Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1678: Orchid Bitter Tongue

Ruan Xihe met Yue Jie's eyes, and the following words were stuck in his throat and couldn't speak. The boss of Yue was really black and cruel. He really did it by breaking his leg.

"Why are you here?" She didn't want to pick him up.

"Come to the hospital and visit Mr. Qi like you." Yue Jie just wanted to come and see her, otherwise he would be such a little old man who would belch someday and he would not raise his eyes.

Ruan Xihe had less sense of leisure just now, and the whole person was a little more honest.

Elder Qi also recognized Yue Jie.

"Vietnam is coming!"

He walked over and shook his hand symbolically with the old man.

As for Keith, he knew he was a rival in love.

For a while, the ward was also quite embarrassing.

"Boom, boom, boom." There was a knock on the door, and representatives of the major banks came to the door as soon as possible.

After all, the Qi family borrowed so much money, and the bank was more anxious than them when the company had this issue. The risk assessor was doing data all night, so there was no time to sleep.

Qi's biggest loss this time was due to the lack of core talents and a later compassionate compensation issue.

In the latter, insurance companies pay the bulk of the losses, but the losses of the former are immeasurable.

They judged that this time the Qi family would fall directly from the top of the pyramid in Shanghai to the third echelon.

So vitality is so bad that it won't work if you don't have the money, it's not early in the morning to collect debts.

Old man Qi almost didn't come up at once.

Huluo Pingyang was deceived by a dog. Once he lost his power, he realized that the human relationship was cold and warm. At the beginning, this group of people begged the Qi family for a loan.

"I'll find a way to pay it back." Qi Si has the vibe of a Confucian businessman. He will not be hysterical, nor will he arrogantly argue or beg, but this approach is very distressing.

"Return? What will Mr. Qi pay back?"

"After this is over, Mr. Qi has at least tens of billions of debts. Qi family currently doesn't have that much money."

"It's not unreasonable that we have to come over at this time, but the risk is too great, and we can't help it."

"Then what do you want."

"We don't want to do anything. In fact, judging from the current state of your company, it is most appropriate to report for bankruptcy and liquidation."

Give suggestions over there.

Qi Si sneered: "What if I don't?"

"Then repay the money. Our bank will not lend money to the Qi family anymore."

"Our bank is too."


Ruan Xihe frowned at hearing from behind.

"It's only the first day, everyone is too impatient, and speaking like this in front of the elderly, it is also the Lord who is unwilling to accumulate virtue for themselves." After Ruan Xihe interjected, these talents looked at Ruan Xihe. .

"Hey, President Ruan! You are here!"

"Hey, President Ruan, President Ruan!"

"Mr. Ruan is a coincidence."


Their attitude towards Ruan Xihe and Qi Si is completely different, one is flattering and the other is contemptuous.

However, before Qi's accident, the bank flattered Qi Si and was very respectful and polite!

"You don't borrow the Qi family anymore, are you?" Ruan Xi and his fingers gently pulled the small ring on their hands.

"Mr. Ruan, we also have difficulties."

"Yes, the risk is too great."

"Don't dare to take risks."

Ruan Xihe chuckled softly: "Okay, it's okay, don't borrow, Smith, you come in."

This is the true purpose of Ruan Xihe here today.

Smith came in with a contract.

Qi Si was also surprised, what on earth was she going to do?

A faint thought flashed in Yue Jie's mind the moment Smith came in.

He looked down slightly, Ruan Xihe is indeed a good girl, kind and courageous, decisive, and able to play in the market, but still maintain the human nature and adhere to the bottom line.

The icing on the cake is easy, but it is difficult to give charcoal in the snow.

Smith grinned and handed the contract in his hand to Qi Si: "Mr Qi, take a look. If you think there is no problem, please sign it."

Qi Si took a look, then looked up at Ruan Xihe in shock, "Ruan Ruan, you!"

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