Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1206: Kaihua Longding

"I go."

"Listen to me." Ruan Xihe interrupted him.

"Ruan Ruan, I'll go." He emphasized.

"Smith is not for you or me to decide, but no matter who enters, the other party must remain calm."


Ruan Xi and the closed-eyed Yangshen Nahui were actually looking at the data, and Si Si had already filtered all the records of the group of people, bank cards, credit cards, bus cards, and so on.

Finally locked two white brothers.

The two of them have been in contact with members of the Thames Foundation recently.

Although there was a disguise over there, the transaction amount also turned several turns, but under the surveillance and search of 044, there was nothing to hide.

At the end, they were completely checked.

Adam Holdings has many industries involved, but the chemical supplies business has just entered the past three or four years. The plant in Country M has spent nearly 500 million, and all the equipment is the latest and greatest.

The quality of the things produced by Noah’s Ark is basically no problem, but this batch of things is not clearly marked. After all, the factory building was urgent, and the things were urgent. Noah’s Ark gave Adam Holdings this batch. Only the logo is printed on the inside of the device.

Few of the old employees who have worked here for several years know that the factory uses Noah's Ark equipment.

"If something happens to me, you can go to Noah's Ark. Our equipment is all made by Noah's Ark. This is related to the company's product safety issues, and they will definitely investigate."

"There are very few people who know that we use the Noah's Ark machine, and the people who shot it probably didn't think of this, so we must make good use of this to expand."

"In addition, the Thames Consortium has been fighting against us for so many years, and the probability of their action is very high."

She speaks calmly, with quick thinking and clear logic.

"Don't focus your eyes on the incident itself. I suspect that someone deliberately lured to gather together and put a human bomb into the furnace to self-immolate."

Ruan Xihe made bold guesses based on the information sent from 044.

Smith was shocked that if she followed her thoughts, people from the opposite company must have been mixed in the group.

"Okay, I see." Smith was able to develop Adam Holdings so well, thinking that the city was extremely meticulous, and Ruan Xihe would know what to do as long as he started.

The helicopter descended on the apron on the top floor of the Adam Holdings branch of Country M.

Ruan Xihe landed, walked to the fence of the apron and looked down at the landscape architecture at his feet, feeling proud. This kind of time really produces a subtle illusion. The second point is that this is the country I have laid down. !

Adam Holdings has gradually developed into what it is today, and she will never allow any problems with it.

The public relations department and the legal department have already started to take action. All the enterprises under Ruan Xihe's name have begun to work hard, and 044 will sort out all the collected information.

Smith's personal secretary has already given Ruan Xihe a laptop with the highest configuration.

She put the notebook on the table and quickly tapped the keyboard with her fingers, and the green data source scrolled quickly on the screen.

Smith went to contact the person in charge of Noah's Ark.

The CEO of HE Ventures rushed to Country M overnight.

The police force on the M side has been dispatched after receiving the news and will detain Ms. Ruan Xihe, the actual person in charge of Adam Holdings in accordance with the law.

The police appeared on the first floor of Adam Holdings, preparing to take the elevator upstairs.

Ruan Xihe’s data delivery progress showed 85 percent.

The elevator rises to the 16th floor, and the progress shows 93.

"Ding." The elevator door opened.

The progress shows ninety-nine.

"Ms. Ruan Xihe, we will arrest you in accordance with the law and implement criminal detention. Please cooperate. This is a warrant for handling the case."

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