Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1225: Kaihua Longding

"Help brother wipe his mouth."

The moment the soft fingertips passed over the lips, the bones were slightly numb.

"Brother, you go to work during the day, can you take me?"

His status is too special, and it is really inappropriate to bring a little girl to work.

"I can't take you with me." He Nanxian divided things slowly.

"Then, then I'm so boring, I'm alone at home." She looked a little depressed and dejected.

"Then I will ask you to take you out for a tour?"

"Nothing is fun without my brother." She held her chin, and the mole under her eyes made the little girl more pitiful and vivid.

He Nanxian was worried, and he felt as if he had really raised a delicate and soft little daughter.

In the end, He Nanxian couldn't really take her with him, so he could only ask his soldiers to lead her out to play.

"This card, the code is 062600, you can buy what you like when you go out." He Nanxian gave his salary card to the little girl.

He also exhorted the soldier who took her out in every possible way.

Finally took out some cash and stuffed it in the little girl's pocket: "If you have any questions, let him call me, go to the mobile phone store to see if there is a mobile phone you like, and buy one with his identity later."


She can't find anything now. In fact, she belongs to a black household. He Nanxian also has doubts about her identity, so she is still investigating.

She didn't apply for an account for the time being.

Otherwise, with his status, give a sentence, and it will be delivered within half an hour after storage.

After He Nanxian left, the little girl kept looking at the car.

"Shall we go now with Miss?" Feng Xu asked.

He was originally a ceremonial soldier, and he has been with the officer for a year. He is clever and smart, and he is hand-picked.

"Well, let's go."

Take her out, of course, you can't use the government car, and drove a Hongqi H9.

The city of Beijing is really big, and now it’s really crowded when going out at this point. Fortunately, she went to the nearest shopping mall to buy a mobile phone. There was no catastrophic traffic jam along the way.

The shopping guide at the counter is very nice and patient. The little girl is attracted by a mobile phone placed on display. No way, to be precise, attracted by the game video being played on the mobile phone.

After looking at it for a while, the interface went black automatically.

She picked up this machine, the bare metal is Aurora purple.

"Feng Xu, I want to buy this, do you think it looks good?" After all, it belongs to the little girl, and the performance of the mobile phone is always behind the case.


She asked the shopping guide to take out the mobile phone, picked a mobile phone number, and happily paid the money.

I don't know why, but she always feels that this kind of electronic product is very easy to use. Did she sell mobile phones before?

She read He Nanxian's phone number once in the morning and then wrote it down, and now directly stores his phone number in the address book.

"How old are you Feng Xu?"

She asked curiously.

"I am 24 this year."

"Then how old do you think I am this year?"

"Eighteen? Seventeen?"

The age of a girl is really hard to tell, it is said that people are old, but they will be beaten.

"I don't know how old I am, then I will be 19, 19 is 24 years older than you, and you will call me and sister in the future."

She looked at Feng Xu with a smile.

If it is put aside, the seal will definitely be refuted, but isn't this little girl in a special status, in case she becomes the wife of the chief executive in the future? right?

Don't offend, you have to hold it.

"Sister and sister." It's hard to say that it's passionate, but it's not reluctant.

She looked like a little fox who stole the fish, covering her mouth and laughing, her eyes narrowed.

So lovely!

After losing her mind for a moment, she immediately shook her head, shit, what was she thinking, this is a woman of the chief, don't let her life! Sins! Sins!

After buying the mobile phone, she has to look at the clothes. Now this one was prepared by the hospital the day before yesterday!

She was a little disgusted, always felt that the clothes were stinky, so happy to buy clothes with her brother's salary!

He Nanxian, who was in a meeting, pressed the phone in his pocket without a trace, and vibrated more than a dozen times.

After finally finishing the meeting, He Nanxian sat in his seat, and as soon as he turned on his mobile phone, a bank message popped up on the interface.

Your savings card with the end number **** has a consumption expenditure of RMB 2243.00 at 10:39 on April **, and a current balance of RMB******.**. [Construction Bank]

He Nanxian: ...

He didn't know how to describe his feelings for a while, so he pulled up a bit, and more than a dozen pieces of information were all deductions.

.................................................. ...............

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