Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1571: Angie White Tea

"Is there a girlfriend at 18?" The veteran cadre He Nanxian was taken aback. What was he doing when he was 18?

The children nowadays are so precocious?

"It's early for kids to fall in love now." The person in charge laughed. Many of the kids he came into contact with were second-generation, rich and handsome, with little girls behind their buttocks.

It's normal to fall in love.

"Go and tell him that you can, let him play well and don't be nervous." He Nanxian smiled gently.

It is indeed an unassuming leader.

"Okay." The person in charge went out.

Fu Xiu didn't want Ruan Xihe to be found by He Nanxian. If it were someone else, he still had a chance, but facing He Nanxian, he even sinned Xiao Xiang.

However, this man is very smart and alert, he can't act rashly, and he can be easily seen.


"Hehe, I have to remind you, I scanned that He Nanxian is also there, and he is sitting in the live broadcast room on the tower."

Ruan Xihe:......? !

"You just told me now?"

"I just found out that I didn't look inside the tower before." 044 also felt thrilled.

It is not realistic to run now, it makes no sense that the boyfriend is not in the game, right?

Take the exit cover from your pocket, fortunately you were prepared for it!

Although Ruan Xihe is confident in his makeup, many of the people on the court have spent three months with him day and night. She is afraid of overturning, so it is better to bring it.

Fu Xiu and An Jingyun were in the leadership seat. The row was sloppy, and they might not be able to see themselves, so it didn't matter.

Chu Yuzhi sat in the back row of her own, if she could recognize herself by looking at her hat, she would write the three characters upside down, Ruan Xihe!

That famous Q is more divergent, this is unexpected, but it seems to be expected again.

After all, the more the difference, the car was very powerful.

I just didn't expect to encounter it here.

"Hehe, do you want to avoid it?" 044 asked her.

"No." Ruan Xihe curled his lips: "The most dangerous place is the safest place. Don't worry, if I hide today, I will be a grandson."

044 is worried about Ruan Xihe's attitude, because people who usually say this are finally beaten by Zhenxiang!

Ruan Xihe was very arrogant. When the game started, she sat in a position with the best view to watch the game.

Just like all ordinary little girls, they danced with the palm of Wen Ye's name in their hands, no matter whether they heard it or not, they shouted cheering.

There are two kinds of games that drive people's emotions the most, a basketball and a racing car. It is so burning!

The commentator’s voice was passionate: "Dear viewers, the F1 qualifying race in the **** season is about to begin. This year there is a new star that has attracted much attention. He is Ferrari’s Wen Ye! Wen is also a flower planter. From the beginning of his debut, he has achieved a lot of results for the Ferrari team! F1 qualifying this year is the last track on the field. If Ferrari wins, it will win the championship of the year! The other is our veteran Q... ...."

When the car engine roared, too many people stood up excitedly and shouted for their favorite racers!

Ruan Xi and the uncle next to him liked the other driver and called each other's name loudly. Ruan Xihe couldn't lose, and called Wen Ye's name loudly. Although they couldn't hear them, they both wanted to overpower each other, as if they were supporting themselves. People who can win the same.

There is an empty seat on the left hand side, and I don’t know who is not here. If you buy this VIP seat ticket, it will be quite expensive!


An Jingyun and Fu Xiu were both sitting.

Suddenly, a man and a woman not far away were louder than the other, one shouting louder than the other.

Fu Xiu turned to look. The man was big and blocked the girl. He couldn't see his face. He only knew that he had combed his hair and was holding his hat down.

But the voice is familiar.

"The young people are crazy now," said an older leader sitting next door.

They nodded and agreed.

Ruan Xi and the small card pinched very tightly, this kind of game is too passionate, it looks good!

"Borrowed, thank you." A grim voice sounded from the back.

Then sat a tall man next to him.

The gold-rimmed glasses couldn't suppress the hostility between his eyebrows.

Ruan Xihe froze instantly.

.................................................. ...............

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