Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1551: Angie White Tea

The security work in this community is well done because most of the security guards are some retired veterans.

I haven't "worked" for several years. When I heard that something happened today, everyone was so excited that I was looking forward to such a day!

It's been a long time since I took a shot, all of them are itchy.

Everyone wanted to catch turtles, and no one would let anyone else. In the end, there was no way but to decide to go together.

Chen Yuan is like this, let alone such a group of people, just a security guard is enough for him.

Soon the person was caught and sent to the property office.

He is now attempting to commit the crime, and he has not actually done anything. Watching the surveillance video, this person stayed in front of an owner for a long time. He was not sure what to do, and the evidence was insufficient. He had to be released first and then warned twice.

Chen Yuan couldn't steal the chicken, so he eclipsed the rice, and he is embarrassed and embarrassed here.

After going out, the bad water started to burst again.

He ran downstairs to Guo Yimeng's dormitory and waited.

The little girl was terrified today, how dare she come out, just in time for the weekend, he waited for two days in vain.

He needs to go to the broadcasting room to confess on Monday, so he must catch Guo Yimeng this morning to make this female cousin look good!

Guo Yimiao went to the cafeteria with his roommate, but the roommate’s bag was left inside. Let her stand here and wait for a while.

Chen Yuan immediately walked over when he saw the opportunity, covered Guo Yipi's mouth with his hand, and soon dragged him away.

The girl was struggling, but Chen Yuan was always smiling. The passing students used to be a fight between couples, so they didn't take care of it.

It just so happened that Ruan Xi and Send Wen came over today and they were going to go out to buy ingredients. They just saw this scene.

"I seem to have seen the man with a bad brain." She has only seen Chen Yuan in documents and videos, but in fact, she is not sure that she has made a mistake.

"It's him."

After 044 gave an affirmative answer, she stopped the car and got off.

A few steps caught up.

"Hey, what are you doing." Ruan Xihe was very direct, grabbing his collar, using inertia to pull the girl out, and pushing Chen Yuan to the ground.

Guo Yikian collapsed and hid behind Ruan Xihe and cried.

"I warn you, don't be nosy!" Chen Yuan made a fierce response. After a few seconds, he looked at Ruan Xihe carefully. Wen is too famous. Ruan Xihe always accompanied him to class. See you before Chen Yuan. pass.

"You are Wen Ye's girlfriend!"


Ruan Xihe suspects that speaking to such a person is disgusting|sick, and it is the scumbag who commits violence against women in public regardless of their wishes|will.

Chen Yuan laughed maliciously. He waited for Wen Ye all afternoon and didn't wait for them to go out. Now he has nowhere to look for them.

He stood up, originally wanting to take advantage of the male's natural height advantage to talk to Ruan Xihe, but when he stood up, he found that this woman was so tall that she was ridiculously tall, and his 1.75-meter tall was actually looking at her.

This aura weakened in an instant.

Chen Yuan had the courage to catch her, but Ruan Xihe twisted her arms and held them back directly. She pressed her knees hard and made people kneel down.

"What did you just want to do?"

Ruan Xihe sneered.

Violent unloaded his arm.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Such a screaming scream instantly attracted all the students in the past.

Ruan Xihe gently moved his arm before everyone had come to take a closer look, and violently took him back.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The scream was even worse.

"What are you doing in a daze? Call the police." Ruan Xihe glanced at Guo Yimeng, who was standing blankly. Why does this girl look so smart?

"Ah! Oh! Good!"

She hurriedly turned on the phone to call the police.

When the dean arrived again when he heard the news, it was already too late, and the cars in the patrol room had arrived at the school gate!

Ruan Xihe couldn't show up, anyway, she was a courageous act. After letting a few tall boys hold Chenyuan, she left.

Before leaving, the good guy did it to the end and mentioned Guo Yibian: "Let your dad go to the lawyer of the Green Light Firm to fight this lawsuit for you. He will definitely not be able to make it within five years."

"thank you."

She apologized very sincerely.


Ruan Xihe walked to the entrance of the cafeteria, and the car stopped there.

Just a few steps away, I saw the man who was not far away, wipe!

She immediately turned her head and walked a few steps, almost so frightened.

.................................................. ...............

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