Skynet In Another World

Vol 2 Chapter 651: Plant Tribe Pioneer Beasts: Giant Weevil

Chapter 652: Planting Pioneer Beast: Weevil

Almost instinctively, the Red Phoenix's body flashed to the left out of nowhere, and just as the Red Phoenix's body left where it was, a sharp poisonous thorn was inserted into the ground that the Red Phoenix had just stepped on. .


There was a sound of corrosive substances from the ground in an instant. After two breaths, when I looked at that piece of ground, even the rocks had turned into a pool of poisonous water.

This is enough to witness the terrifying toxicity of the stinger just now.

Life and death just passed by with the Red Phoenix. If an ordinary person encounters such a scene, I am afraid that the three souls have already been scared away from the seven souls.

The whole heart will be shrouded by a panic of the rest of his life.

However, Chi Phoenix's reaction was too plain. Her face did not show the slightest wave of waves. The feeling was as if the person who had just been separated from death was not her.

Gently glanced at the poisonous thorn, there was a trace of contempt and disdain in the Red Phoenix's eyes, and the feeling was clearly like saying, "That's it?"

The Red Phoenix slowly turned his head and looked back. The first thing that caught her eyes was the culprit of the poisonous thorn just now.

At the moment Xi Mei, her pair of eyes looked at Chi Phoenix indifferently, as if staring at a corpse.

She has fantasized about today's scene countless times.

The woman who has brought countless misery and bad luck to herself, so that she has a home and cannot go back, she can only associate with a group of savage biochemical beasts in the present appearance of human beings and ghosts.

"If there is a chance, I will leave the Red Phoenix intact, no, let her try ten times a hundred times the pain I have experienced, and finally peel her skin, tear her bones apart, and destroy her. Make specimens and show them naked, ten years! One hundred years! One thousand years!"

The more I thought about it, the more Xi Mei's whole body began to tremble with excitement.

"Red still recognize me!"

Xi Mei's voice sounded a little trembling.

She had organized and prepared countless most vicious curses and planned to return to Hong Ji one day, but when she was looking forward to countless shameful opportunities before her, even Xi Mei did not expect her The first opening sentence turned out to be this.

Xi Mei incited the dragon wings to levitate in the sky, and the red phoenix stared at her from a distance through the void.

It was just a glance, but Chi Phoenix's eyes expressed too much meaning.

Indifferent and calm, Chi Phoenix and Xi Mei volley looked at each other. After Xi Mei said the opening remark, Chi Phoenix's reaction turned out to response.

And it was the fact that Chi Phoenix's complete lack of response instantly pierced Xi Mei's arrogant self-esteem.

"What's the matter? What's the look in your eyes? Do you understand me or not, do you recognize me? You **** gave me a reaction!"

Xi Mei's heart couldn't help snarling.

At this time, Xi Mei was no longer the daddy girl who didn't understand anything who had sought refuge in the shadow of the family.

Xi Mei has experienced so many sufferings, wandering on the edge of life and death several times, and she has survived the extreme pain of life transformation again and again. Now she is at the peak of her strength, and her subordinates control a huge army of biochemical beasts.

On this trip, Ximei led the army to the south to enjoy the glory of the return of the king.

But what was Chi Phoenix's reaction to her? Xi Mei felt that Chi Phoenix's eyes looked at her as if she was looking at a clown.

"You look down on me! You still look down on me to this day! I want you to pay the price, and I must make you pay a painful price for despising me. I must make you regret it. You should just kill me in the extreme north that day! Whatever can't destroy me will make me stronger, and today, you have no chance!"

Xi Mei kept brewing emotions in her heart, roaring hysterically, saying that it was too late, it was fast, and Xi Mei's psychological activity only happened in a flash.

In Xi Mei’s heart, it is obvious that revenge against the Red Phoenix belongs to the first sequence. Today, the Red Phoenix has become a demon deep in Xi Mei’s heart. If it can’t be completely destroyed, Xi Mei’s strength is probably in this life. It will stop here.

The Red Phoenix occupies an extremely important position in Xi Mei's heart, but it is clear that Xi Mei is not in the heart of Red Phoenix.

With Chi Phoenix's eyesight, coupled with the huge computing power of the Supercore generation's main computer, she can naturally easily infer the true nature of Xi Mei.

But even if Red Phoenix knew Xi Mei's true identity, what would happen? Xi Mei's strength may be good in the duny world, but Chi Phoenix's current vision has already surpassed the Martial Qi realm and entered the Musashi realm.

Although Red Phoenix is ​​just a clone of Hong Ji, they are both clones, and there are considerable differences in the strengths of each clone. Red Phoenix's comprehensive combat power value is definitely the highest among Hong Ji's many clones. Top-notch.

The Red Phoenix glanced at Xi Mei contemptuously, and ignored her sneak attack on herself. Now, she still has a more important task to perform.

The red Phoenix's goal was surprisingly the golden crown on Kong Chang's head.

Hong Ji had already seen that whether it was the golden gear arm or the white armored lizard giant, it was not Kong Chang himself who was fighting, and their auras were always firmly locked in the golden crown.

Hong Ji was very curious about what was so special about the golden crown, which was able to make such fierce competition between the white armored lizard giant and the golden gear arm.

The manipulator behind the golden gear arm should be the golden lizard giant.

This was originally an internal battle among the lizard humans, but now Hong Ji wanted to get in.

Among the gazes of everyone's astonishment, they saw Red Phoenix's toes tap the ground, and in the next second her body was so unreliable that she was suspended in the air.

"What! How come!"

"! How could it doesn't have wings again!"

The Red Phoenix actually floated in the air without relying on the help of wings. This really subverted the cognition of everyone in the rivers and lakes and caused an uproar in an instant.

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You must know that even if it is strong to the Musashi realm, it is impossible to levitate in the air, Xi Mei can fly, but it is because of the dragon wings that grow on her back.

At this moment, not only the people at the scene of the Red Phoenix, but even the many high-level officials of Hongshan City who gathered in front of the holographic image were equally shocked.

This kind of shock has occurred several times in extreme time, and it was also this time that Hong Ji's clone was completely presented to the high-level officials in Red Mountain City for the first time.

Originally, Hong Ji had a clone, only a few of her trusted followers knew about it, but after today, this secret will be known to everyone in Hongshan City.

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