Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1369: Dog brain tribute tea

Ruan Xihe almost couldn't breathe. He just opened his eyes and was taken away by him. Suddenly, he felt a trace of coolness. The blur in front of him slowly dissipated and began to struggle.

After feeling her slight rejection.

Song Ci suddenly sober!

Isn't it true? !

He squeezed Ruan Xihe's face.

"Ah, it hurts! What are you doing fiercely!"

"Sorry, sorry, I'll blow to you, huhuhu, no, no, I thought I was dreaming! How come you came?" Before I had time to tell her, parents shouldn't tell the little girl.

Ruan Xihe's eyes flashed: "I don't know, which of your classmates should have called me with your mobile phone."

Song Ci didn't think much about it. The classmates around him knew that he had a girlfriend, so it was not surprising that they would call.

"Small, I miss you so much." He forced her to his body.

"Hey, let me down quickly, your health is still not well!" She worried about his health.

"It's okay, I'm fine, I'll be fine when I see you." He kissed her on the side of her cheek.

"Go, go to bed again."

"Then you stay with me."



Song Ci fainted because of excessive fatigue and not enough sleep, and his physical strength was exhausted.

Ruan Xi and his nurse fed him a nutritious meal.

"You eat too." Song Ci picked up a blueberry and stuffed it into Ruan Xihe's mouth.

"I'll eat, I'll eat, you finish this first." Ruan Xihe motioned to Song Ci to open his mouth.

He wants to eat by himself. Although it feels good to be fed by the little boy, he can't bear it because his girlfriend is used to spoil him, not to serve him.

After eating half of it, Song Ci brought it over directly.

"Come on, don't order, take a bite of this porridge." Song Ci took a spoonful of porridge to feed his little girlfriend, and Ruan Xi and opened his mouth to accept the boyfriend's feeding.

It just so happened that Song's father and Song's mother came in.

Any parent would feel uncomfortable when he sees his son serving other women, not to mention that his son has just fainted once and his body has not recovered yet. Subconsciously, the two of them feel that the little girl is ignorant.

Ruan Xihe stood up, and politely called aunt and uncle.

"Parents." Song Ci yelled. Yesterday, he was arrogant. Today, he is in a good mood and doesn't care too much.

"The nurse, how can so many people let you eat by yourself?" Mother Song's seemingly casual complaint actually embarrassed Ruan Xihe. Doesn't the implication mean that there are so many people, and I don't understand at all. Rules do not know to take care of people.

If it’s a bit more ugly, it’s not sensible to have a girlfriend!

"Mom, why can't your son eat by himself if he has hands and feet? Your future daughter-in-law will have to feed me. I think she is too careful and blows every bite for fear that I will be hot or eat it by himself. "Song Ci immediately added such a sentence after knowing his own mother.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, Song's mother is quite embarrassed.

"Come on, Mom feeds you." She stepped forward to get her son's bowl.

Song Ci blocked it with one hand, and immediately turned the bowl to his mouth with the other, and drank the half bowl of porridge in one breath.

While chewing, he said: "Feel what, eat as fast as you can."

Ruan Xihe knew that Song Ci was helping herself, and there was an irresistible smile in her eyes. However, she quickly put it away, still standing aside obediently.

Finally, Song's father and Song's mother left.

"Your mother will be unhappy if you help me like this." Ruan Xihe pulled La Songci's finger.

"Then you are my little daughter-in-law, I have to protect you." Song Ci touched her head.

The weather is also good today, and she simply accompanies Song Ci to take a walk underneath.

"You were taking care of me a few days ago, now it's my turn." She looked up at him with a beautiful smile on her face.

"Do you still feel uncomfortable with your feet."

"The feet are pretty good, it's okay."

"Small." Song Ci suddenly straightened his face and put away the hippie smile from the past.

"What's wrong?"

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