Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1467: Kaihua Longding

"What's wrong, senior?"

"Sit down with your girlfriend again, and go to lunch together later, otherwise your cousin and I will feel embarrassed."

"This." Si Yuzhu looked at Ruan Xihe.

Ruan Xihe was a little speechless, but everyone said that, and it is not appropriate to leave now.


This blatantly refused, Si Qing's face was not good, so the four of them were still sitting here.

"Senior come over and stay for a few days?" Si Yuzhu began to actively look for topics. Although everyone knew that Qin Anzhen came here for a blind date, but staying a few more days will make the two more likely to succeed.

Qin Anzhen was in a complicated mood. He deliberately said just now that you and your girlfriend, but neither of them refuted. Although she knew that she could not be single all the time, she still felt very uncomfortable at this moment.

Even when responding to Si Yuzhu's question, he didn't have much energy, and felt a little weak: "Three days."

"Cousin, what do you want to ask? Both of you can talk." Si Yuzhu was trying hard to reconcile Qi Atmosphere, but he felt a little dissatisfied with Qin Anzhen in his heart. As the man came out for a blind date, the old **** was sitting on the ground. , It's rude not to speak.

Intense embarrassment.

Fortunately, Si Qing began to take the initiative to speak to Qin Anzhen.

"Where did Mr. Qin graduated?"

"B is big."

"How many girlfriends did Mr. Qin talk about?"

Si Qing went through the normal process and asked questions that everyone would ask.

Qin Anzhen paused with his fingertips and looked at Ruan Xihe subconsciously, but saw that she didn't even lift her head, her eyes were dizzy and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Ruan Xihe is just too boring to sit. If he weren't afraid of being rude, he might have taken out his mobile phone to play games.

"One." Qin Anzhen wasn't a liar, he had just had a romantic relationship once, and everything else came from the kidneys.

Ruan Xihe thought of the last time he ran into him, a pretty coquettish woman called his husband, tusk, this man is not telling the truth now.

But he has nothing to do with him now, Ruan Xihe is not going to mess with anything.

Although Si Yuzhu respected Qin Anzhen professionally, he still fell in this circle and had heard some rumors about Qin Anzhen.

The most talked about is that this man is bothered.

The women around him changed one by one, and some men might not have as many clothes as Qin Anzhen's women.

Many times, when he goes out to work, there may be traces of ambiguity on his neck and body.

Before Si Qing came, the family mentioned it, but now it's just a casual question.

But is Qin Anzhen's answer a bit unkind?

"I heard that Mr. Qin has quite a lot of confidantes." Si Qing's remarks can be said to be quite euphemistic.

"It's not a confidante, it's a bed friend." He didn't hide it, and the other three people were taken aback by this.

All the people who said that there was probably no one he wanted to be with, and speaking like this basically closed his right to choose a spouse.

Qin Anzhen would say this because Ruan Xihe had already seen it at the time, and he didn't like to deceive people since he was a child. The same thing is here, since he asked about it, he was not ready to lie.

Si Qing laughed dryly: "Mr. Qin is really frank."

"Mind if I smoke a cigarette?"

You can smoke here, but if the girls at the same table don't like it, Qin Anzhen doesn't need to smoke.

Ruan Xihe and Si Qing both shook their heads, saying that they didn't mind.

Qin Anzhen clicked on one, and he wanted to try his best to restrain the turbulent complex emotions in his heart.

"Senior, when was the only one you dated with?" Si Qing is a grown-up sister after all, and Si Yuzhu should always have a snack. The girl is embarrassed to ask this kind of question, so he will do it for him.

"When I was in my third year of high school, she called."

Upon hearing this, Ruan Xihe's smile that had nothing to do with him suddenly froze. What did Qin Anzhen say? !

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