Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1353: Dog brain tribute tea

In the car

Ruan Xihe watched Song Ci and operated fiercely!

Dare to blacklist your parents, this dog is too bad!

She doesn't need to think about it, Song's father and Song's mother are going to die of anger!

However, under normal circumstances, when parents scold their children, they will also anger their children.

If you can't say that Song's father and Song's mother felt that she was instigating the discord, then it seemed that she was innocent.

"Hey, it's not good for you to be like this, and aunts and uncles are also good for you."

"But I like you. If they really respect me, they should respect the people I like. Don't be a little bit, I don't want you to be wronged." Song Ci touched her head, then took out a cigarette, lit his brow Slightly wrinkled.

"I'm okay, I'm not wronged." She doesn't really care about this aspect. After all, she is only in a relationship now, and the opinions of the other's parents are not important to Ruan Xihe.

"Don't talk about them. Fortunately, I have all the documents with me. Let's go. Brother will take you to another country to play."

Song Ci is not an impulsive personality. He dared to run away from home because he has a thick pocketbook. Even if the family doesn't provide living expenses, he is also rich.

Baolujia is a listed company. When he was three years old, his grandfather gave him 5% of the shares and made a fund for him. Even if Song Ci didn't do anything, he would get 100 million yuan in dividends every year.

In addition, he has nothing to do and makes a small investment, and life can be nourishing for anyone without him.

While talking, search for flight information on your mobile phone.

"Let's go to Sicily." Ruan Xihe said.

Do you want to go to Sicily if you come to Italy, I always feel that this trip is in vain.

"Do you like it there?"

"I haven't been, so I want to see it." Ruan Xihe smiled.

"Okay, then go to Sicily."

Song resigned to buy votes for the hotel.

The young master won't be wronged wherever he travels.

When living at home, the two of them slept in separate rooms, but they stayed in a hotel...

"Book a room." Song Ci handed the card to the front desk and communicated with the other party in Italian.

He just wanted to talk to Ruan Xihe in Chinese when there was only one room left.

"Two rooms." Ruan Xihe also emphasized in Italian.

This time it was Song Ci's turn to be shocked: "You can speak Italian?!"

Ruan Xihe:......

"Well, daily communication is fine."

Song Ci:...

Can't fool her, not happy!

Ruan Xihe glanced at Song Ci secretly, heh, dog stuff, play this with your father!

She seems to have a natural gift for languages. She learns all languages ​​quickly and smoothly. In addition, she has a good memory. At present, she has mastered more than a dozen languages ​​by self-study.

Both she and Song Ci came out temporarily and had no luggage. They were going to buy them tomorrow, so they were going back to the room empty-handed.

Song Ci followed her closely.

"What are you doing? Go back, it's late."

The two stopped at the door of her room at the same time.

Swipe up the door card and just opened the door.

Song Ci flashed into the room.

He also locked the door easily, and fluttered into the bedding.

"I want to sleep here at night."

Ruan Xihe:......

"No, get up fiercely."

"I won't get up."

"No, you, ah~"

Song Ci pulled her into the quilt forcefully, and stood up.

Kneeling on her waist with both knees, palms clasping her snow-white wrists, leaning over, her eyes locked tightly.

"Little thing, you look so good." His voice was low and deceptive, with an undisguised lust.

For a while, their respective breaths became hot, and the tip of his nose gently slid across her face, and his teeth gently bit her lower lip.

"Don't, don't do this."

He held her uncomfortable fingers, interlocking her fingers, and the deeper, the tighter the grip.

.................................................. ...............

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