Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1179: Kaihua Longding

Seeing that today is inevitable.

A black figure quickly ran over, hugged Ruan Xihe, and the wine glass and wine hit the man's back.




At this moment, everything seemed to have turned into slow motion, and only the good smell lingered on his nose.

He kept the little girl in his arms tightly guarded from beginning to end.

The glass was shattered on the ground, and the wine splashed and shimmered in the light.

Everyone was terrified.

"Patriarch Patriarch!" The old housekeeper was so angry, what did these people do! There will be such a big mistake!

"What's the matter with you!" He yelled at everyone, mainly because there was something wrong with the family. Today, these people have to eat and walk around.

Qiao Tien was in a panic, his slimy body was full of champagne.

Ruan Xihe looked up at him.

A drop of wine slipped from his eyebrows, and it was pretty nearly enchanting.

His brows and eyes are full of tenderness, there is a kind of man who looks incredible even if he frowns.

The subordinates hurriedly passed the handkerchiefs and paper towels and wiped them off for Joe Tire.

"Are you okay." Qiao Jing's first sentence was this.

Ruan Xihe frowned slightly, and took the handkerchief handed over by the old housekeeper to wipe the man's face: "I'm fine, do you hurt?"

Just now, a glass was broken, a small cut was made on his left face, and there was blood on the back of his hand.

"I'm fine."

Ruan Xihe felt a little pain, after all, it was such a beautiful face.

The manager paled and couldn't say a word from the side.

I didn’t know what the identity of this little intern was before. Wipe, it turned out to be the big boss’s girlfriend. Looking at the big boss’s life-saving look, the manager only thinks that his career may be over. Today, it’s likely to be here. .

Mary also paled. She didn't expect Ruan Xihe to know the big boss. Although she didn't do it directly, just in case she found out...

The worst thing was the girl who rushed over. She fell on the ground with her feet, and cut her arm artery when the broken glass splashed.

The blood flow doesn't stop.

There is a mess here, and the people who were sent to the hospital were sent to the hospital, and the people who changed clothes changed their clothes.

The rest is to clean up the mess, sweep the floor as it should be cleaned up, and wipe the floor as it should.

However, it is still extremely chaotic.

Ruan Xi and Qiao Tian opened a room in the hotel next door, and he went to take a shower and change his clothes.

The doctor carefully told Ruan Xi and the ointments which one to apply first and then which one to apply.

Fortunately, Qiao Tian was bleeding in two places, not too serious.

But Ruan Xihe was worried that he would leave scars, so he wondered what kind of cream he would make a small pot of ointment for him when he got home.

When the man came out from the shower, Ruan Xihe was about to apply ointment to him, only to find that the man’s hair was wet, and he didn’t know that he would come out after drying it. Although the air conditioner was turned on in the room, he could easily catch a cold.

"Wipe." She handed him a dry towel.

This man is a bit like a sloth, doing things slowly, you point him to do it.

Seeing him like this, Ruan Xihe simply took a towel and wiped his hair.

If this scene is painted, it must make people blush and heartbeat.

The man was wearing a bathrobe with the placket slightly open.

He was sitting on the sofa with his long legs spread out, his beautiful face was three-point tired, his phoenix eyes were not fully opened, and his hair was wet, with a few strands sticking to his cheeks, which was fascinating to death.

And the woman next to him was holding a towel, her slender white fingers traversing between her black hair.

He obviously didn't do anything, and the clothes were all well dressed, but it just made people feel full of color.

There were only the two of them in the room. She was so close, Qiao Tiong's Adam's apple rolled slightly, the tendons on the back of his hand bulged a little, and his fingers tightened slightly.

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