Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1371: Dog brain tribute tea

Mother Song was a little distressed. She almost didn't want to split the two children, but when she thought of the way her son had fainted before, she was cruel again and did not say anything to dissuade her.

"Song Ci, I just want to break up. If you go to school, you will definitely have a bright future."

She smashed his fingers hard, but Song Ci tried too hard.

The boy's voice was hoarse: "Is I agree? I tell you Ruan Xihe, I don't agree to break up, you can only be my girlfriend in this life!"

"Song Ci's waywardness, I booked a two-point ticket, and I'm going to be late." She smiled lightly at Song Ci, looked at his red eyes, but her heart trembled unnaturally.

"No, you can't go if you don't say it clearly!" Song Ci hugged the person in his arms. He couldn't tell what kind of mood he was at this moment. Panic, fear, uncomfortable, wronged, too many negative emotions all gathered. Together.

Ruan Xihe frowned slightly, and sighed inwardly. I'm sorry to be so fierce. Separating from me, you won't be so tired. It's sad to be caught between your parents and girlfriend.

And from the beginning, I approached you with a purpose. Such a pure boy should be with a girl whose eyes are full of you. Sorry, fierce.

She raised her head and glanced at Father Song and Mother Song, and they understood that this meant asking them for help.

Father Song said solemnly: "Go, bring Song Ci back to me."


A few bodyguards walked over and separated the little girl and their own eldest master forcibly.

"Go away, don't touch me, believe it or not, I will kill you!"

"Go! Get out!"


But no matter how hard Song Ci struggled and how arrogant the words in his mouth were, after all, there were so many bodyguards, he was still restrained.

"Ruan Xihe! Ruan Xihe! Are you here to come back to me!"

"Ruan Xihe! Little, I beg you!"

"little guy!"

"Ruan Ruan, Ruan Xihe!" The blue veins on Song Ci's neck burst, his eyes were red, tears were in his eye sockets, his voice was hoarse, four or five people almost couldn't suppress Song Ci.

She left, riding the fine light rain in early September, and went to the taxi on the street to stop at random. She obviously only disappeared in this section of the street, but she was abruptly stripped from his life.

After years of separation, the two have not seen each other.

"Cracking" is the sound of opening the door.

Wen Queyi yawned and was about to come out to pour a glass of water.

I saw the scene of Bidong in just a few seconds.


She closed her eyes hard, then opened them again!

Thinking that I was not awake and had hallucinations, after taking a fixed look, Wen Queyi immediately turned his head, pretending to be casual and natural, and said that there was no silver three hundred taels in his mouth: "I didn't see it, what am I? I didn't see it, you continue."


The door is closed!

Both felt a little embarrassed, and Song Ci really did not expect that someone else would live in her suite.

Ruan Xihe pushed him away, went to the small refrigerator to get a bottle of refrigerated coffee and handed it to him.

Song Ci loved to drink this Nestlé before.

I haven't seen each other for many years. In fact, everyone has grown up and changed a lot. Sitting upright, the atmosphere is a little cold and I don't know what to say.

"It's too late today, so let's go back and rest early, Mr. Song."

Song Ci just sat and didn't leave as if he couldn't hear him.

He was stunned when he was young, and now it seems that this has not changed for so many years.

She was a little speechless, but at the beginning, that reason was quite ridiculous. She unilaterally blocked all of Song Ci’s contact information. Song’s father and Song’s mother let the bodyguards stare at him for a year. Later, when she and An Jing were transported together, Song Ci should have come back secretly.

She never bumped into Song Ci from start to finish, and An Jingyun must have done something in private at that time.

However, those past events are not important now.

Since Song Ci won't leave, Ruan Xihe can only spend with him.

"Who is your new boyfriend? I'm going to kill him." Song Ci smiled at Ruan Xihe, the corners of his eyes and brows were nasty. For a moment, the man in suit and leather shoes seemed to be the same as the man in casual clothes back then. The teenagers overlapped.

Ruan Xihe frowned slightly. Before she could say anything, the phone rang suddenly.

He Nanxian's video call.

She hurriedly reached for it, but it was a big, well-knotted hand faster than her!

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