Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1421: Kaihua Longding

"Brother, do you miss me?"

Obviously the sound of water was very loud, and her question was very light, but He Nanxian still caught her question very accurately.


"Where do you miss me?"

He Nanxian's fingertips were trembling, and his voice trembling fiercely: "Hehe, don't do this, I won't be able to control it."

"Then don't control it." She touched his shoulder blade lightly.

He Nanxian closed his eyes, his eyelashes trembling lightly.

This contradicted his principle, he didn't want to ask her before he got no place.

"Brother." She whispered to him softly.

He seemed to have made up his mind and turned around.

For a while, the offensive and defensive sides seemed to be transferred.

She stepped back and he drew closer.

【Omitted】【A river crab crawls over】

"Brother, how did you hold back just now?"

"I can hold it if I want to bear it. I don't want you to take medicine." He lightly nodded her forehead.

Ruan Xihe felt warm in his heart, and this man restrained his heart.

"Brother, I'm actually okay."

"Hehe, I love you, I don't want to do anything that might make you uncomfortable." He held her face with a serious look.

Today is the first time for the two of them. He Nanxian's mentality has indeed changed a bit, and his resistance to his girlfriend is basically gone. Before, he could pretend to be in front of him, but now he has given up resistance.

"Did I make you uncomfortable just now?"

"Fortunately, my brother is very good."

He Nanxian was a little embarrassed.

"I can write the marriage report first. If you don't want to get married, let's be a few years later." This is what he said after thinking about it for a long time.

Ruan Xi and his originally good mood suddenly clouded over.

Why do you want to say this happily.

She didn't want to say anything, so she went into the quilt.

"You and you can't avoid this problem all the time. I have a relationship with you. As a man, I need to be responsible to you, do you understand?" He Nanxian's thinking is still old-fashioned. He likes Ruan Xihe, thinking Treat her well and want to take care of her.

Moreover, the girl's body is the most precious.

If he has no follow-up at all, then he is a beast.

Ruan Xihe knew that he couldn't fool around today, so he had to get out, holding the quilt and sitting face to face with He Nanxian.

"Brother, let me talk about my thoughts."

"Okay, you say."

"Brother, I'm only 20 weeks this year. I don't lie to you. I still want to play and can't fix sex. I haven't thought of getting married in the past few years. Every time you mention this to me, I feel pressure. It's quite big, and I want to escape subconsciously, do you understand brother?"

Ruan Xihe couldn't lie to a person like He Nanxian, he might have been spotted.

So she simply told the truth, although the wording has been polished a lot.

"Okay, I get it, I'll wait for you."

After He Nanxian knew her true thoughts, she could actually understand it. The little girl was indeed still young, and she could also understand her resistance to marriage. Although he was a little disappointed in his heart, he still had to respect her thoughts.

Ruan Xihe knew that He Nanxian was not happy.

So she...

Aunt Zhuo wanted to ask them to eat, but when she arrived at the door, she stopped.

.................................................. ...............

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