Skynet In Another World

Vol 2 Chapter 687:

Chapter 687

Along with the giant of the Wuyuan Realm of the Jurong Sect, there were a number of elite disciples in the secret realm of the Jurong Sect. Among them, the Red Phoenix found an old acquaintance of his own, a member of the Jurong Sect The chief disciple, Yuan Gang.

At the beginning, the Red Phoenix and Yuan Gang had an unpleasant journey to fight side by side in the far north. The first biochemical beast egg that gave birth to the Nether Snake was found by Yuan Gang, but Yuan Gang could not help but possess it. For the "blood-locked" Nether Little Snake, his first opportunity was taken away by the Red Phoenix.

Yuan Gang's status in the Secret Realm team of the Great Rong Sect is obviously not high. Following at the end of the team, it seems that this time he followed the Great Rong Sect in the Secret Realm to the Red Mountain Region, which is more like a mixed qualification.

I haven't seen Yuan Gang for so long, and this guy's current strength has grown to the seventh stage of the title realm.

Chi Huang couldn't help sighing in his heart, "Sure enough, this secret realm is really good at cultivating disciples!"

Isn't it a great set? During this period, in order to deal with the reincarnation calamity that is coming soon, all the forces in the secret realm have promoted a group of potential disciples and spent a huge price to help them improve their skills and realm.

Hong Ji has super gene potions that can directly promote ordinary people to the title level. How can the secret realm sects that have been passed on for thousands or even tens of thousands of years without the ability to look after the house?

And Yuan Gang himself is the group of disciples promoted by FireWire.

This team of the Secret Realm Jurong Sect had been told the purpose of their trip long before they came, to punish the alien Hong Ji.

In order to be able to guarantee a one-shot kill and at the same time minimize the losses of all parties, the secret realm forces have actually already planned.

Because of the **** battles in the Red Mountain Region, the air was filled with a pungent **** smell. The bright green light of the Demon Mecha diffracted the entire mountain region violently and strangely, and the atmosphere was like a ghost region on earth.

The vast and huge demon mecha, the horrible behemoth that the dragon sees the head and the tail, the hideous plant warrior shell that is comparable to the monster, the golden army that violates the cognition of the worldly human beings... All of this is instantly presented in this group of giants. In front of the disciples of the Rong School Secret Realm, they really shocked their worldview very violently.

Most of them, from their birth to the present, this is the first time they have walked out of the secret space. Although their individual strength is extremely powerful and far beyond ordinary warriors, their experience may not be as good as the average second-rate.

That is to say, just like Yuan Gang, the disciples who have been selected from the world and entered the secret realm for secondary training are better.

After a brief trance, even though Yuan Gang regained his mind, the disciples of the other Jurong Sect were still lost, but he was already able to concentrate and began to observe other situations on the battlefield.

The dead corpses everywhere are the main theme of the entire battlefield. The air is filled with the suppression of death. There are not many survivors of the human race. Most of the people who are still active today are basically foreign races.

Yuan Gang's gaze swept across the battlefield slowly, and the presence of the white armored lizard giant couldn't help making his pupils suddenly shrink.

He couldn't help but secretly said in his heart: "Alien! Lizardman!"

The famous lizard tribe, Li Guo was destroyed in the hands of this creature, Yuan Gang's brows were deeply furrowed.

The reason why he remembered so clearly was that a sub-rudder of their secular Jurong faction was completely destroyed in the hands of this creature. There were more than 80 disciples, none of them survived.

His gaze continued to move, and suddenly the pupils of Yuan Gang's eyes shrank suddenly, and his body suddenly began to tremble uncontrollably.

"I didn't expect to be here, we met again!"

Yuan Gang's eyes were breathing fire, but he still couldn't forget that the Red Phoenix personally took away the enmity of the Nether Little Snake from his hands!

In Yuan Gang's cognition, he always believed that the biochemical beast that Red Phoenix snatched from him was a young dragon.

There were not a few people who snatched the birth of beast eggs and dragon eggs from the ancient relics of the Far North, but most of those eggs were already dead embryos and could not hatch at all.

However, not all eggs are dead embryos. A few lucky ones actually successfully hatched eggs, and the alien beasts that hatched from those eggs quickly showed their extraordinaryness after breaking their shells.

Genes that can exist for 100,000 years in the shape of egg embryos, and you don't need to think about them to know their power and horror.

The potential, talent, and combat power displayed by the alien beasts is incomparably enviable. What makes countless people even more jealous is that the alien beasts have a powerful instinct to follow the creatures they see at first glance. Think of it as their mother, and then unswervingly.

Someone once tried to forcibly domesticate those alien animals by violent means after killing their original owners, but all those attempts without exception failed.

And once the owner of those alien beasts dies, the alien beasts will completely lose their limits, and they will expose the most primitive instincts of alien beasts, killing and devouring!

The increase in the combat power of the alien beast against its owner is obvious. There was once a warrior who had just entered the title realm with the Tyrannosaurus rex alien beast under his seat and defeated a superpower two stages higher than him.

That battle shocked the entire secret realm, and for the first time since then, the secret realm forces have begun to attach importance to the owners of those alien beasts.

The various forces in the secret realm have offered high prices to solicit the owners of the secret realm. He promised that as long as they were willing to join their forces, they would be given an elder seat, and various cultivation resources in the future could be opened up.

Many lucky San Xiu martial artists turned to become local tyrants directly by relying on their own strange beasts.

As a person who once owned a new-born alien beast for a short time, besides envying those lucky ones, he also hated the Red Phoenix.

He hated that the Red Phoenix snatched the Nether Snake from his hand, and he was obviously the first owner of the Nether Snake.

This time he went to the Red Mountain Territory, Yuan Gang had already planned in his heart, he was bound to dig three feet to find the Red Phoenix, and **** the Nether Snake back from the opponent's hand.

What Yuan Gang didn't expect was that he was only calculating in his heart. After all, killing the alien red girl was the main task of their trip, but what he never expected was that he had just crossed the boundary. After coming, Hong Ji just grew stronger.

It is already the perfect fairy face that can be coveted by countless people, the proud body, is the ultimate stunner in the world, Danfeng, willow eyebrows, evil spirits are entrenched...

"I will never admit my mistake!"

Yuan Gang gritted his teeth fiercely.

There will never be a second person in this world who can combine beauty and violence in such a perfect way.

Just as Yuan Gang had mixed feelings in his heart, he could not wait to rush to the red phoenix immediately, grab her by the collar, and sternly asked, "Where did you hide my strange beast! Give it back to me!"

Today's Yuan Gang is no longer the former Amon, but he has been promoted to the seventh stage of the Title Realm with full confidence that he can crush the Red Phoenix.

However, his self-confidence hasn't waited for the opportunity to show off, but someone first stepped forward to him to ask for help from the Wuyuan realm boss of the Great Rong faction!

"Great Rong Tianjun, kill this monk quickly!"

Zhenren Qingmu exhausted all his strength, roared, and in the next second, he saw Red Phoenix violently crush his head with his feet again. .

"Fourteenth time."

The Red Phoenix said silently in an indifferent expression.

The Wu Yuan realm elder who was called to be the Great Rong Tianjun was completely attracted by the Demon Mecha, and suddenly heard a familiar voice.

Following the direction of the shout, Julong Tianjun's gaze projected fiercely. .


With just a casual stroke, the Red Phoenix immediately rushed to the terrifying coercion that spread from the surface, which was the impact of the strength of the soul level of the Wuyuan realm-level powerhouse.

"Is this five-figure combat power? It's really strong!"

The Red Phoenix was not frightened by the terrifying power of the Great Rong Tianjun. On the contrary, her eyes were filled with uncontrollable excitement at the moment.

The Red Phoenix stared at that Giant Rong Tianjun, but it didn't seem to be looking at his enemy.

A white mouse in a laboratory? Little rabbit? Little frog?

In short, that kind of gaze shouldn't match a Wu Yuan realm boss.

At this moment, the Red Phoenix did not show the slightest awe of the Great Rong Sect Wu Yuan Realm leader.

The unscrupulous eyes of the Red Phoenix instantly aroused the displeasure of the Wu Yuan realm boss of the Giant Rong faction.

"Just kidding, his status in the cultivation world is more than that of the emperor of the world. Can the emperor look directly in front of the flat-headed people? You have to kneel, pouch, and stick your head to the ground, dare you? He raised his head and hacked it with permission? I'll dig out the eyeballs! I'll chop off the brains!"

This is respect and inferiority, this is class!

In the eyes of the giant Wu Yuan realm of the Giant Rong faction, the Red Phoenix's combat power is less than 5000+, which is basically scum.

How dare the lower martial artist be disrespectful to the upper martial artist?

"Humph! Damn it!"

Jurong Tianjun erected his eyebrows, but his eyesight spit out a cold snort in his throat.


In an instant, an extremely powerful soul shock wave was directed at the Red Phoenix.

The speed of the soul attack is comparable to the speed of light, and once it is released, it is inevitable.

Chi Phoenix directly received the shock wave of the soul directly, and instantly her eyes were a hundred, and her body was instantly weakened.


Kneeling on the ground with one leg and one knee, with the other hand squeezing the ground with a sword, the red Phoenix's hair that was originally tied into a ponytail was directly scattered by the soul shock wave.

The scattered hair made people lose sight of Chi Phoenix's face at the moment.

Others may still be at a loss as to what happened just now, but True Person Qingmu knew very well that at that moment, Heavenly Monarch Great Rong directly obliterated the soul of the Red Phoenix.

The reason why the Wuyuan realm powerhouse is called Wuyuan realm is because the warrior who has cultivated to this level can already use the power of the soul to a certain extent.

Soul cultivation has always been regarded as the most mysterious and difficult. In fact, human beings do not have a firm conclusion about what a soul is.

As the pioneers of soul cultivation, Wuyuan realm experts, they know more about the secrets of the soul than ordinary people.

The strength of the Wuyuan realm warrior, even if it can combine with ten peak-level Musashi realm powerhouses, can't match it.

Because a little breakthrough enters the Wu Yuan realm, it will naturally master the soul's attack and defense methods.

Even if the strong of the Musashi realm has cultivated the physical body to the limit, their souls are undefended in the eyes of the strong of the Wuyuan realm. The strong of the Wuyuan realm does not need to engage in close hand-to-hand combat with you, exhausting their blood, and directly a soul. Obliterate, the Musashi realm powerhouse has already been defeated.

At present, the situation that Chi Phoenix is ​​facing is obviously such a situation.

The broken body of Shinto Aoki was slowly reorganizing again. He had resurrected so many times before, but never once was more happy than at this moment.

In the short period of less than a quarter of an hour, the Red Phoenix brought him an unprecedented blow both physically and mentally.

With the Taoist disposition of the Taoist Aoki, it has been a long time since he was really angry, because there was no need at all.

Today, however, Red Phoenix destroyed his body time and time again, wantonly insulting his will, and his magnificent Zhou State Church head teacher was actually played by a foreign race between applause, unable to survive!

"Hmph, there are people outside, there is sky outside the sky, Hong Ji, the little cultivation base that you thought Ao is simply vulnerable to a real powerhouse!"

"You're giving me an arrogant one! You're screaming with me again! Humph!"

Zhenren Qingmu couldn't even wait to pass his period of weakness, Chi Phoenix beheaded him fourteen times, and now it was finally his turn to chop off Chi Phoenix's head.

Just cutting off Chi Phoenix's head is not enough to calm the anger in his heart!

"Look at me cutting off your stripping off your clothes and hanging your body on the head of Red Mountain City!"

Masato Aoki spoke very viciously.

Not all Taoist monks pay attention to calmness and do nothing. Shiqing Taoism can become the state religion of the Imperial Court of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It was not achieved by inaction, but it was really captured by the corpses of countless competitors. .

Those who are familiar with the history of the rise of Taoism in Shiqing will not be surprised that Shinto Aoki would say such vicious words.

The outside world described Siqing Taoism as having another ballad, but that ballad has exhausted the demon nature of Siqing Taoism:

The beginning of the green road, the undead demon, the ivy vines are pouring blood.

If the soul is drawn like a dream, there will be two human bones and skeletons!

Zhenren Qingmu stretched out his hand to transform the sword, and his side came to Chi Phoenix's side. Facing the body of Chi Phoenix left here, he did not show the slightest pity for jade.

One hand stretched out to pull away the loose hair of the Red Phoenix arbitrarily, while the other hand slashed towards the Red Phoenix's neck.

If this palm knife is cut solid, its strength is enough to break gold and stone.


Li Guang shot in the eyes of the real person Aoki, his palms thunderous.

Seeing that the body of the Red Phoenix was about to be separated, but at this critical moment, the otherwise dead body of the Red Phoenix suddenly activated again.

A pair of slender jade hands stretched out their palms horizontally, and one hand firmly grasped Aoki's wrist.


This sudden shock instantly changed Madam Aoki's expression drastically.

It was seen that the originally drooping head of the Red Phoenix was slowly raised again, and through the gaps of the scattered hair, the scarlet eyes were shooting dazzlingly.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

Suddenly, the red phoenix laughed like a ghost.

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