Skynet In Another World

Vol 2 Chapter 641: Pinnacle chaos

Chapter 641

This is a mixed army of humans and beasts. Humans are biochemical humans and beasts are biochemical beasts.

That’s right, this army is the Beiling Alliance that fled north to the extreme north.

At the beginning, the Northridge Alliance was forced to go northward to find a way out under the pressure of Red Mountain City.

When the Northridge Alliance first entered the Far North, it was just a remnant army with low morale, lack of food and grass, sharp internal conflicts, and the disintegration of the organization system.

Had it not been for the powerful deterrence of Mu'ai and the poisonous dragon, the Northridge Alliance might have already collapsed.

However, it may be that the Beiling Alliance has not exhausted its strength, and they have been operating since the Alliance Army entered the far north.

The unique biochemical beast ecosystem in the Far North provided them with supplies when the Northridge Alliance was most critical, and then the Northridge Alliance Army, under the leadership of Mu'ai and the Dulong, smashed through all obstacles.

The massive amount of biochemical beasts makes the Northridge Alliance Army need not worry about the army's food supply at all, and the flesh and blood of biochemical beasts has a miraculous effect on strengthening the physique of the warrior.

As a result, the Beiling Alliance Army has taken a huge step up in its overall strength within an extreme period of time.

If the Northridge Alliance Army can continue to develop so smoothly, then perhaps the Northridge Alliance Army may really return to the King in the near future. .

It's a pity that Mu Ai was too anxious. He was unwilling to just hunt and kill ordinary biochemical beasts in the outlying areas to accumulate power. He wanted to complete the transformation of the poisonous dragon's combat power in the shortest possible time.

Before Mu'ai had fully understood the core radiation area, he rushed into it, and as a result, the Dulong encountered its nemesis, Ximei, who also possessed the poisonous talent and was named the poisonous frog king.

The battle was extremely tragic. Not only did the poisonous dragon drink hate directly on the spot, but even the dragon corpse was completely swallowed by Xi Mei afterwards.

And Xi Mei relied on the dragon bloodline she swallowed to successfully transform her body into a dragon body.

The current Ximei deserves a new title: the dragon king Ximei.

When "Black Mirror" discovered the disaster the poisonous dragon had encountered, it was too late for him to stop it.

He could only watch as Xi Mei digested the dragon's blood a little bit, and then took advantage of the trend to subdue the Beiling Alliance Army that was originally affiliated with Muai.

Since then, the secret realm forces' investment in Mu'ai can be said to have completely failed.

The Northridge Alliance Army is supported by the secret realm forces, and Mu'ai is their spokesperson. The secret realm forces can indirectly control the Northridge Alliance army by controlling Mu'ai.

However, Xi Mei's appearance was an accident. Was she controlled by secret realm forces?

Of course, the control of the Northridge Alliance Army is of little importance in the eyes of the forces in the secret realm. For the forces of the same level, how much they want to support will not be a matter of waving.

Compared with the Beiling Alliance Army, the "Black Mirror" cared more about Ximei.

Lost the giant dragon's body, but now there is a replacement for the dragon's body, and the blessings and misfortunes of this are particularly unknown.

Originally, "Black Mirror" was still thinking about repeating the old tricks, provoking Xi Mei to go south to fight against Hong Ji == as the enemy, in that case, their original plan in the secret realm can still be executed, but they are the key figure Just changed one.

But the "Black Mirror" soon discovered that he didn't seem to need to do anything extra.

After Ximei’s transformation was completed, she immediately incorporated the Northridge Alliance Army through iron-blooded means, and then mixed with her army of biochemical beasts, and marched in the direction of the northern region without stopping for a moment.

When "Black Mirror" saw this, he couldn't help being overjoyed for a while.

"It's okay to invade south! I'm not afraid of you invading south, I'm afraid you stay in the den and stay still!"

At this moment, "Black Mirror" was calculating in his heart, how cleverly he should guide later, and find ways to make this army of biochemical orcs crash into the territory of Red Mountain City.

In this process, the "Black Mirror" had never considered the damage that such a non-human army might cause to the human world when it invaded the Northern Territory.

From this point, it is not difficult to see that the destruction of the mundane world or the secret realm forces would not care at all.

The only thing they care about is the gains and losses of their own interests.

"Black Mirror" didn't know at this moment that Xi Mei's southward invasion was aimed at that Hong Ji at all, and he didn't need his provocation and guidance at all.

Originally, Xi Mei, like Chu Fan, didn't know that Red Phoenix's true identity was Hongji, the lord of Hongshan City.

She also analyzed the various descriptions of Hong Ji by the senior officials of the North Ridge Alliance after taking over the North Ridge Alliance Army.

Since the identity of the enemy was confirmed, Xi Mei was unwilling to wait for a moment, marching hurriedly, and the soldiers pointed directly at Hongshan City!

When Xi Mei arrived at the northern border of the Red Mountain Region, just in time for the explosion of the golden island ruins, the bright golden beam of light soaring to the sky was particularly shocking.


Xi Mei took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly.

She didn't speak too much, just waved gently in the direction of the city gate of Red Mountain City.


"Roar... roar... roar!"

In an instant, countless biochemical beasts screamed fiercely and rushed towards the city.

At this time, the Sifang Chengguan of Hongshan City was fully opened early, and the guards were all gathered to the central main fort.

The biochemical orc army of the Northridge Alliance invaded the Red Mountain Region without any effort.

This situation is simply very different from the last time the Northridge Alliance Army invaded the Red Mountain Region.

Ximei took over the Northridge Alliance Army with the most powerful force, and the senior officials of the Northridge Alliance Army who had been loyal to Muai could only succumb to Ximei in order to save their lives.

Bai Yin returned to the Red Mountain Region again, but his mood was greatly changed compared to the past. I thought that at the beginning, he personally led a hundred biochemical warriors, and with the cooperation of the Red Mountain Sword Sect, he tried to forcibly incorporate Red Mountain City to join. They Northridge Alliance.

However, the reality has given him a resounding slap. Facts have proved that no matter how good the strategy and operation are, it is not as strong as the Xeon.

Hong Ji has a ruling power, so she doesn't need to worry about the coercion of all external forces.

The Red Mountain Sword Sect was destroyed, even though the North Ridge Alliance tried to protect it.

The current Bai Yin, whenever he recalled the incident of his encounter with the Red Phoenix in Hongshan City, he couldn't help but curse himself in his heart.

He should have thought that there is no such a coincidence in this world. They are all beautiful women, the same with the strongest force and cruel heart.

Chi Huang and Hong Ji are clearly the same.

The horror of Hong Ji is especially vivid so far, even if it is stronger than the existence of the former leader Mu Ai and Dulong, it ended in a disastrous defeat in the Red Mountain Region.

Of course, the new leader of the North Ridge Alliance is equally terrifying in Bai Yin's mind.

Bai Yin looked at Xi Mei's back with a complicated expression.

Although she has the enchanting figure of the ultimate stunner, she has a slim waist, plump breasts, and hips...

However, the dense dark green scales, the lizard-like pupils of the shaft, and the demonized fleshy wings completely demonized that beauty.


Red Mountain City Central Main Fort Master Control Room

[Dididi...Warning! caveat! In North 4B area, a high-energy body and alien creatures have been invaded, and the overall combat power value is 995]

The holographic image flew around, and the image of the biochemical orc army instantly appeared in front of the high-levels of Red Mountain City.


This image instantly caused an uproar among the high-levels of Hongshan City.

However, the upheaval of the situation was far from over, and the second alarm sounded.

[Dididi...Warning! caveat! In West Area 2A, a high-energy body and alien creatures have been invaded, and the overall combat power value is 994]

The picture turned again, and it was the white armored lizard giant that appeared on the holographic screen this time!

[Dididi... Discover the alien energy body invading the northern border, confirm the identity of the target: Undead Gorefiend, system number: BSXM-01, comprehensive combat power value 897]

[Dididi...found A-level wanted criminal: slave Wang Kongchang, target overall combat power value is 799]


As the warning sound of the system sounded, Hong Ji couldn't help but smile at the corners of her mouth: "Okay, the big guys from all sides are almost ready, and it's time for the new and old grudges to be liquidated. The one on the Golden Island is probably already unable to bear it!"

Hong Ji hadn't forgotten that they also sealed a mythical tycoon in the Red Mountain Region.

The golden lizard giant with three heads and six arms on the Golden Island.

The Red Mountain Territory is Hong Ji's territory. With Hong Ji's character that cannot allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the couch, how can he tolerate such a time bomb-like character in his own hinterland all the time.

In fact, Hong Ji had always deliberately ignored the existence of the golden lizard giant. Except for some necessary defense and surveillance, Hong Ji had never personally visited the Golden Island to find out.

The reason was naturally because Hong Ji was afraid of the golden lizard giant. She always felt that the guy had a shocking secret. The seal of the golden island was said to be a seal, but to Hong Ji it was more like a disguise.


"Hahahaha, what a strong blood, a long-lost taste, the battlefield, my favorite!"

On the battlefield of the Red Mountain Region, which was filled with black mist, suddenly broke into a thick blood-red fog.

This thick blood-red fog looks like nothing but real, sometimes showing a shape, making the silly laughter, and sometimes turning into nothingness, drifting towards the sky in all directions.

The talented ability that can transform a tangible body into an invisible blood mist, this person is not the blood demon who else can be.

Once Hong Ji’s liquid metal clone was encountered with the Undead Gorefiend in Longchang County of Zhongshan Country. At that time, Hong Ji’s liquid metal clone was used to transform Ren Ning’s body with a semi-mechanical transformation. It took a lot of effort to reluctantly hit him. Retired.

The blood demon's body can be transformed into invisible at any time, and it is really difficult to truly eliminate him at the physical level.

The Undead Gorefiend was suppressed in the Black Death Prison of the Imperial Court of the Great Zhou, but later somehow told him to escape.

The Undead Gorefiend was once the pinnacle of the evil road, and the long years of suppression have caused his strength to decline drastically.

In order to return to the peak in the shortest possible time, the blood demon swallowed the refined flesh and blood essence to make up for its own shortfall after getting out of trouble.

It coincides with the chaotic situation in the Northern Territory, the melee of various forces, and the proliferation of metal zombies, all of which have given the Gorefiend a good cover.

"The battlefield is my favorite!"

The blood demons wandered frequently on the battlefields of various vassal states, collecting and refining blood qi, but this time he chose the Red Mountain Region.

Tens of thousands of masters from the rivers and lakes gathered in the Red Mountain Region, and the weakest among these people also had the strength of the seventh and eighth stages of the martial arts realm.

No matter how weak they are, they are not worthy of participating in the struggle for the remains of immortality.

The vitality of a martial artist is ten times stronger than that of ordinary people even in the lowest martial arts realm.

When the Gorefiend entered the Red Mountain Domain at this time, it was like entering a free supermarket of choice.

The blood demon is a thoroughly evil person, and he has not done anything to slaughter ordinary people, refining blood and vitality to strengthen his own body. In his eyes, all aristocratic families, sects, casual cultivators, and the army are among the slain.

It is worth mentioning that it is not only the people in the rivers and lakes who are interested in the relics of immortality. Those princes and kings also covet the secret of immortality.

The neighboring vassal states, Lu, Zheng, Zhongshan, Goguryeo, Silla, and the farther Yun Clan, Jin, Liang... all sent troops to the Red Mountain Region.

Of course, most of the armies of these vassals are still in the second echelon, but they will all arrive on the battlefield soon.

These big brothers and forces that have entered the Red Mountain Region one after another do not have a good role to play.

The forces of the arena may still pay attention to rules among each other, but the army of the princes is the most naked interest group.

Since human heads can be exchanged for gene enhancers, then just kill them directly.

The Mo family's team was broken up by the Iron Jaw zombie group into several groups and one of them happened to encounter the Yun League army.

When the two parties met, the Yun Clan Alliance opened fire first without any hesitation.

The army dispatched by the Yun's Alliance to participate in the battle for the eternal relic is equipped with Yun's most advanced firearms at this stage.

Flintlock and rear-mounted artillery.

Although the individual strengths of the disciples of the aristocratic family are extraordinary, they still have a natural disadvantage against the regular army of the princes.

With the sound of guns from the Yun Clan Alliance, the Mo family's children fell over in an instant.

Unless it reaches the title level and can inspire the blood shield, large-scale firearms can definitely crush a small-scale elite warrior team.


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Damn it, you dare to be presumptuous, we are the Mo Family..."


The sound of the explosion drowned out the clamor of the children of the Mo family.

They watched the disciples of their own family fall in a pool of blood, their bodies exploded by cannonballs, and at this moment the Mo family disciples couldn't do anything except the incompetent roar.

Originally, they wanted to rely on their status as the children of the Mo family to make the other party cast a rat-avoidance weapon, but who knew that the Yun Clan alliance would never kill the Mo family at all.

Insert an app: Perfectly reproduce the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an interchangeable app-Mimi Reading.

In fact, the current situation is not only the Yun Clan Alliance, but the Mohist's influence among the various vassal states in the entire Northern Territory has dropped to the highest point in history.

On the one hand, it is because Hongshan City is constantly being shoddy, using fakes to destroy the reputation of Mojia ordnance in the Northern Territory, and on the other hand, there is a family that can't even keep the headquarters of its own clan, and who will value you?

The society here in the Northern Territory is the most realistic.

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