Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1351: Dog brain tribute tea

Song Ci's face turned dark, and his girlfriend was sent by God to punish him.

He pinched Ruan Xihe's little nose: "You mean, throw more and you will leave me?!"

"If your parents are dissatisfied with me, what am I doing with you? The marriages that are not blessed by the elders are mostly unhappy!"

What Ruan Xi said was heartless, even though the words were true.

Song Ciqi's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys all hurt!

"Don’t leave, I’ve heard, no matter who gives you money, you are not allowed to leave me. I am very rich. I will give you all my funds, stocks, movables, and real estate. I don’t want to leave. I’m very expensive. Please be fooled by those petty little profits. !"

Song Ci is a bit humble, he was still an uncle before he was together!

Now they are all reduced to this point.

"Also, it's me who marry a wife, not my parents who marry a wife. Whether my parents like you or not, it's enough for me to like you. If you dare to leave me in this life, I will be a bachelor for a lifetime. If you are If you dare to marry someone else, I will kill that person!"

Song Ci said viciously.

This is not empty talk, after all, Song Ci is the kind of more stubborn temperament, paranoid and desperate.

I haven't had any extra feelings for anyone before, but now, once I fall in love, I can't tolerate the slightest blemish.

Ruan Xihe:......

To be honest, she seems to have never considered getting married!

Therefore, Song Ci's harsh words are actually a bit redundant.

However, at this time, give your boyfriend a sense of security.

"Look at you, why did you make me so serious just now?" She chuckled softly, and said soothingly: "Don't worry, no one can force me when I don't want to leave."

Before the task is completed, no one can stop her from falling in love!

Five million won't work, fifty million won't work, five hundred million won't work, five hundred million, you can actually consider it.

Just kidding, Ruan Xihe is not that kind of person.

A gentleman loves to get money in a good way, she only takes what she should take.

Five hundred million won't work!

Song Ci was still immersed in the kind of loss just now. After a few minutes of anger, he found that his little girlfriend ignored him.


It's so sad!

He took Ruan Xihe into his arms.

"Ah!" Ruan Xihe exclaimed a little caught off guard.

The driver in front blushed instantly. Although he didn't look sideways and couldn't see the scene behind, his voice was too delicate.

Maybe because the little girl is still young, she is still childish, a little bit milky, but she has a little bit of femininity.

Lore, there shouldn't be a man in this world who can resist a little girl.

"Song Ci, what are you doing!" She twisted Song Ci's ear angrily.

"Ah~it hurts~" Song Ci called it like this.

Ruan Xihe blushed all of a sudden, he has something wrong, wipe it, I don't know what she is doing to Song Ci to do something indescribable!

Today is another day when Song Ci, a dog, is not a man.

"Don't call it that way, you should be normal."

She let go of her hand twisting his ear.

"You are fierce to me~ ah." Song Ci is still energized. This means that he is addicted to the drama and it means that it is uncomfortable not to act, right!

Ruan Xihe blushed and covered Song Ci's mouth.

Then, the palm of his hand was wet.

He actually looked at himself with that kind of pure desire.

She had to let go, and pulled out a few napkins in disgust, and wiped Song Ci's saliva!

"You hate me!" Song Ci was extremely hurt!

"I do not have."

"Kiss me, otherwise I won't be able to coax me today." Song Ci took the opportunity to ask for a kiss.

She is a little embarrassed, the uncle driver is still in front.

Song Ci pressed the baffle button, and the lifting platform quickly separated the front and rear carriages.

The temperature seemed to become hot in an instant.

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