Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1303: Kaihua Longding

"Is she still down there?"

No one knows why Qi Si is so excited, but Miss Sister has already left!

"She's gone."


The current chain of milk tea shops are basically not big, and they are not suitable for talking and discussing things.

She simply parked her car in the mall garage and led Feng Yu to Starbucks.

One person ordered something and sat down.

"Let's talk." Ruan Xihe motioned to Feng Yu to start.

"Little fairy, I met a man in the company." Feng Yu said, Ruan Xihe sat upright.

Experience tells her that this is another scumbag. Feng Yu is a pretty good little girl, but she doesn’t know why, but the physique of the scumbag, one or two, are both scumbags to death.

"Well, what then?" Ruan Xihe put down the phone.

"Then he was chasing me, but I haven't promised him yet. I want you to help me see it." Feng Yu is now clever.

"Well, then tell me, let me feel it." Ruan Xi and holding his cheeks, with the other hand unconsciously stirring the coffee with a straw, the brushed pattern was scattered by the coffee spoon.

"When he confessed to me, he said that I was cute and never liked a girl that much." When Feng Yu said this, the light in her eyes was very bright, indicating that she was excited inside.

Ruan Xihe pursed his lower lip: "Well, keep talking."

"I asked him how long he would love me."

"He said he would love you for ten thousand years." Ruan Xihe took it casually.

Feng Yu:! ! ! ? ? ?

"Grip, how do you know the little fairy?!"

Ruan Xihe: .......

"I just said it casually." Ruan Xihe was also very speechless, in what age, there are still men who would say that they love you for ten thousand years.

"I asked him what he likes about me?"

"He said he likes them all, do they need a reason to like it?" Ruan Xihe said.

"Hold the wipe, hold the wipe, little fairy, you're absolutely absent, a good word!" Feng Yu's eyes widened.

Ruan Xihe:......

"I said I have many shortcomings, I have a bad temper, I am not virtuous, and I can't cook food."

"He said that no one is perfect. Two people always have a good temper and a bad temper. They can tolerate each other. You can’t cook and it’s okay. I’ll just do it. I’ll be yours in the future."

Feng Yu was stunned for a few seconds, and then slapped the table wildly. If it wasn't for this outside, she would have to smash the table, giao, how could it be exactly the same!

Absolutely, hold it!

"Am I right again?" Seeing Feng Yu's reaction, Ruan Xihe felt like he was right.

"Sister, you absolutely!" Feng Yu was shocked.

"I just said it casually."

"So you think he is a scumbag?"

Ruan Xihe took a sip of coffee: "I haven't seen it before, it's hard to say, after all, many men would say the same thing just now."

"I promised to have dinner with him that night. You sit at the table next to us and help me palm your eyes."


Feng Yu responded to the message there.

Ruan Xihe looked at the chain hotel next to the mall opposite Starbucks, as if thinking of something, and said to Feng Yu: "By the way, if you go to the hotel with him, pay attention to whether his mobile phone is automatically connected to the Internet. Of course, if you want to know This person’s specific situation has something to do with our bureau. If you get his ID or phone number, I will go to the bureau and call you all his previous house opening records."

It shouldn't have been so troublesome, after all, wantonly checking people is a good hand, but now I can only say that.

"Also, look at his Meituan's food delivery address and who is receiving the meal, check the train ticket records, and go to WeChat to see where he has been."

"Of course, as long as you say the name, within three days, I can let someone show him all his idiots for you to see."

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