Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1112: Tianzun Gongya

Wen Que Yi: ...

Sister, you point a little back, she didn't want to answer Ruan Xihe's phone for the first time.

But we still have to pick up.


"Sister Wen, I bought a small gift for you and Xiaoyu alone, and it has been sent for more than ten days, but it hasn’t arrived from the logistics display today. I will give you the tracking number. You can go to the logistics office to see what’s going on. ."


The four men have already walked over.

Wen Queyi was under great pressure. It just so happened that the picture of the courier slip popped out at this moment. It was too late for her to cover it. Several men had already seen it.


The faces of those four people are also very strange, how could the sending location show that it is Suzhou? !



Arayi is a very romantic man, he likes adventure and art.

There is a studio in the palace.

Both of them are staying in the studio today.

A long table with many painting tools, paint swatches scattered on it.

There is a wine bottle on the left, and there is still a little red wine in the goblet.

Ruan Xihe held a paintbrush with a solemn expression, as if the thing in front of him was a precious treasure.

It took a few seconds to start writing again.

I saw that the canvas was a dimly designed studio, and the light coming in from outside the window gave it a warm touch.

There is a strong body on the large black European-style leather sofa, only a few places are covered with cotton cloth.

He closed his eyes lightly, like a sleeping beauty, peaceful and calm.

The deep profile of the face like the ancient Greek gods, the golden ratio of the human body, and the aristocratic aura that naturally reveals even if the eyes are closed, all are enough for a woman to be deeply intoxicated.

Her pen is very light and light, but the colors in the pen are heavy and heavy.

At the position of the man's lips, she hesitated for a few seconds.

Dip the paintbrush in clean water and rinse it off.

Holding the bottle in his hand, he poured some wine into the goblet.

Dip the paintbrush with red wine, trace the position of the lips lightly, coloring him little by little.

It took a long time for her to finish this painting.

Allayi really fell asleep.

Ruan Xihe took the paintbrush and walked to the sofa lightly.

Squat down and look at him carefully.

Fingertips gently rounded his slightly curly black hair.

Leaning over, put a kiss on the center of his brow.

The eyelashes quivered, and Her Majesty the Queen kissed and awakened her most loyal guardian.

She pressed her fingertips lightly on his lips, this posture was condescending, and he could only look up at her in confusion.

"Can I paint on you?" Her voice was gentle and excessive, like a fallen angel, seducing mortals.


She can do whatever she wants.

Ruan Xihe got the answer he wanted, smiled and stood up, and went to get the bottle of wine.

Newly took a goblet, and walked, fell to the other side.

The wine did not exceed one-third of the wall of the glass.

The intoxicating fragrance smells great.

The brush was dipped in red wine and spotted on his lips.

It's kind of itchy.

"My God is so beautiful."

It feels like a defile to the ancient Greek gods, which is slightly irritating.

The sofa under him was like a huge altar, and he was a tribute, and now he did not resist, and lay down for her demon to enjoy.

There was a lot of red wine dipped in the brush, and a drop slipped along the line of his jaw, winding down to leave a red mark on his neck, and then straight down, it happened to converge with one of the rubies on his chest, but Very human.

She lifted the glass, tilted the wall, and poured the red wine on him.

With the obvious muscle lines as the container, it carries the sweet wine.

She lowered her head to taste.

NobleWine exudes a strong floral and fruity aroma, with rich layers, especially dried apricot and mango flavors.

The wine is full and full-bodied, and the mouth is like drinking nectar, like eating candied fruit, and the taste is melodious and long.

Tokayesu noble rot wine produced in the foothills of Tokaj Mountain is regarded as liquid gold and a symbol of wealth, that is, so many bottles can be collected with the identity of Alayi.

She didn't waste a bit, she took care of every drop.

It was Ruan Xihe who was obviously drinking, but Allayi blushed so much that he looked drunk as if it was him.

She pinched his chin and kissed him.

The mouth is full of the sweetness of NobleWine, and the mellow taste spreads on the tips of their tongues, spreading, drunk people, chaos, affection, and ecstasy.

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