Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1029: Tianzun Gongya

"Can I invite you to lunch, beautiful lady?" To be honest, the low profile of a handsome and good foreign man is very moving.

What Ruan Xihe needs to do is to grasp the scale and have a high posture, but not to be too indifferent, as that will discourage the prey. Her goal is to hunt and not to keep in captivity.

When she focused on looking at people, it was so heartbreaking, the tenderness in her eyes was like breaking apart the crumpled starlight, and his feet were sunken in the mud in her deep eyes.

"Of course you can." The soft reply fell, and the heart that Allayi raised high up and down slowly fell a little bit.

Going out from the Red Sea is of course the highest standard Michelin restaurant.

Since then, Ruan Xihe has truly realized the true meaning of the word luxury.

What he said to eat was to book the entire Michelin restaurant, and the two shared lunch.

It suddenly occurred to her that it was mentioned in the information on the Internet that Allay’s money would not be spent in more than ten lifetimes. He has more than 400 luxury cars. For this reason, a 20-story building was built specifically to park his Big toy.

Allayi studied in country Y, his thinking is not too old-fashioned, but the gentleman's style is thoroughly learned, here he does not need to do these things at all, but if he doesn’t do it doesn’t mean he won’t do it, so when he When he opened the chair for Ruan Xihe himself, Zaha's startled eyes were about to fall.

At the beginning of the serving, Arayi wanted to exchange his own cut steaks with her, but the two people are not in a close relationship now. If he did this, it would be very rude.

She knew that Alayi had been looking at herself all the time, Ruan Xihe was eating with such warm eyes, from the arrangement of knives and forks to the curvature of the neck when sipping wine, everything was beautiful.

After a meal, the two sides did not communicate.

Ruan Xihe feels that Arayi is different from other foreign men. He also has the enthusiasm of foreign men, but perhaps the status of the crown prince, or the overwhelming wealth he possesses, makes him no matter how enthusiastic he is, and he has no pretensions. There is still pressure around him, and it has nothing to do with attitude, it is a kind of thing on the aura.

After the meal, he didn't want to be separated from her so early.

"I'll take you to ride a horse?" God is very fond of equestrianism. He even spent huge sums of money to build the largest racecourse in the UAE for this hobby.

"But I can't ride."

044 who heard Ruan Xihe talking:......? ? ?

But it's so special, I didn't know how many professional players could not beat you at the beginning.

"It's okay, I will teach you." Allayi was excited.


He said hello to the racecourse in advance not to reveal his identity, so the racecourse senior came out to greet him, but he was respectful but did not use the honorific name.

But seeing Prince Alay’s attitude towards the Asian girl, they secretly wondered.

"Slow down." Allayi personally opened the door for Ruan Xihe and put his hand on the roof for fear that she would meet.

The status of women here is not high, almost all regard their husbands as their heaven, not to mention that Allayi is still the crown prince, all of which attracted a lot of attention in the first place.

She didn't take Arayi's arm. The two were neither husband nor wife nor boyfriend, and they still had to keep a certain distance.

The reception room is also magnificent, and local tyrants just like such golden colors.

Alayi introduced her a little bit of the layout inside.

Finally, she took her to pick a horse.

This place was cleared as early as Arayi decided to come over.

She chose a beautiful white pony, which meets the novice's criteria for choosing horses that do not look at functions but only look at appearances.

Allayi led the racehorse that he often rides.

Men love to show their strength in front of their favorite females.

He is in an equestrian uniform, his muscles can’t be hidden, and it seems to be wrapped in inexhaustible energy. When riding a horse, he is fully absorbed, with a strong and fierce aura. They are all a little fascinated.

She sat down on the court and looked at him, her eyes were full of him alone. This kind of burning illusion burned God to perform supernormally.

If someone pinches the timer, he will find that he has broken the previous record in these few laps.

After running five or six laps, Arayi stopped in front of the fence in front of her.

Jump off the horse and walk towards her.

Panting slightly, with thin sweat on his forehead, he squatted and knelt in front of Ruan Xihe, looking up at her.

Ruan Xihe almost didn't tensed, what should I do if this man is a little charming?

He has dark pupils, double eyelids, overly thick eyelashes, long and curled eyelashes, deep and rigid facial features, and a messy beard.

"When you looked at me just now, I felt that my whole person was burning." It was such a bold and enthusiastic statement again.

"Then I am looking at you now, is it burning too?" She said in a wicked way.

Arayi held her slender wrist across her shawl and pressed it on her heart: "It's burning, it keeps beating for you."

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