Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1692: Orchid Bitter Tongue

It's so ridiculous. When Ruan Xihe was a student, he was always a model for a good student in the teacher's mouth. Unexpectedly, the first time he came to be a parent, it would be a counterexample.

Ruan Xihe's face was faintly hot against the hot eyes of the parents, she stood up: "Hello teacher, I am Qi Qingfeng's parent."

There is no confidence to speak this way.

"Are you his?" The teacher was a little confused, the girl was too young.

"I'm his sister."

"Qingfeng's grades were good when the school started, but in the past week, he often failed to complete his homework, and his test scores have been declining since the beginning of school. I hope you, as your sister, will urge your younger brother to study more often."

"Ok, yes, I will."

The teacher was originally angry and Qi Qingfeng. Recently, he often didn't hand in his homework. Originally planned to criticize him severely at the parent meeting, but seeing Ruan Xihe's good-looking and good attitude, he couldn't say anything that was unpleasant.

I was afraid I would cry for the little girl.

"I think you are not too old, how old are you." The teacher also asked casually.

"I am in my senior year and will graduate this year." Ruan Xihe smiled.

"Very good, which university?"

"Shanghai University."

This school really has its own light, a good old school!

Many years ago, when people of that generation mentioned Shanghai University, which one is not good, they used to be as famous as B, Q and Z.

That is to say, other schools have climbed up the rankings in the past few years, but in terms of the foundation, Shanghai University can definitely look down on many schools.

For a time, the parents in the class were amazed that Shanghai University is not easy to take exams, and the top universities in China!

Full of background, especially southerners, Fujian and Zhejiang, really recognize Shanghai University and Z University.

"I study so well by myself, and teach my younger brother more." Although the teacher said that there is no kind of teaching, but naturally he is more biased towards students with good academic performance.


"Sit down."

Ruan Xihe sat down, and she "smiled" and glanced at Qi Qingfeng who was standing on the corridor outside.

Qi Qingfeng, you are so good!

The boy shrank his head outside, not daring to look at each other with Ruan Xihe.

"Your sister Qingfeng looks so good." A boy walked over and whispered to him.


He also felt that Ruan Xihe was particularly good-looking, and he felt safe.

"But you caused your sister to be disciplined this time, will she scold you when she goes back?"

"" Ruan Xihe is especially gentle, shouldn't he be training himself because of this? Maybe?

He wasn't worried at first, but when he was told by this classmate, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated. Wouldn't he really have to be trained?

Ye Shaochen was not far from the two of them, and listened to these words.

He looked through the window and fell uncontrollably on her side face.

A tall nose, vermillion lips, dark and shiny blue silk, and a slender white hand holding a pen.

All this is inexplicable and confusing.

However, the most intractable thing is that when she looks at you, she is full of galaxies for an instant, affectionate and timeless, and her heart beats quickly and slowly, making people panic.

A parent meeting went through ups and downs like this.

When Qi Qingfeng came over, the teacher even stopped him and asked him to study hard with his sister.

"Next, you have to do your homework well, don't you know, your sister is admitted to Shanghai University, what is your goal? You can't be thrown too far by your sister." The teacher stared at Qi Qingfeng.

"I will study hard and strive to be admitted to Shanghai University."

"Okay, go and pack things."

"Okay, thank you teacher!"

Ruan Xihe followed Qi Qingfeng back to his seat.

Ye Shaochen also returned to his position and began to pack his books. The school stipulated that he was not allowed to put books in the bucket when he went back on weekends.

Ruan Xihe was standing next to him. Are all the kids that tall now?

But she didn't care too much, so she didn't notice Ye Shaochen's ears that were quietly red when she accidentally touched her hand.

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