
Chapter 1435: Knight Wing Flow Tactics

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"Hoo ~~~"

In the arena, the wind was blowing past the falling leaves, and was constantly shaking the Pinellia skirt. With her eyes wide open, she continued to sprinkle a raging fire and rain around her, but the fighting power in the arena Low, so the duration of the fire and rain is not long, and the CD is weakened by the fair rules of the arena, and it is impossible to maintain the full state of the audience.

As friends, the God of the North Wind and I can see the position of Fusu in the mountains. He first stepped back to a begonia tree and observed it for a few seconds. Then he walked along the rock to the vine. On the winding bridge, I observed it quietly for a while, then came under an old tree, and observed it again for a little while, and at the moment when a blaze of fire and fire extinguished behind the slightly cool side of Pinellia, the mountain had Fu Su was out of stealth, galloping through the ghost dance, and started!


The dagger carried the sound of breaking wind, and a "嗤" was about to pierce into the Lingyu Shield, while Pinellia Weiliang exclaimed, the reaction speed was amazing, and the space jumped out quickly. A group of fireballs exploded in front of Shanyou Fusu's chest, directly blasting off 18% of Qi and blood, but Shanyou Fusu still kept moving at a high speed, and could rush for 30 yards in three seconds. , Directly close, do not give Pinxia a cool chance to chant a spell!

During the second close-up, Pinellia chuckled her silver teeth and stabbed the staff to the ground suddenly. "Peng" slammed the impact of the hurricane. This is the magician's rejection skill, but it was also at this moment. In the meantime, the mountain had Fu Su Meng and then took a few steps, surprisingly avoiding the core impact area of ​​the hurricane. After the attack, it was only pushed away for less than 10 yards and swooped again. This time, Pinxia was slightly cool. There is nothing to do but to stand in the fire and rain, the staff dancing, the gods storm, open!

Shanyou has a frown on her head. Of course, she also knows that the beauty master in front of her is not simple. How can the top professional players trained by Ziyihou have no means? However, in the face of pinellia, it is obviously cooler. , Successfully stabbed directly across the Lingyu Shield, followed by three consecutive basic attacks to break the shield, followed by a set of five attacks of basic attack + backstab + basic attack + ambush + basic attack, and did not turn around for a pinch of cold summer Opportunity, and three critical strikes in a row, the pinellia whimpered and fell down.

1: 0! Shanyou Fusu took the lead in scoring a small score.

In the second game, the result was almost the same. In the face of Shan Youfusu's PK art walking on the edge of the sharp edge, Pinellia Weiliang had almost no resistance. It was defeated for two consecutive games and Beichen took the lead. 1: 0 ahead of Xueyinshan by one Oita.


The next game is my turn.


Shanyou Fusu teleported out of the arena with a pair of daggers, and smiled at me: "Elder brother, come on, my win is a bit simple. This is not easy for you. Ziyihou is the top swordsman in China. , And Lin Tu can sometimes be five or five characters. "


I nodded and laughed, "I will do my best."


Looking at the person from the opposite distance, Zi Yihou happened to be looking at me. Both of them were a little embarrassed. He smiled, lowered his head and began to adjust the property plan. He groaned, facing top players like Zi Yihou, and wanted to win the game. It ’s too difficult to play the game. After all, I do n’t have any obvious advantages over him in terms of operation and positioning. So far, the swordsman ’s ace tactics are still returning to battle, so most of Ziyihou will choose to return to battle. Then my best response is to keep the spikes flowing and keep myself meaty enough to have a chance.

In addition, with attribute points, the general snail armor flow is basically increased by the whole force, and then carries heavy slash, blades and other skills, relying on the basic damage of the skills to output, this routine is relatively stable, but it is difficult to have a clear advantage , Especially when encountering the top swordsmen, not only could not hurt, but also were infinitely blood-sucking, and ultimately defeated in humiliation.

So, as soon as I grit my teeth, I directly added 50% of my life, and then the remaining half of the points were all increased in speed, so that my movement speed and attack speed can completely crush the swordsmen of the same level, and in terms of skill selection , Abandoned the skills that occupy a lot of points, such as blades, continuous thorns, and wind spurs, but exchanged the three major skills of knight wings, roar of life, and wind of recovery with the only points.

I was a little excited and nervous. I only used this routine a few times during critical training, and I played a critical full bag every time, with a resentful look, but it was the first time I used it in a real game. , The acceleration of the Cavaliers Wing flow tactics, this is probably the first time in the Golden League arena, and it still appeared on the battlefield of the playoffs, and it can definitely surprise the audience.

Confirm that the attribute assignment is complete and enter the battlefield!


The characters projected into the battlefield, holding the thunderbolt in their hands, their eyes looked at the front, Zi Yihou also entered the arena at the same time, after that, the system began to count down!

At this time, not only were there tens of thousands of people watching the battle scene in the venue, but also tens of millions of people watched it online. Even among the number of viewers, only 71% of the national service players were watching, and 29% of the foreign audiences were watching the country. In the playoffs, we can see how much influence the national service has on the world.

"The battle has begun, Xi is in charge!"

At the end of the countdown, Ziyi Haha laughed and came forward with a smile. He has not charged. Since the last skill modification, the close-range charge has greatly reduced the hit rate when the opponent is prepared. Therefore, most professional players They use charge as a displacement, even when they do n’t take it directly during the game, and transfer to their favorite and applicable skills. Just like me, I did n’t take it this time!


With a sword coming from the wind, Zi Yihou's offensive was quite fierce. Obviously, he also increased a lot of speed, but still not as fast as me! Just as his blade was approaching, I suddenly rushed out at an oblique speed, and suddenly the opponent's blade could only be swiped past my cloak, and there was no hit at all, and it was about a second as I accelerated. Behind the clock, a "buzz" behind them opened a dazzling golden wings, which is the effect triggered by the knight wings. The real-time speed has exceeded 50% of the limit speed!


Zi Yihou groaned and watched as I disappeared from his presence and appeared directly behind him. The swordsman's professional speed advantage was gone!


He whispered secretly and hurriedly moved away from the side, but it was too late. I struck down his shoulder for three consecutive shots in the light, flint, and basic attack + heavy chop + basic attack. All three direct attacks hit all but The power is too low, only killed 11% of his blood!

He Yi and others, the body sank, and a hedge came along my trajectory. The shield "Peng" fell heavily on the fire of light, shaking me back and forth, followed by general attack + combo + general The offensive sweep is spread out, and you can hit as much damage as you can. The duel between top reload players is consumed, and it is basically impossible to kill in seconds.

I ca n’t hide from face-to-face combat. I did n’t want to hide. With the spine armor attribute scheme, Zi Yihou ’s attack instantly killed 24% of my blood, but he was also bounced off. 15%, there is no advantage at all, it is estimated to have been secretly crying, and just at the moment when the two maneuvered and collided, I rushed out in the opposite direction, the body instantly slipped out of the purple Yihou's vision, while the The golden wings rose again and entered the state of the knight wings.

"铿铿 铿 ~~~"

Another sword, with its speed advantage, quickly broke away from the attacking distance of Ziyihou. At the moment of his pursuit, the two men's swords faced the two swords in succession, and the light of the shield of Atlantis passed by. Stepping on the gorgeous curve of fallen leaves at your feet once again slipped into the blind zone of Zi Yihou's field of vision.


Finally, the stun effect of the Knight's Wing was triggered, Ziyihou stood blankly, and immediately ate my set of basic attack + heavy chop + basic attack, and a little blood was lost, but now Ziyihou The problem is that it can't be cracked, it can't keep up with my speed, and it is easy to eat the stun effect of knight wings when under attack.

As a result, a battle lasting 2 minutes and 56 seconds ended with the defeat of Ziyihou, and at the end, I was cut by 37% of Qi and Blood with the Howling of the Sword, and finally 22% of Qi and Blood remained. Win!

1: 0, the first to get a small score from Hou!

The winner is still standing on the battlefield. The surrounding scene changes slowly and randomly transforms into another map, while Ziyihou stands outside the field, while chatting with the cocoon and Pinellia while cooling down. God, apparently he was a little at a loss, and he was at a loss as to how to deal with this new tactic.

"Guy, Brother Hou is having a headache ..."

Shan Yousuo embraced with arms and laughed: "Brother Xi ’s set of thorn armor flow + knight wing flow tactics, coupled with his understanding and operation, is indeed more difficult, every swordsman, knight, ranger It's time to think about what to do. "

The God of the North Wind whispered: "Brother, there are no Rangers in the finals, and teams with Rangers have been eliminated long ago. This unpopular profession need not be mentioned ..."

"Oh, oh ..."


Soon after, Ziyihou re-entered the venue!

"Xi head, come on, have a fight again!"

I nodded and looked at Zi Yihou's confident look, knowing that he must be ready, so before the countdown started, I immediately adjusted the attribute plan and washed all the 50% physical points. On the agile side, since we are pursuing the limits of operation, we are all good!

He drank in a low voice, galloping at the end of the countdown, and the speed was extremely fast. Obviously, Ziyihou added at least half of his points to agility. This is a half-mind swordsman flow!

However, as soon as I moved, Zi Yihou's face suddenly changed: "All ... Quan Min Knight added a little bit? So shameless!"


That ’s right, he will reduce the attack by adding Min, so I can add all-min, relying on the knight's roaring blood skills, enough to resist his three sets of output, and my knight wings can kill him alive, so Come, the one who wins is definitely me.

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