Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1104: Tianzun Gongya

General Montero came over with a gun in that posture, as if he would give him a headshot rhythm if he didn't agree!

The neat and uniform footsteps made the momentum completely overwhelm the royal guards.

"Miss Ruan, Montero is ordered by His Royal Highness Alayi to protect you." Montero gave Ruan Xihe a lot of face. This is also for the entire royal family to let them know that Alayi attaches great importance to Ruan Xihe.

"Thank you General." Ruan Xihe also gave him a gift in return.

The man pursed his lips. Okay, His Highness Allayi knows, Montero is also here, he also brought a fart, go back and bear the king's anger!

As soon as he retreated to the entrance of the palace with his soldiers, he ran into Allayi who had hurried back.

His face was pale instantly!


"Master Zamaleddin is here, so why not stay for a while for lunch."

These couples are interesting. One blasted him away, and the other wanted to stay, but it was very difficult for him to let him go at the time, but it was also very difficult for him to stay now!

Zamaledin smiled and didn't smile: "Ms. Ruan said just now that you are not easy to make money, so you won't leave me for lunch, so, that, I'll go first."

Hearing what he said, Arayi couldn't help but laughed out: "Okay, then I won't keep you for dinner today, and I will ask you to come and invite you tomorrow."

Zamaledin's back was sweating instantly, which meant that he had to settle accounts after the autumn.

After Arayi went back, he took a good look at Ruan Xihe and made sure that there was nothing wrong with her, and then he was completely relieved.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't think about it, I won't be like this next time." Allayi was a bit self-blame. Although he was confident that the guards in the palace could protect her, she was still frightened in the end.

"It's okay, didn't you rush to it in time." She wasn't too scared, and Zamaleddin had nothing to do with her either.

"I will take you everywhere in the future."

Montelo saw that the matter was resolved, so he stopped staying and left. He was a plainly member of the Allahist faction, and his power was probably the strongest among all regular troops. Such a person would be loyal to God, no wonder the others. Members of the royal family dare not do anything to Allahyi blatantly.

Zamaledina doesn't keep food, but Montero has to keep food.

The two entertained him warmly.

Of course, all the soldiers present today were also treated.

It is not the first time Menglot has eaten with God, but it is indeed the first time he has seen God like this.

The status of the crown prince makes him even more peaceful and close, and he will still have a natural sense of majesty and distance.

But at this moment, Arayi didn’t have the slightest sense of distance. He completely let go of all the things worthy of pride in himself, just like an ordinary man falling in love, carefully peeling off his lover. Crab.

Southerners love to eat seafood, Ruan Xihe, as an authentic Southerner, really treasures all kinds of seafood.

So when you eat here, the chef will always make some seafood, and this one is boiled hairy crabs.

The eight pieces of Alayi crabs are now very skilled.

Menglot's face was paralyzed on the surface, and his heart was so shocked that the crown prince would also serve people.

After eating, send them away.

Allayi held Ruan Xihe tightly in his arms: "I saw Zamaledin looking for you in the parliament hall, and my heart wouldn't beat anymore."

"You should have some confidence in me, I can protect myself." Ruan Xihe wrapped his waist.

"I'm just worried about you."

"I know."

"I will give you a gift on Valentine's Day."


"I won't tell you."

"You are always like this." Ruan Xi and Tucao Dao Ala is used to hanging people's appetites.

Allayi smiled, this time this gift...

The two have been together for a month, but there has been no substantial relationship. Sleeping together every night, Arayi is indeed uncomfortable sometimes, but she said that if she was not ready, he would not force her.

It's the same tonight.

He was panting, his muscles were tight, looking at her eyes, he asked in a dumb voice, "Can you?"

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