Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1331: Dog brain tribute tea

Mother Song was also shocked that her jaw couldn't come back.

Just about to ask more carefully, the culprit had already mumbled and returned to the house, and his expression seemed quite solemn.

Father Song stood up, looking like a thundering force, Mother Song hurried over to hold her husband: "Husband, husband, don't be impulsive, son will take the college entrance examination tomorrow, wait until he finishes the exam, don't affect his state."

Father Song took a big breath, his chest undulating violently: "This little Wang Ba Lao is only 18 years old, how can he kill his life? Tell me, tell me!"

"The children of their age are just full-blooded. If you have these children, what else can you do!" Mother Song really feels sorry for Song Ci. If you don't say anything else, she should speak nicely to her son first.

"Nizi, Nizi!" Father Song was a little bit angry.

Mother Song quickly patted him back and relieved!

After finally suppressing the fire, I saw the broken Tang Sancai tea cup, **** it, distressed!


Song Ci turned on the computer in the room. He has never been a father in his life, so Baidu is more reliable.

There was a knock on the keyboard.

This line appeared in the search engine column: How to be a good dad

Baidu search gave a comprehensive and official answer.

He clicked on the first page.

There are five points for attention. The first one says that if you want to be a good father, you must first be a good husband. He doesn't want to be like a woman, so this one can be skipped.

The second rule is: Don't lose your temper with your child.

The following explanation is like this.

A good father will know how to control his temper. When he wants to lose his temper, try to calm himself down. The child is still young and he doesn't understand some truths, but his personal qualities can still be shaped and he must rely on his father to consciously cultivate it. If you lose your temper to your child, it will affect your child's mind.

Although this refers to a younger child, he really needs to pay attention to the point of controlling his temper. Doesn't the little girl always say that he is fierce?

It seems to be gentle with her in the future.

The third is: pay more attention to praise the children.

Dad should pay attention to the child. If the child has done something worthy of praise, he should give praise in time. Remember that the praise should be specific, not general, and don't praise in general.

If the child makes a mistake, but he can take the initiative to correct it, he should also be praised.

In short, we must try our best to let children grow up healthy in a harmonious environment. Encourage children often, and praise should be specific to the details. Parents will find that their children become better and more sensible after holding on for a period of time.

Express your love for your child more, even if it's just a hug, pat on the back, or kiss your face, these small gestures will make the child feel that the parent loves himself.

Song Ci frowned and patted his back? Kiss face? Is it really possible?

A 15-year-old eldest daughter who kissed her face, would he be regarded as a pervert?

Forget it, look at the next one!

The fourth is to spend more time with the child, and the fifth is to evaluate the child comprehensively and objectively...

On the eve of the college entrance examination, thousands of candidates were reading the lanterns at night. In the Song's villa, Song Ci browsed the Good Dad's Parenting Scriptures for a night.


Song Ci is a proper science student, and two days of boring exams are over.

The first thing he did was to find a little girl in the orphanage.

The notary office also reported that he was working on the adoption statement. Song Ci was very excited when he thought that he would have a girl.

The child's name is Lu Zixu. I will ask her for advice in the future to see if he would like to have his father's surname, Song Zixu? Hehehe, it seems pretty good too!

Sitting on the locomotive waiting for her to come back from school.

"Zixu!" The good dad's rules say that you should call your child's nickname more, which is conducive to enhancing the relationship between the two parties.

The little girl was slow, but when she saw him, she hurriedly walked a few steps and was about to enter the orphanage. She would never look at him again during the whole process.

Whoa, boy, this can make you run away! ?

Song Ci strode to catch up.

"Hey, don't be a little bit!" It's better to call it smoothly.

Before Ruan Xihe could enter the door, her wrists were pulled, and she could only stop.


"Why don't you want me as a father?"

Ruan Xihe:......

.................................................. ...............

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