Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1057: Tianzun Gongya

"Say it." Ruan Xihe felt a little funny.

What did the little princess want to say?

"Happy with you, thank you today!" Thank you for sending me a hand strap, thank you for buying me delicious, thank you for helping me with a veil, thank you for supporting me, thank you for helping me wipe my mouth, thank you Feed me something, thank you...

"Next time when you have time, I will take you to play. Let's go this time."

"Okay." Yasminie was actually a little reluctant, but she couldn't help but let her go.

As soon as Allayi walked down the steps, he turned his head seemingly.

The next moment the car door opened, his elf got out of the car and walked towards him.

He walked a few steps quickly, gave her a hug in public, and then led the people back into the car.

Fortunately, Ruan Xihe has already wrapped himself tightly with silk scarves.

Allayi is used to holding her everywhere, and there is no evasiveness in this meeting. You can't be too close. You can always hold hands!

Yasminie looked at the two people embracing each other through the car window. Her big beautiful eyes were lost. What should I do? She hated God a little bit. The more she looked at it, the more she hated it.


"His Royal Highness, do you still drink this?" the servant asked her.

This cup of coffee is cold, and the servant wants to change her a hot cup.

"Drink." Yasminie took a big sip, hey, it's really bitter, not sweet at all, unhappy! what! Smelly man, why do you want to hug Ruan Ruan!

She touched the **** her wrist, Ruan Ruan's eyes were so good and beautiful!

Yasminie took off the gold bracelets from her wrists and handed them to the servant: "I will give them to you."

The servant's eyes lit up, and he quickly thanked the princess.

Yasminie smiled, stretched her wrist to the servant and asked her, "Do you think this looks good?"

"Good-looking, everything the princess wears is good-looking!"

"No, this hand strap is beautiful." Yasminie emphasized.


"Why are you there?" Arayi asked her after getting in the car.

"You have a guilty conscience, afraid of what your little fiancee will say to me?"

Allayi chuckled immediately: "She is not my fiancée."

Ruan Xihe also joked with him, and did not delve into this issue at the moment: "Allayi is with me, you will be under a lot of pressure."

He is the crown prince and wants to marry an Asian woman. One can imagine how many people's interests will be threatened.

"No one can make my decision. Except for the identity of the crown prince, which is born, I have made everything by myself. I like you, I love you, and I marry you. These are all things I can make, Ruan Ruan, I am very happy with you, and there is no pressure."

This is true God, strong, confident, passionate, and responsible.

For a man to have these qualities at the same time, it must be based on his strong strength.

Ruan Xihe smiled, unexpectedly and unexpectedly.

"Do you like to wear cheongsam?"


"I will surprise you in a while."

"You foreign men just like to play romance."

Allahyi was stunned for a moment: "I have done such a thing to you alone."

"What surprise?"

"You'll know in a moment."

The car started up, and looking out the window, it seemed that they were all luxury cars.

This city is too small, and the welfare of citizens is too good, so everyone is focused on buying luxury cars or luxury goods, this is all luxury cars on the street.

This is a small villa. Of course, this small character is smaller than the palace in Arayi. He lives in Dubai on weekdays and lives here more.

He mysteriously pulled Ruan Xihe into the cloakroom, and said without an exaggeration, that the whole house of cheongsam, Ruan Xihe just changed one one a day without a heavy one, and he couldn't finish it in three months. So this is how the local tyrants love their people!

"This, it's too much, I can't finish it." She couldn't help taking a step forward. The material is really good, authentic Su embroidery, but what is incredible is that God has wiped out their inventory, even Her visual inspection is just right.

"Wear slowly, you wear, it looks good." He liked the lazy and careless beauty of her wearing a cheongsam.

"Ah, so you prepared it for yourself."

"No, I thought you liked it." There was nothing in his eyes.

Seeing him like this, Ruan Xihe chuckled, cherishing the innocence and cuteness of a man when facing you: "I am teasing you, it's beautiful, and I like it very much."

Seeing her smiling, Alayi was also happy.

"But there are so many taboos in your country, and you can't wear this on the street."

"When I become king, I will work hard to change these." In this country, men and women are too unequal. He does not agree with this concept. With his efforts over the years, this place has become much more open than other countries in the UAE. , However, not enough.

"And you can wear it now, and I can stand up to the public opinion and just do what you like."

Ruan Xihe suddenly felt that Allahyi was really handsome. At this moment when he mentioned the reform, the whole person seemed to be shining. When you can wear it, the tolerance has exceeded the national belief. She expects everything in the future will be like him. I wish and look forward to the improvement of the status of the women here, without so much restraint and unfairness.

"Which one do you like, I'll change it to you." She suddenly curled her lips and chuckled.

God Yi was stunned for a moment, and then really looked for it seriously, and finally stopped in front of the last row of hangers.

Ruan Xihe walked over to see what Arayi would pick.

As soon as his eyes fell on that cheongsam, he blushed immediately.

This, ah this!

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