Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1349: Dog brain tribute tea

"No, you are the tallest and you are the most handsome." Ruan Xihe opened his mouth.

Song Ci raised the corners of his mouth.

But it didn't take long before the attack started again. He leaned over to kiss her, kissed her, and asked the little girlfriend to say: My boyfriend is the most handsome.

After seven or eight consecutive, he stopped, stared at Ruan Xihe, and said very seriously: "Small, if any man is unruly towards you in the future, I will kill him!"


Their first stop was the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore.

Here is the first landmark of Florence, with its own charm and sophistication.

The exterior of the 106-meter-high church is decorated with green, white and red marble.

The classic, elegant, and free interpretation of the Renaissance era admired vividly and vividly, and it was also named "Cathedral of Our Lady of Flowers".

The orange-red dome was the largest dome in the world at the time. It was built by the talented architect Brunelleschi imitating the dome of the Roman Pantheon.

It is the first building with a Renaissance-style dome, which was completed in 14 years.

Cultural heritage really requires you to stand in that place, see with your eyes, smell with your nose, touch with your fingertips, and feel with your heart.

She walked through the streets and alleys, touched the stone walls of the building with her fingertips, smelled the fragrance of the surrounding greenery, and listened to the abnormal sound of the birds flapping their wings in the sky. The traces of war faded in the push and pull of history. Disrepair the slightest beauty of this city.

"You stand there, Xiao Budian, and I will take a picture for you."


Ruan Xihe wore very cute clothes today, which was bought by someone called the bottom of Song Ci.

The orange princess dress of organza looks like a little sun.

The servant aunt also made a very complicated flower fairy braid for Ruan Xihe.

It's so pretty and cute.

He looked good before, but now his exposed arms, legs, and neck are glowing white, and his presence is too strong to ignore.

It is said that foreigners and Chinese have different aesthetics, but beauty that transcends the secular can break national boundaries and achieve unity.


The Polaroid quickly dropped a photo.

The background of people coming and going, tall and majestic retro buildings, golden bright sunshine, and the little girl in an orange dress.

Everything is so beautiful that it is worth thinking about treasure for a lifetime.

Ruan Xihe came over to take a look.

"Does it look good?"

"I'm good-looking, but you didn't make a good shot." She was telling the truth. If she hadn't been in good proportions, Song Ci's photo should be 1.5-meter-high. It would be better to save money.

"How beautiful." He himself thought it was a good shot. His little girlfriend is so cute. The more you look at it, the more you like it.

Song Ci has been educated by elites since he was a child. Naturally, he has no foreign language skills. He found a couple who passed by, communicated fluently, and asked them to take pictures of the two.

The Polaroid left seven or eight photos of the two of them.

Song Ci picked out the one he thought was the best and stuffed it into his wallet like a baby.

"You went to college in September. Wouldn't it be nice to keep this in your wallet?"

Looking at his movements, Ruan Xihe paused, and spoke gently.

"It's good to put this. I'm not a scumbag. I'm not afraid that others will know that I have a girlfriend. Then you can rest assured. Your boyfriend is so self-disciplined. Do you have any rewards for Ruan Xi and your classmates."

Ruan Xihe smiled, this smelly man asked a lot.

"what do you want?"

"You start your first year of high school, stay away from those male classmates who are careful about you."

"Then what should they do if they want to get close to me?" Ruan Xihe pointed out the point of the problem.

"Then tell me, I will kill them!"

Ruan Xihe: ...started again

The two held hands and took pictures while visiting.

When he walked to the central square where the crowd was the most crowded, a suspicious voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Son? Why are you here?!"

.................................................. ...............

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