Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1708: Orchid Bitter Tongue

Ruan Xihe didn't see it at first, but didn't realize it until Jiang Yachun approached.

She didn't think so much, but looked at the teenager and said, "Make this set of papers first."

After watching the video, Qi Siyu's face was already dark.

"Dr. Qi, aren't you busy now? Why did you call me?" Qi Siyu rarely called her during the day, but today was uncharacteristically.

"What are you doing?" Qi Siyu asked.

"Didn't I tell you, give my celebrity a make-up lesson." She was a little inexplicable.

"Make up class, is he dressed like this?"

Ruan Xihe only then carefully looked at Jiang Yachun and found that it was not appropriate.

"Yamel, go put on your clothes."

"Good." Jiang Yachun went to the back room to put on clothes.

Qi Siyu was on the phone, and he was really not happy.

"Doctor Qi, I'm sorry, I didn't pay much attention just now."

Qi Siyu pursed his lips. He is not very angry, but when faced with this kind of problem, no man would not mind.

"Where are you?"

Ruan Xihe reported the address.

He responded, only saying: "Wait for me to come."

Qi Siyu asked for leave, and went straight to the place Ruan Xihe said.

The little artist thought about her 100%. Although his eyes were very vague, he was a man, so he could tell.

When Jiang Yachun put on his clothes and walked out, what he still looked like was pitiful and helpless.

"Sister Ruan who was that just now?"

"My boyfriend."

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Before he entered the training camp, she was still single!

"Well, yes, by the way, he will come over in a while."

"Oh." He looked sad.

However, Ruan Xihe can't care too much now, only tutoring his homework first.

Qi Siyu came quickly.

After he arrived, he didn't act as a commander, as if he really just came over and took a look.

She showed the child the paper without changing her face. Qi Siyu was reading the book on one of the sofas. Of course, he never said a word to the other party whether it was Jiang Yachun during class or after class.

At noon, the agent brought the food.

Seeing Qi Siyu sitting on the sofa, he was taken aback. Who is this?

However, her eyes lit up right away, this appearance condition would definitely be hot!

"Boss, is this a male model?" The agent's tone was a little uncontrollable with excitement.

She wants to take this person, absolutely hot, if she is given full authority to operate, maybe a second Ji Wu can be created!

No, it will be even hotter than Ji Wu!


"Anyone, that's great, do you have a signed company, handsome guy, I'll take you with me, I'm sure to cheer you up!"

"Hey, don't, this is my boyfriend." Ruan Xihe was a little bit dumbfounded. Although the employees have this habit of digging people anytime and anywhere, she is very pleased, but Doctor Qi is a treasure in the medical world.

If this is to change into the entertainment industry, I am afraid that it is not the first country not to agree.

"Ah, this is your boyfriend!" The manager's fiery heart was instantly wiped out by a basin of cold water.

"Okay, he's a doctor, the kind of national treasure. I want people to change their careers, but the above doesn't agree. Come on, let's have a meal together." Ruan Xihe explained with a smile.

The agent's sister was relieved.

But it was a pity quietly in my heart: He looks so good, so he took the path of a strong medical country.


After dinner in the evening, Ruan Xihe was about to leave. Both of them drove. Originally, she was going to drive the car back, but Qi Siyu looked at her and said, "Sit down with me."

"Huh? Okay." She obediently went to sit in Qi Siyu's co-pilot.

He leaned over to help her fasten her seat belt.

The glasses were also removed, her tall nose was very garish, and the tip of her nose slipped across her face.

With a "click", the moment the button was buttoned, he also kissed her lips.

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