally consumes a lot of energy, not to mention this stranger still drags two burdens.

Since escaping from the Red Mountain Fort, the three of them took the rugged path all the way, avoiding the checkpoints outside the Red Mountain Guards branch as much as possible. In addition to the rest of the stranger's recovery, they stopped and went. The three of them have not yet completely walked out of the Red Mountain Territory.

Suddenly, both Master Li and Master Park felt that they seemed to be under some unknown prying eyes at the same time.

This feeling instantly makes them feel creepy.

To be honest, this time they conspired to escape from Red Mountain Fort, they also hesitated several times. The benefits offered by Hongshanbao to them are really quite generous.

In fact, both Master Li and Master Park knew in their hearts that Hong Ji was really not indifferent to them.

But it can't hold back people's lack of support. With more and more confidential technologies in their hands, the manufacture and assembly of various large-scale mechanical parts in the Red Mountain Fort all rely on them.

Slowly these two people began to swell, and they began to feel that the development of Red Mountain Fort to this day was all due to them.

Gradually, they want more. Now they are no longer willing to be just an ordinary technical engineer. They want to take power and be promoted to the ruling class.

And they have also directly or euphemistically approached Serenas for power.

Not unsurprisingly, Serenas directly refused their extraordinary request.

Selenas replied to them: "People who engage in technology should be at ease to engage in technology, and don't think too much about those who don't!"

Serenas' direct and unrelenting refusal directly caused both of them to be dissatisfied with the entire ruling order of Red Mountain Fort.

If you can't figure out how to position yourself, it's just people like Master Li and Master Park.

People like them will never remember how generous Red Mountain Fort has given them, they will only remember that Serenas did not meet their requirements and refused them to enter the power class.

Originally, Master Li and Master Park thought that they were also personal belongings in the Red Mountain Fort. However, Serenas' attitude towards them directly knocked the two back into a circle.

They could clearly feel the disdain of Selena's bones showing the two of them.

In fact, Serenas really didn't respect these two people.

"Hmph, it's overwhelming to want to be in power, senior engineer? Is there a technology in Hongshanbao that the two of you alone innovated and numbed it?"

Serenas couldn't help but sneer again and again in her heart.

The mistake of Master Li and Master Park was that they regarded the knowledge Hong Ji lent them as their own talents.

The two of them didn't know the existence of the brain core in their brains, Hong Ji had closed the memory of the process of implanting the brain core of both of them.

They just suddenly found that their memory has become superior, and their quick thinking style has also improved qualitatively.

In many cases, Hong Ji merely proposed a technical idea, and they were able to fill in the technical ideas behind them smoothly.

For a long time, the two of them are almost like gods help.

But in fact, where are there any gods in this world, the reason why they feel that their brains have countless fantastic ideas gushing out, it is simply that Hongji has already entered the technical information into the brain core in advance, and they It's just a promulgation based on the book.

Master Li and Master Park had misassessed their own worth, and Serenas' refusal made them feel extremely humiliated.

It was also when the two of them had a huge imbalance in their hearts, the alien of the teleportation system came to them.

Obviously, this stranger had also learned about the situation of the two of them in advance, so as soon as he came up, he instigated a divorce: "The disrespect of talents in Hongshan Fort is really not worthy of the loyalty of the two gentlemen. Good birds choose trees... …My family sincerely hopes to invite two gentlemen to join!"

Master Li and Master Park, who had already betrayed the Red Mountain Fort, were surprised by the olive branch that was suddenly extended to them.

In the body of this teleportation alien, the two of them felt the long-lost respect.

The family behind the opponent is obviously a family that attaches great importance to technical talents, unlike a bandit organization like Red Mountain Castle, which only knows one barbarity.

One party was determined to find another job, while the other party was also sincerely digging Hongji's corner. The two sides hit it off quickly, and then the following series of incidents occurred.

Hong Ji reconnected to the brains of Master Li and Master Park. The first thing Hong Ji did was to lock the data permissions of both of his brains.

It takes a moment for Hong Ji to block the permission of the brain core data, and the two masters Li and Piao were completely unaware of this process.

It's just that if the two of them try to recall the technical knowledge they learned in the Red Mountain Fort, they will be shocked to find that their brains are completely blank.

They used to be extremely proficient in the technical essentials, but they didn't even know the recipe.

The external forces have been hoping to steal secret technology from the Red Mountain Fort. After repeated frustrations, they finally hit people with their ideas.

Don't tell me, actually let them use Red Mountain Fort's defensive loopholes to tell them to smuggle out the two.

It's a pity that Hong Ji has long been prepared for today's affairs. Although people can steal it, they can never expect the secrets of the Red Mountain Fort technology.

This time the technicians fled, the real impact on the Red Mountain Fort was actually not as serious as imagined, but that didn't mean that Hong Ji planned to leave it alone.

Important technical personnel fled, how bad the impact of this incident was. If Master Li and Master Park cannot be brought back and severely executed, it is unknown how many people will follow suit in the future.

In fact, at the moment when Master Li and Master Park were determined to flee, the fate of both of them was already doomed.

Hong Ji has been waiting for such a chance to kill the chicken and the monkey for a long time.

"Let me see who is digging my corner behind."

Through the brain core, Hong Ji began to look through the memory data of Master Li and Master Park.

For a long time, Hong Ji's eyes finally burst into a cold light.

"Mo Family!"

The family behind the teleportation alien is actually the Mo I am not surprised at all! Humph! "

Hong Ji's mouth couldn't help but a sneer appeared.

"It's really new enemies and old grudges. I originally wanted to wait a while to clean up you, but since your Mohists are so impatient to wait, I just happened to follow your wishes!"

"Mo Family, it's time you pay me Hong Ji the patent tax! Let's count the old grudges and the old grudges together"

Hong Ji has never forgotten that the Mo family began to imitate the technical model of the Hongshanbao mechanical spring crossbow.

Later, they were even more unscrupulous to the point that they directly branded their Mohist clan emblem and sold them among the major vassals of the Northern Territory for huge profits.

Hong Ji has always been entangled in trivial matters and didn't take time to solve the Mo Family's affairs.

She didn't expect that the Mo family would not know how to constrain, and that she would not be satisfied after getting the crossbow.

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