Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1779: Orchid Bitter Tongue


Ruan Xihe suddenly trembled after asking, she thought she might know what the method was.

"Forget it, I don't want to know anymore, don't talk about it, go to sleep."

She closed her eyes tightly.

044 knows that she must know, at this moment, my heart is very warm.

Its harmony will subconsciously put it first at all times.


After the drowning, although the journey did not end, the rest were normal scenic spots.

I bought gifts for Qi Siyu's parents and brought things to Qi Qingfeng and Qi Mingyue.

"Doctor Qi, after we go back, let's go to Gulangyu again together."


"Do you remember the first time we met?"

"Remember, on the bridge."

"You were so cold at the time."

"Me." He just thought she was pretty at the time, and he really had no other ideas.

"I'm going to find you to fight the table, you don't add friends to me, so straight." She wanted to laugh when she thought of the situation.

"I won't do this to you in the future."

"Well, I know, Doctor Qi, do you know how handsome you are when you play with the black umbrella? I fell in love with you at first sight."

He smiled and took her into his arms.

But it was also thanks to him not paying attention to himself, otherwise the enthusiasm could be maintained for a shorter period of time.

During the time when she followed Qi Siyu, she was very happy, just like it was fun. She teased him every day, watched his heartbeat, watched him fall, Ruan Xihe enjoyed the process very much.

However, sometimes I feel cruel.

But she has no choice. After a long relationship, she can’t maintain a high degree of enthusiasm. Ruan Xi and perfectionism, she can’t stand the flaws in this relationship, so why not stay in the hottest time?

Although the two are no longer together, every time they think of this process, they will feel happy and sweet. Except for the pain of breaking up, most of the rest are always good.

She has the highest tolerance, she has the best patience, she has the sweetest state, these are the favorites of men, but the first three months when she does her best, so Ruan Xihe is born Not suitable for being with people for a long time.

Of course, in addition to wantonly.

To fall in love is to be happy. Don’t fall in love when you are unhappy. Don’t be together with people who make you unhappy. Whether in life or in love, you must be with people who can make you happy.


After I went back, the countdown began.

Friday, June 17, weather: overcast

Ruan Xi and he personally prepared a table of meals and opened a bottle of wine.

The previously customized suit has already been made, and it has just been delivered.

Ruan Xihe gave both aunts a vacation.

I will leave by myself in the future, as long as the housekeeper comes to clean up the house for half a month.

Put the suit on the table.

Qi Siyu received a message from Ruan Xihe before leaving get off work, saying that he was waiting for him at home.

Bought her favorite milk tea and small cakes.

"Doctor Qi, you are back."

"milk tea."

"Thank you, Dr. Qi, you are so kind, to have dinner. I made this by myself."

He looked at her in surprise.

Ruan Xihe's craftsmanship is really good, and the food is delicious, delicious, and he has eaten a lot.

After eating, she did not ask Qi Siyu to clean up, but asked people to go to the leisure tea bar area on the balcony.

Ruan Xihe soaked a pot of Lanxin Buxue.

Push him a cup, savor the cup slowly.

The moonlight tonight is so good

The roses in the yard are also really blooming.

"Dr. Qi, I'm going to study abroad in September." Her tone is still slow, maybe because the night is too gentle, even her voice is stained with three or two points.

With a heartbeat, his fingers clenched the arm of the chair subconsciously.

Ruan Xihe glanced sideways at him, and continued to speak: "I'm going back to the Shanghai stock market to start preparing materials recently, so let's keep Dr. Qi apart for a while."

Qi Siyu lowered his head, his voice hoarse: "What does it mean to be apart for a while?"

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