Skynet In Another World

Vol 2 Chapter 638: Ruins of Golden Island (8)

Chapter 638 Golden Island Remains (8)-Red Phoenix Reappears

Chu Fan's eyebrows were tightly furrowed, and the tip of his sword pointed directly at the depths of the mist, but the aura of his whole person was like an enemy. The other casual martial artists were all exposed to extreme tension because of Chu Fan's emotions.


The sound of crisp footsteps came from the mist, and a slender figure gradually became clear.

Chu Fan stared at the human figure that emerged from the depths of the mist, until he saw the person's appearance thoroughly, his pupils contracted in an instant.

The brain exclaimed uncontrollably: "Red Phoenix! You are still alive!"

Accompanied by Chu Fan's exclamation, the rest of the casual cultivators also saw clearly the appearance of the person.

The first impression of the casual repairmen of the woman Chu Fan called the "Red Phoenix" was beauty.

This face should only exist in the sky, and it is rare in the world.

The casual practitioners couldn't help but exclaim in their hearts, "How can there be such a perfect woman in this world!"

Chi Phoenix is ​​not only her beautiful face, and her heart-wrenching beauty, her smiles, walks and shakes all make people fascinated.

Goodbye Red Phoenix, without the bloatedness that was when he was in the Northern Territory.

The exquisite curve, set against the tight soft armor, interprets the word "temptation" to the extreme.

As the saying goes, when viewed horizontally, there are peaks on the sides of the ridge, with different distances.

Regarding the beauty of Chi Phoenix, all the casual cultivators were stunned for a while.

Unlike the ignorance of the martial artists, Chu Fan really knew how dangerous the woman in front of him was.

At the time of the Battle of the Ancient Relics in the Far North, Chu Fan saw with his own eyes that the Red Phoenix monopolized three mysterious powerhouses who were suspected of being at the pinnacle level.

At that time, Chu Fan was still a long way from the main battlefield, and he was not very clear about the specific battle situation. He just vaguely saw that the Red Phoenix was suppressed by the three mysterious powerhouses and couldn't raise his head.

In his opinion, in that situation, the Red Phoenix would almost certainly die.

Later, the rules of ink and wash came and the magma of Hell was revived. Everyone was busy escaping for their lives, and Chu Fan himself was no exception.

Now that time has passed for so long, if he hadn't seen Chi Phoenix's face that made Chu Fan extremely annoying again today, he would almost have forgotten this person.

Chu Fan hated Red Phoenix, just because he hated Red Phoenix, both in talent and strength.

At the time of the Battle of the Northern Territory, his strength was only worthy to sway in the outer areas, but the Red Phoenix was already able to break into the core area to fight the top powerhouses.

Chu Fan was pretentious since he was a child. He liked to fight for the first place no matter what it was. He really couldn't accept that Chi Phoenix's female generation surpassed him.

Fortunately, at the final moments of the Battle of the Northern Territory, the Red Phoenix provoked the top powers irresponsibly, and was suppressed by the joint efforts of the top powers.

After that, Chu Fan was excited for a long time.

"Hmph, what about the talents? If you don't know how to be in awe, someone will come forward and teach you how to be a man!"

Chu Fan's attitude towards the fall of the Red Phoenix was completely gloating.

However, the person he feared and hated most in Chu Fan in the past is actually standing in front of him alive today.

"Red Phoenix is ​​not dead, so what about the three super powers who besieged him back then?"

Chu Fan was a little afraid to think about it.

"Humph, why Brother Chu Fan, do you miss me so much?"

The cold voice and the overbearing tone were still familiar.

Seeing that the eyes of the Red Phoenix looking at him were unkind, Chu Fan's expression was uncertain.

The rest of the casual cultivators saw this scene for a while but no one dared to respond.

In their view, the person who can talk to Chu Fan in this way must be a strong person at the same level as Chu Fan.

Thinking of this, there was a little more curiosity in the eyes of the crowd who looked at Hong Ji again.

"The name Red Phoenix is ​​very unfamiliar? Which new disciple is it?"

"Haha, Girl Red Phoenix joked, I was just a little surprised by the wonder of fate. I have not seen it for a long time, and Girl Red Phoenix seems to have improved a lot more."

Chu Fan is Chu Fan after all. Although he is extremely disgusted and afraid of the Red Phoenix in his heart, there is not the slightest expression on his face.

Except for the momentary gaffe, Chu Fan quickly adjusted his mentality.

Chu Fan spoke, but the sense of temptation was very obvious.

"Brother Chu Fan, didn't you also break through to the seventh stage of the title realm."

Chi Huang's eyes twisted slightly.

Seeing that Chi Phoenix was able to see through his own cultivation level at a glance, Chu Fan's fear of Chi Phoenix became even stronger.

Chi Phoenix could see through her easily, but he couldn't perceive Chi Phoenix's cultivation level.

There are usually only two possibilities for this situation in front of you. One is that the Red Phoenix has no cultivation base. This basically does not need to be considered. A person without cultivation base will not survive three minutes in this red mountain region. Another possibility is that Red Phoenix's cultivation base is far better than him!

"Girl Red Phoenix is ​​also here for the relic of immortality?"

Chu Fan asked about the purpose of the red phoenix, but before the red phoenix could answer, there were eight more figures walking out of the mist.

These people were obviously Red Phoenix's companions. After walking out of the mist, they naturally stood behind Hong Ji and formed a sharp confrontation with the casual cultivators led by Chu Fan.

These eight people wore the most common leather armor, weapons, swords or axes, or hammers or knives in casual repairs.

The moment the eight people appeared, Chu Fan's eyes couldn't help narrowing.

With Chu Fan's eyesight, it is naturally not difficult to see the heels of the eight people behind Chi Phoenix. Regardless of their cultivation bases, although the eight are strong, they are ultimately impossible to compare with a super-titled realm powerhouse like Chu Fan.

Chu Fan was shocked by the evil spirits contained in these eight people.

"How many people have been killed to cultivate such a terrifying evil spirit!"

The eight seem to have just experienced a **** battle.

Chu Fan keenly discovered that, except for the Red Phoenix, all the eight people had a cloth bag tied around their waists.

Chu Fan, who was extremely sensitive to blood, discovered that those cloth bags were exuding extremely strong blood.

Chu Fan stared at the cloth bags, suddenly he seemed to think of something, his eyes and pupils shrank instantly, but a touch of horror climbed onto his face.

Turning his eyes, when Chu Fan saw Chi Phoenix's calm expression again, his body began to tremble unnaturally.

It wasn't because of fear, it was because Chu Fan thought of what Chi Phoenix and the companions behind her had just done, and extreme anger arose in his heart.

Accident? Chu Fan didn't feel surprised at all. Chu Fan might be shocked to do something like this to someone else, but he felt it should have happened to Chi Phoenix.

"This is an extremely overbearing, extremely selfish woman!"

"I don't care how you are overbearing, and how selfish you are, but you ignore the lives of your colleagues, kill innocents, change your medicine, and act so perversely. As the sword master, since I ran into you today, it is impossible to ignore it! "

Thinking of this, Chu Fan's gaze at the Red Phoenix couldn't help becoming darker.

"That's right, but the main thing is to lead the disciples out to experience it."

The so-called "teaching" in Chi Huang's mouth is the church of the gods.

When Chu Fan heard Hong Ji's words suddenly, he couldn't help but raise his brows. He always thought that Red Phoenix was just a casual cultivator, but now it seems that it is not the case.

"Oh? The so-called experience in Girl Red Phoenix's mouth is the murderous heartbreaking? Ha!"

Before Chu Fan's voice fell, he inspired an invisible sword qi to cut towards the closest companion Chi.

The invisible sword energy is as fast as thunder and lightning.

Feeling Chu Fan's sword energy attack, the man subconsciously dodged.

However, Chu Fan's real attack intention was not to take that person's life, but his target was the cloth bag around his waist.

The destructive force produced by the explosion of the sword gas directly shattered the cloth bag.

The contents of the broken cloth bag are naturally exposed.

It is surprisingly a living human heart that has only been dug out.

"Ah! What!"

"It turned out to be!"

"My God! How could it be possible!"


When it was discovered that the cloth bag was actually filled with hearts, there was a burst of uproar among the crowd.

At this moment, the casual cultivators looked at Hong Ji and the others like they looked at evil spirits.

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, a gloom flashed in Chu Fan's eyes.

At this moment, he really wanted to see the panic on the faces of the Red Phoenix people when they were secretly exposed.

Killing the same kind, killing others for the sake of one's heart, this kind of behavior is simply comparable to the evil spirits and evil spirits, and will eventually be intolerable by the people of the world.

Chu Fan was afraid of the scary talent and strength of the Red Phoenix, and he was not sure to beat the Red Phoenix in a head-on fight.

Although Chu Fan likes to challenge the strong and build himself on the shoulders of famous people, he never chooses opponents blindly.

Chu Fan was cunning. Those opponents he chose were not that he had the absolute certainty of winning, and he also expected that the opponent would not be true to himself, and that he would only point to himself in the face of his master.

Today's Red Phoenix makes Chu Fan unable to see through. Even though his strength has already surpassed the past, Red Phoenix seems to have made great progress during this period of time.

Chu Fan was not sure of victory, so he thought of another way to destroy the Red Phoenix.

And it happened that Red Phoenix took the initiative to put the handle in front of him so carelessly. If this Chu Fan didn't make good use of it, how could he be worthy of the title of "low man"?

In the face of many casual cultivators, the truth about the Red Phoenix's killing of colleagues in the rivers and lakes was revealed. After this incident, the Red Phoenix would no longer have a place to live in the rivers and lakes.

However, the expected panic of the Red Phoenixs did not appear. These people were too calm, even if they were glaring at the casual cultivation camp several times their own.

"Broken cloth bags, you have to pay for your lives!"

Chi Phoenix said these words coldly, but it caused the whole group of rivers and lakes to be scattered and cultivated.


There was angrily from the San Xiu martial artist.

There are countless people who follow the condemnation.

Chi Phoenix ignored the noise of those soy sauce characters. In her opinion, they were just a bunch of experience points that could pant, and they were simply under-brushed.

Without any further words, the Red Phoenix slowly pulled out the saber from her back.

Chu Fan still has a deep memory of the long-lost Red Phoenix Sword. At the beginning, the Red Phoenix was holding this precious sword and ran wild in the far north.

Cut out with a single sword, and all the monsters, ghosts, and snakes turned into ashes.

"That is definitely a rare treasure, and the level is even higher than my Qingfeng Sword!"

Chu Fan's eyes couldn't hide his covetousness for that Red Phoenix Sword.

The scene seemed to be on the verge of breaking out, and the overbearing of the Red Phoenix was still the same as before. Chu Fan only destroyed one of their cloth bags, but the Red Phoenix covered the murderous intent on every casual cultivator behind Chu Fan.

However, at this moment, the green and blue light beams scattered in the Red Mountain area suddenly shifted.

Hong Ji's prompt sounded again; "The location of the antidote supply station and the gene enhancer exchange point is refreshed!"

"Wulin League... successfully redeemed a gene booster!"

After some people successfully exchanged the antidote, the Wulin League first completed the exchange of the gene enhancer. Compared with the exchange price of each antidote, only a fresh human heart is needed. The price of redeeming a gene fortifier is its price. ten times.

At this time, although some people doubt the authenticity of Hongji Broadcasting, most people would rather believe it.

The allied forces of the rivers and lakes seem to be huge, but in fact they are nothing more than scattered sand. This is the case for the casual martial artists, and the same is true for the big families. When everyone and every force is faced with a huge choice of interests, the first priority will of course only be Yourself.

Once the Pandora's Box of Desire is opened, it is difficult to close.

The gene booster exchange point was refreshed, and one of them happened to be beside the group of Chi Phoenix.

The previous battles had harvested a lot of heart trophies, and now the Red Phoenix and others are most concerned about the realization of these hearts.

Temporarily giving up the battle of spirits, the Red Phoenix people walked towards the exchange point of the gene enhancer with the big strides like no one.

Forced by the fierce power of the Red Phoenix people, everyone could only watch the Red Phoenix people walk to the rectangular black box shrouded in the blue beam of light.

The shape of the rectangular black box resembles an ATM machine, with a small screen above it with a square gap in the middle.

Opened the cloth bag, took out the heart from the inside, and stuffed it into the square notch.

As the heart was inserted, the number "1" appeared on the display screen.

Followed by the numbers "2", "3" and "4".

The casual cultivators finally understood what Chi Phoenix had to do.


Chu Fan suddenly shouted, UU reading www. raised the sword but rushed to the exchange machine, intending to stop the actions of the Red Phoenix people.

The original murderous behavior was already bad enough. At this moment, the Red Phoenix and the others exchanged it in such a grandiose manner, which in Chu Fan's view was simply too provocative.

"Could it be that people like us are blind!"

Although the killing was a fact and Chu Fan could not recover it, he thought at least to keep these hearts so that the deceased could be buried intact.

Chu Fan's sword used his full strength, and the ear-splitting sword sound engulfed the almost substantive sword energy and pointed it directly at Chi Phoenix's eyebrows.


In the face of Chu Fan’s strong blow, Red Phoenix couldn’t evade, she didn’t even move the sword...

To be continued

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