Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1150: Tianzun Gongya

Ruan Xi and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, as if he didn't think the situation at this moment was terrifying at all.

The whole person didn't even subconsciously tighten the muscles.

The soldier with the gun frowned, and the sense of vigilance in his heart became more and more serious. In this situation, a person is not afraid at all. If it is a fool who has no perception ability, or has a back hand, of course, it is not ruled out that he will be especially pretending. That kind of person.

But this one in front of him always felt that it belonged to the second kind.

Ruan Xihe slowly turned his head to look at him.

For a moment, the man suddenly felt that he could not hold the gun at all.

"I don't like people pointing a gun at me." The voice is as soft as cotton candy, the eyebrows are slightly raised, and the light of water in the eyes makes the heart sore.

The man puts down his hand, who has the heart to refuse such a woman.

She was lazy, and when she wanted to open the car door by herself, the man had already opened the car door for her.

Ruan Xihe chuckled.

He rolled his Adam's apple and immediately lowered his head, not daring to look at her again.

High heels stepped on the asphalt highway, and the dusty road instantly became advanced.

The big side of the cheongsam can't stop the calf at all. The lines are extremely delicate, and the skin is extremely white and tender. It is more eye-catching than mutton jade.

She shook her black bone fan and approached him with an antique embroidered pouch.

The man's heart beat faster and faster. In order not to lose his attitude, he could only hold the handle of the gun tightly, and the muscles on his arm stretched one after another.

"What are you nervous about?"

The man lowered his head, pursed his lower lip and said nothing.

He suddenly understood why His Highness Alay would be so outrageous for her from behind. If he were the crown prince, he might be even more outrageous than His Highness.

"Does His Majesty the King want to see me?"


"Then go."


The king didn't expect this Asian woman to cooperate this time. After all, the last time, he almost caused a rift between him and Allayi.

This time I did it specially on the road, just not wanting to give Arayi time to react, but also sent the sharpest troops there just in case.

"You are a smart girl, you should know the purpose of my calling you."

The king is straightforward, he doesn't like to go round, especially for civilian girls whose status is lower than himself.

"You want me to leave His Royal Highness Arayi." In front of outsiders, she knew how to measure and used honorifics.

"The royal family will not allow Arayi to be so absurd." The king's voice and expression are becoming severer at this moment, and the little girl with a poorer mental quality may cry on the spot.

Going against religious beliefs, building revolving buildings, and spending a lot of money on artificial snowfall, this is not something a qualified and sensible heir can do.

Alayi is indeed very strong in his own right, and his national support is also high, but the support of the ministers of state is also very important. After all, no subjects would like to see their king caring more about love than about the people's livelihood.

"Don't you think it is more useful to talk to your Highness?"

Ruan Xihe chuckled, the king's hospitality is too bad, she wouldn't let her sit, let alone some scenes of eating and supporting, and that's right, a poor person like himself is nothing to him.

The old king raised his eyebrows. It was not because it was useless to talk to Allahyi.

He is determined to marry this woman.

"You believe me, if you don't leave him, one day you will leave this world accidentally." The king threatened brightly.

"Believe me, if something happens to me, Your Highness will not let you and the royal family go." Ruan Xihe smiled, so what if you are a king, she has never been afraid of such threats.

Even if she wants to leave, it is voluntary and has nothing to do with anyone else.

"Do you think you came here today, can I still let you out?"

As soon as the king's voice fell, the royal soldiers had already blocked the place. Only the man who led the head hesitated for a few seconds, with a little struggle in his eyes.

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