Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1346: Dog brain tribute tea

The little girl was stunned on the spot, because Song Ci's eyes at this moment were intoxicatingly serious.

The sharp facial features are also much softer.

He leaned closer, the smell of brandy in his breath.

She closed her eyes and held her trousers tightly with her fingers.

He has his upper lip in his mouth and moves gently.

Slowly got up, supported the bar with both hands, and completely gathered her sitting on the high chair in his arms.

She blushed and her breathing was disordered.

Song Ci relied on instinct, hooked and sucked hard.

Her delicate taste, the tip of her tongue is full of the fruity aroma of grapes and the woody aroma of aging.

Slowly there is also a rich taste of honey and sweet orange.

His hands hooked his neck unconsciously, and his nasal voice gradually became heavier.

The kiss was too long and too long. When he parted, Ruan Xihe felt tingling on his lips.

It was probably just now, sucking too hard.

Song Ci's eyes were no longer Ching Ming, and her voice was hoarse. He gently wiped the water stains on the corners of her lips with his fingers: "If you don't like my smoking and drinking, will I give up in the future?"

There was a blush on her face, but now she was even more charming, and she whispered, "I don't like it."

As long as a man smokes and drinks too much, and his face looks good, it's actually quite attractive.

So she was not that resistant.

Song Ci chuckled and kissed the corner of her lips: "Then do you like me?"

She blushed and said nothing.

Song Ci hugged the little girl, and said word by word in her ear: "I like you very much, so be my girlfriend."


"Today is sweeter than that day." He whispered in her ear.

All of a sudden, the little girl blushed, and both of them knew that it was the day they ate the watermelon.

He didn't know whether it was because of the dim decoration here, or the drunkenness just now, he felt thirsty when he looked at her lips.

Sitting on the U-shaped sofa below.

Hold the person in his arms.

"Baby, you are so sweet." His face was buried in her shoulders and neck.

The heat of every breath hits the skin, making people faintly unbearable.

She pushed him at first, not asking him to come over.

Later, he couldn't push it away, so he let him go.

Boys are very talented in some ways. From that time when Song Ci was shy of eating watermelon, to the old fried dough sticks, it was really just a few kisses.

What's more, what this said is really embarrassing, making people shy.

She covered Song Ci's mouth, her voice trembled: "No, you are not allowed to talk nonsense."

"I'm not talking nonsense, incense." He rubbed the tip of his nose.

She whispered immediately.

Song Ci lifted the people up.

Ruan Xihe quickly covered his mouth.

The ends of the eyes are already red.

"Don't be too loud, if you hear it outside, you think we are doing something." Song Ci teased her, he certainly wouldn't be too much outside, after all, he is still very possessive.

My girlfriend can only be watched by me.

He leaned forward and dropped a kiss across the back of her hand.

The little girl put her arms around his neck and complained: "You are so shameless, I don't want to be with you anymore."

"No, talk nonsense again, I'm here to cry you." Song Ci managed to coax the little girl, how could it be possible for people to run away?

"You, you, you are overbearing!"

"Do you." He pinched her chin, lowered his head and kissed it.

She squeezed his shirt tightly with her fingers, and her slightly frowned brows really didn't know whether it was pleasant or uncomfortable.

The long eyelashes trembled fiercely.

She kissed and secretly opened her eyes to look at him.

The boy closed his eyes, the look on his face is very attractive, very sexual/feeling!

He suddenly opened his eyes.

The two looked at each other.

Ruan Xihe even dyed her neck pink for an instant.

The fingers pinching his chin worked harder, and he said lowly: "Hey, open your mouth."

.................................................. ...............

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